Jonathan Byers x Reader

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I heard the sound of a camera click and turned around. "Jonathannnn." I whined smiling. He took another picture and laughed. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my waist. "Whats with all of the pictures lately?" I asked swaying side to side. He copied what I was doing.

"Welllll," He paused dragging out the word. "I just like taking pictures of beautiful things." He mumbled. I laughed and he kissed me. I kissed back and we both pulled away. "So I was thinking we could go out to eat tonight? Or maybe watch a movie?" He suggested. I nodded my head. "I think a movie sounds nice.. We can cook together later?" I said. He nodded and we kissed again, this time for longer.


We picked a horror movie and found our seats. "I've been waiting to watch this one." I mumbled. He hummed in response and the movie started.


I ran out to the car and he chased after me. "You'll never catch me!" I laughed out. It was night already and as calm as I acted I was very paranoid. Can you blame me though? With everything we have experienced I'm rightfully paranoid.


I unlocked my door and walked inside, Jonathan following. I don't live with my parents so it was just us. I pulled some pasta out of the pantry and started cooking it. "Make the pasta sauce please?" I asked him. He nodded his head and grabbed those ingredients.

I finished the pasta and hugged Jonathan from behind. "I love youuuuuuuu." I said dragging out the word 'love'. I saw him smile from the corner of my eye. "I love you toooooo."

"Thanks for taking me out tonight love." I said. "Yea. No problem." He said with a smile. He finished the sauce and I put two plates down with pasta on them. He poured the sauce onto it and took them to the table. He set the plates in front of seats parallel to each other. We sat down and started eating.

I sighed contently. "I think when we get married you'll just be the cook." I said. He choked on his pasta and look at me shocked. "M-Married?" He asked. I burst out laughing. "Aww you're so flustered right now!" I exclaimed laughing. He calmed down and laughed a bit. We finished eating and I cleaned the kitchen.

Jonathan waited for me in the room. I walked in and collapsed in my bed. "I'm so tired." I whined. He laughed at me and I stood up again. I got some clothes out of my dresser and changed. I laid down again and cuddled up to Jonathan. 

"I may not be Nancy wheeler but I sure as hell am something else." I laughed. I never genuinely cared that Jonathan had dated Nancy before me. I was definitely salty that he pulled a smart bitch and then lost her though.

He hummed in response. He never really liked it when I talked about her. Suddenly there was a knock on my door and someone burst into my room. Me and Jonathan both shot up. "Guys come on! Something happened!" There stood Mike, Will, and Eleven. "We have to get to Hawkins ASAP." Mike said. I groaned and threw a shoe next to my bed at them.

"No. Go away." I grumbled and laid back down. Will looked at Jonathan with hope. He groaned and shook me. "It's serious Y/n! Life or Death! And also people are after Eleven again." Will said.

"Whatever- Wait what? Again?" I asked. "Let's go!" Mike yelled. "OK DAMN. We'll be out in a few minutes." I yelled. "I already packed stuff for you Jonathan." Will said and dragged the other two back. He closed the door and I stood up. I threw the other shoe at me wall and rubbed my eyes.

"Stupid kids." I mumbled. Me and Jonathan quickly changed and I shoved a bunch of clothes in a suitcase with a few other necessities. I started to drag my suitcase out but Jonathan took and and ushered me out of the room.

"Do you guys want to explain what's going on now?" Jonathan asked. Mike and Will looked at each other and started stuttering. "Umm- Well-" Will cut Mike off. "People are after Eleven and they already checked Hawkins so we want to go there for safety-!" He said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever let's get a flight." I mumbled.


We started packing our stuff into my car when a blonde girl came up to us and pushed Eleven. "Y'know you could've killed me you brat! You're such a little baby!" She yelled. I pushed the girl back and stood in front of Eleven. "Well obviously she didn't even though she should've. Get out of here." I said. She looked at me shocked and I stood there impatiently.

"Ok if you don't leave now I am going to be the one to kill you and trust me I would get away with it." I said. She looked scared and ran away while her little minions scared. "Do you wanna end up like her?" I asked. They quickly ran away and I shut the trunk of my car.

I sat in the passenger seat while Jonathan took the drivers seat. The kids shuffled into the back seats and we started driving off.


When we got into Hawkins Jonathan pulled into Mike's house. "If this gets awkward we're leaving." I said sternly. Mike coughed. "By the way we lied no one is in trouble." he said and all three of them shuffled out and ran into the house. "Oh you little shits!" I yelled. I quickly got out of the car and chased them.

I ran into the house and Jonathan walked in after us. I stopped in the kitchen when I saw Nancy. We made eye contact and I saw Steve walk in. "Ayeee!" He said excitedly. "Ayeee!" I said with the same energy. Jonathan walked up behind me and gave an awkward smile to Steve and Nancy.

"Ok so where did the little crabs go?" I asked. Nancy pointed to the basement and I rushed down there. "Why is she trying to kill them?" Steve asked. "They lied and said Eleven was in trouble and that we had to leave ASAP." Jonathan laughed.


1046 words.

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