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SPOILERS********* You are already dating btw

I had recently asked Eddie to sell me some drugs. I had been buying for a few years. I may or may not have failed my last senior year with him. I failed 5th and 6th grade so we failed the same amount of years. I was walking to his trailer when I noticed a someone watching it from their window. I shrugged it off and knocked on the door. He let me in and I walked straight to what I wanted. Chrissy was awkwardly standing off to the side. "Well I'll be damned." I laughed.

Chrissy shifted uncomfortably. "Why are you buying drugs Chrissy? I asked her. She just shook her head. "I'm just losing my mind." She mumbled. "Aren't we all?" I laughed. I left the amount of money I owed on his table and waited for him to come back. Chrissy's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started shaking slightly. "Chrissy?" I called.

I shook her and she didn't move. "Hey- uh Eddie!? I think we have a problem." I called out to him. He rushed in with some drugs then saw Chrissy.

-that whole scene bc i am lazy-

We quickly ran out and rushed to his car. I grabbed the drugs because he was too focused on leaving to think about it. He quickly drove to his drug dealers house and we hid out in the shed.

-Time Skip To When Dustin and Them Walk In.-

Someone was poking the tarp we were under and people were arguing. "Steve just pick up the tarp." Someone grumbled. "No with the amount of near death experiences that we have all been in-" Eddie cut him off by jumping up and pushing him against the wall with a knife(or glass I don't remember sorry-)

"Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!" Some kid called. "It's just us man. We aren't going to hurt you." He said. Eddie wasn't convinced. "I swear on my mother!' He raised his voice. "On Dustin's mother." Nancy said. "R-right yea on-on Dustin's mother." Some other girl stuttered out. Eddie back up and covered the tarp back over where we were hiding. I was still buried beneath it and no one noticed me. "Why is there a bump still there?" Nancy asked. The boy Eddie almost attacked was about to poke at it before Eddie stopped him.

"Watch it buddy." He said. Eddie uncovered me and I slowly stepped towards Eddie. "Holy shit." Dustin mumbled. "Are you Y/n?" He asked. Eddie awkwardly looked away when I looked at him and I smirked. "Yea." I answered. "Eddie has told us so much about-" Eddie cut him off. "Henderson!" He shushed him and Dustin raised his arms up in defense. I extended my hand to him. "Dustin right?" I asked. I leaned over next to his ear. "Don't worry Eddie has told me so much about you and Mike Wheeler." I whispered before leaning back up and putting a finger in front of my mouth.

He smiled and looked at Eddie then back at me. "What happened to Chrissy?" Dustin asked. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Eddie muttered rubbing his eyes. "Trust me," Nancy started. "We will."

"Didn't you graduate already? Why are you hanging out with the kid." I asked Nancy and Steve. I didn't know the other girl. Steve looked down ashamed and Nancy looked confused. "That's what you care about?" Nancy asked. We always had issues throughout school and needless to say she didn't like me. "Dustin is friends with my brother." She explained, annoyed. Eddie looked at her. "You're Wheelers sister aren't you?" He asked. She nodded awkwardly.


Me and Dustin ran calling after Eddie. The bats were swarming Eddie and picking at him. Suddenly they all fell down and we rushed to Eddie. Dustin put his head in his lap. "Oh God Eddie.." Dustin called out. "bad huh?" Eddie asked with blood in his mouth. "No. No we just gotta get you to a hospital. "Ok.." He answered. Dustin started trying to lift him up. "Just-Just give me a second ok?" Eddie told him, his voice wavering. 

He smiled. "I didn't run away this time right?" Eddie asked in pain. "No.." I choked out, fighting back tears. "No you didn't." I held his hand tightly and adjusted him to lay in my lap instead. He turned his head to Dustin. "You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me ok?" He asked Dustin. "No you're gonna do that yourself." Dustin cried. "Nah man. Say 'I'm gonna look after them'." Eddie pleaded while Dustin shook his head and cried. "Say it.." he pleaded. "I'm gonna.." He croaked. "I'm gonna look after them." He sobbed. "Good." Eddie mumbled. 

"Cause I'm actually gonna graduate." Eddie chuckled. "I think it's my year Henderson. It's finally our year." He looked back at me with the second sentence. "I love you man." Eddie mumbled to Dustin. Dustin cried. "I love you too." He croaked out. Eddie turned to me. "When you get your diploma flip the principal off for me ok? And keep my rings on. I want you to have all of them. I let out a sob. "No.. you're going to flip off the principal yourself. You can't leave me I'll have no one else please." I sobbed.

He smiled at me. "I love you." He told me. "I love you too." I cried. He stopped moving. "eddie? Eddie? Eddie!" Dustin called out crying. I sobbed.


924 words. I'm gonna kms. I loved Eddie.

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