Robin x Reader

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Me and Robin were walking around town when I noticed a shelter. "Robin!" I exclaimed. "What?" She asked concerned. "There's a shelter." I whispered. We had the same look in our eyes. "We have to get one!" We both said at the same time. We laughed and ran to the shelter. Once we walked in a puppy immediately caught my eye. "Robin look!" I whisper-shouted. I hit her lightly and she turned to me. "What?" She asked.

She followed my gaze and saw the puppy. We made eye contact. "That one." I said. She nodded. We bought the dog and ran to the nearest pet store to get the necessities. When we paid for the items I put the collar and leash on it. Me and Robin rushed back to our shared house and called Steve over.

Once he got there and saw the puppy he looked at us unamused. "You did not buy a puppy." He said in disbelief. "Yes we did. She's right here." I pointed to the dog. "You can't even take care of yourselves let alone a god." He said. "Hey dogs are more important. We take care of the most important things first." Robin said and I agreed. Steve rolled his eyes. "I swear on your lives if you start asking me to puppy sit I'm going to kill you." He said seriously. Me and Robin smiled. "You're a liar. You can just take her with you when you watch the kids." I told him. He looked at us with no humor in his eyes.

"You two are so unbelievable. I already have to deal with the kids I do not need a dog on top of it. Take care of your own animals." He said irritated. "Fine." Robin raised her hands in defeat. "I know you'll come around eventually." We both laughed and Steve rolled his eyes again. "I'm so done with you guys." He muttered. The puppy ran up to him and started jumping on him. He knelt down to pet the puppy. "Aw you are pretty adorable.." He mumbled. "So you will watch her sometime maybe???" I suggested. "Maybe." He sighed out. Me and Robin high fived and Steve stood up. "Welp I've gotta go. Henderson wanted me to go somewhere with him." He said before walking out of the house.

"Honestly we're just skilled. It's like we could get Steve to do anything." I laughed. It was getting around 6pm so robin fed The dog. "Ok so we can take turns feeding her?" She suggested. "Alright." I agreed. "We should buy her little outfits." I said. Robin nodded her head. "Well now that you said it I think we have to. It's mandatory now." She said. I agreed and we put the pupper in her crate. "We'll be back soon alright?" I assured the dog who really didn't care about what I was saying.

Me and Robin stopped at the pet store again and picked out some outfits and toys. "She'd look so adorable in this one!" I exclaimed. Robin nodded her head enthusiastically. "And this one." She picked up another outfit. We picked out a few more outfits and toys before paying and rushing home to the waiting dog. As soon as we put the bags down I got her out of her crate.

"Lets go outside." I told the dog and rushed to the backdoor. She followed and I let her into the backyard. We put the toys and clothes in their respected bins. I finally heard scratching on the door and let her back in. I grabbed the dog bed that we bought earlier and put it next to me and Robins bed.

I laid down and sighed. Robin and the dog got on after me and I cuddled up with Robin. The dog laid against my stomach and fell asleep immediately. Me and Robin talked for a while before finally going to sleep peacefully.


650 words.

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