Steve x Reader

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Background: Max —> Y/n's stepsister. Billy —> Y/n's brother. Neil —> Y/n + Billy's dad. Susan —> Y/n + Billy's stepmom/ Max's mom.

Also Steve and Y/n have been friends and both like each other but they aren't very close.

Neil is just as abusive to you as his is to Billy. Starting off when Billy gets yelled at for not watching Max except in this Neil is yelling at both of you. SLUR WARNING BC NEIL SAYS A SLUR!!

"Ok which shirt?" Billy asked holding up a red button-up and a black one. "The red one. They both look good but red looks better." I told him. Billy put the shirt on and looked at himself in the mirror, smiling. "You like yourself too much." I laughed. He rolled his eyes while smiling. Suddenly there was knocking on the door. Billy's smile dropped. "Billy?" Susan called and I looked at Billy irritated. "Yea I'm a little busy in her Susan." He told her rolling his eyes. "Open the door. Now!" Dad demanded. Billy walked over and opened the door. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I don't know you tell us." Dad looked at Billy then back at me. "I would but I don't know what's wrong." Billy said, walking back to his desk. "We can't find Max." Susan said. I frowned. "And her window was open." Dad added. Billy stayed quiet. "Where is she?" Dad asked. "I don't know." Billy answered. "You don't know?" Dad asked in disbelief. "She probably just went to the arcade. I'm sure she's fine." Billy assured them. "You guys were supposed to watch her." Dad told us. "We were but you guys were three hours late." I muttered. "And I have a date tonight." Billy added. "So that's why you were staring at yourself in the mirror like some fag instead of watching your sister?" Dad asked. "We have been looking after her all week!" Billy raised his voice. Dad nodded his head and turned Billy's music off. "And she is not my sister!" Billy added.

Dad was quick to push him against the wall. "DAD!" I called out. Billy looked at me with a look saying 'shut up' so I did. Dad lectured Billy, hitting him in the process, then told us both to apologize to Susan. "Neil it's fine!" Susan tried. "No! Nothing about their behavior is ok!" He yelled then turned to me after Billy said sorry. "Apologize." He demanded. "I'm not apologizing for your actions." I mumbled. Billy's eyes widened. He knew what was about to happen to me. Dad walked until he was right in front of me. "I'm sorry?" He demanded. I looked at him with glossed over eyes. "I said I am not apologizing for your actions! It was your fault you were late!" I cried. If looks could kill I'd be dead. He hit me unbelievably hard in the face. "Apologize and then go find your sister!" He yelled. I turned to Susan. "Im sorry." I smiled sarcastically. Dad walked out of the room and Susan stayed for a second. She watched me touch my face and start crying then walked away. He threw one of his rings, breaking something, then put his head in his hands. "Let's go find Max.." I muttered. I wiped my tears and walked out. Dad and Susan sat in the living room and I walked right past them. I walked outside and soon after Billy walked out.

-time skip to the Byers house.

We saw Steve Harrington waiting outside when we got there. We both got out of the car and walked to him. "Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?" Billy asked rhetorically. "Yea it's me don't cream your pants." He said sarcastically. "Have you seen our sister? She's about this tall," I estimated her hight. "Redhead-" Billy cut me off. "Bit of a bitch." He added. "Haven't seen her." Steve told us. "Who's that?" Billy nodded to the window. "Oh shit.." Steve muttered. Billy punched him. "Don't start a damn fight Billy lets get Max and go." I muttered, pulling him into the house. We walked in and saw Lucas Sinclair. Billy was pissed. "I thought I told you to stay away from him Maxine?" He asked. He really sounded like Dad. "Asshole you sound like Dad." I muttered. I faced Max. "Let's go." I demanded. She saw my tear stained face and bruised cheek. She shook her head. "Maxine..." I added sternly. "Let's leave before matters get worse for all of us huh?" I asked rhetorically.

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