Jonathan x Reader

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(I swear this one wasn't chosen by me 💀 btw you are 18 in this and if your mom isn't chill irl she is in this ig)

I woke up to the phone ringing. "Y/n! Will you get the phone!?" My mom yelled up to me. I groaned and picked up the phone next to my bed. "Hello?" I said in an annoyed tone. "Hey beautiful." I heard Jonathan say chuckling. "Oh hey." My mood immediately changed and I didn't sound annoyed anymore. "What'd you need?" I asked.

"Do you want to go on a date later? Will is going to his friends house for the night and my mom is going to be with her boyfriend." He asked me. "Yea sure! What time?" I asked. "Lets say seven?" He suggested. "Ok I'll see you later love. I love you." I said. "I love you too." After that I heard the phone beep signaling that the call was over. I put the phone down and ran downstairs.

I explained to my mom what happened and she had a huge grin on her face. "That sounds like he wants to sleep with you." She said excitedly. "What? No! He isn't like that. Hes never even suggested that." I mumbled embarrassed. "Ok. Whatever you say." She threw her hands up defensively. "But you better tell me what happens so I can know if I was right." She said. "Mom!" She laughed. "Alright alright."

-time skip to 7

I had changed into a casual pretty dress and did my hair and makeup. I put one of Jonathan's jackets that I had on after hearing it was going to be chilly tonight. I heard honking outside and I rushed to put my shoes on. I sped down the stairs. "Bye mom! I'll be back tomorrow!" I yelled. "Ok be safe!" She yelled back.

I quickly went outside and slowed down my pace as I went to his car. I got in and turned to give him a quick kiss before he started driving. "You look gorgeous." He said while grabbing my hand with his free hand. "Thank you." I laughed. "And you look handsome." I told him. He chuckled and squeezed my hand.

He drove to my favorite restaurant. He got out and walked to my side of the car. He opened the door for me and got out. He closed the door. I turned to face him with a smile. "I'm excited to eat. I'm so hungry." We both laughed at my comments and we walked inside. Once we got to our seats and sat down the waiter asked what we wanted to drink. "Can I get a (f/d) please?" I said. Jonathan ordered his favorite and the waiter went to get our drinks.

When he came back he handed us our drinks. "Have you decided on your meals?" He asked. We both nodded and I ordered first. Jonathan ordered after and the waiter left again.

When we finally got our food we were both surprisingly quiet. He normally listened to me talk but I didn't have anything to talk about today. He looked up at me. "Are you okay?" He asks. I look up at him and smile. "I'm fine. I just surprisingly have nothing to talk about." I laughed. He looked at me confused then smiled. "What?" I asked feeling a little awkward. "I just realized you're wearing one of my jackets." He said.

"Well I heard it was going to be cold tonight and your jackets are more comfortable then mine." He laughed at my excuse and I smiled.


On the drive home we talked about every topic my mind could come up with. My brain remembered the conversation with my mom and I became flustered again just thinking about it. I leaned my head back. "Do you talk to your mom about me?" I asked. He laughed. "Yea. Why?"

"I told my mom about her phone call earlier and she made it awkward." I covered my face with my hands. "How?" He asked laughing at me. "By being as suggestive as my mother is." I groaned. He knew how my mom is and the comments she made. "Was that why you were so quiet tonight?" He asked me. I nodded. "Yea. I don't know. The way she said it was different then normal." I laughed nervously. "And what are you suggesting there Y/n?"


When we got in his room we both laid down. He closed his eyes but wasn't asleep yet. I climbed on top of him straddling him. His eyes shot open and he put his hands on my hips. "I thought you were too flustered for this?" He chuckled. "Maybe not anymore." I mumbled. He swapped our positions. We started kissing slowly escalating what we were doing. His tongue shot into my mouth the first chance he got and then we heard the front door open loudly.

He looked at his door and debated going out there. He heard his mom and Bob in the hallway but not in a good way. We both looked at each other. "Window?" He suggested. "Window." I said. We both climbed out the window careful not to knock anything over. We rushed to the car and he hurried to get away from the house.

On the way to my house I burst out laughing. He looked at me. "What?" He asked smiling a bit. "I can't believe I had to hear that." I said laughing between some words. He laughed a bit and I eventually calmed down.


When we got to my house I walked in and dragged Jonathan up the stairs. Before we got all the way up the stair I heard my mom. "Oh so I was wrong? Or should I be leaving?" She asked with a smile. "Mom!" I said. I grabbed Jonathan's hand and pulled him faster up the stairs. Once we got upstairs I closed the door and jumped on my bed. Jonathan laid beside me and started kissing my neck leaving small but noticeable hickeys.

"I need to change." I mumbled getting up. I quickly changed into an oversized shirt I stole from him and laid back down. "Ok you can continue now." He laughed at what I said but continued nontheless.


1032 words. Lmao usually I am deciding to write about Jonathan but this time the wheel chose him. Dw I'll write about someone else/a few different people tonight.

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