Jonathan -> Billy x fem!Reader

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Me and Jonathan were walking out of class with Nancy when Tina handed me and Nance a paper. I crumpled the paper up. "Hey, uh, could I get one more?" Nancy asked Tina. "Sure." She smiled. Nancy slammed the paper on Jonathan's chest. "You're coming to this." She told him.

" 'Come get sheet faced' " he paused. "Yea, no." He declined. "Oh come on you won't be doing anything." She laughed. "I'm going trick or treating with Will." Jonathan defended. Nancy then went on to describe what he would really be doing. "Sounds like a pretty nice night." He laughed. I felt like I was third wheeling. Steve came around and picked Nancy up. Jonathan looked jealous. I felt forgotten. Jonathan turned around and kept walking while I followed him.

I held his hand and he hesitantly complied. "Hey I got you something." I smiled excitedly at him. He looked guilty. "What is it?" He asked. I pulled out a ring. "I know it doesn't look like much but it's pure silver!" I exclaimed happily. "Are you sure? I don't want you to waste so much money on me.." he mumbled. "It's fine!" I told him. He smiled at me and put it on.


Jonathan took me to Tina's party with him despite my protests. Once we got there I almost immediately lost Jonathan. I sighed when I noticed he left me. I was wearing a short black dress. In all honesty I was trying to impress Jonathan but he didn't even spare me a glance.

I ignored that fact, convincing myself he loved me. When I looked over to the keg contest I noticed someone take Steve's place as king. He looked at me and I turned away. There was a scene with Steve and Nancy they both went into the bathroom. The boy from earlier walked up to me. "Hey princess." He greeted with a smirk. I smiled awkwardly looking past him to see Jonathan with Nancy. My heart broke at how lovingly he looked at her.

Everything from these past weeks settled in and I realized a hard truth. I looked at the boy in front of me. "Um hi." I said. "I'm Billy, what's your name?" He asked. "Y/n." I smiled. "I have to go but I'll see you around?" I said fighting back tears. He looked at me confused. "Are you.. alright?" He asked. "I'm fine." I lied before turning around and walking out of the house.

When I closed the door I heard it reopen and close after me. Someone grabbed my wrist and I quickly spun around. I sighed when I realized it was Billy and not some rando. "Yes?" I asked. "Do you need a ride home?" He asked me.

3rd pov? (I think😭)

Billy didn't know why but something forced him to go after her. He rushed out after her and grabbed her wrist. She spun around shocked but quickly relaxed. He smirked knowing she felt some sort of safety to not freak out. "Do you need a ride home?" He asked her.

- Y/n pov and the next day at school.

Jonathan hadn't shown up to pick me up so I started my walk to school. A blue Camaro(?) Started pulling up beside me and I saw Billy. "Need a ride?" He asked with a smirk.

- Billy pov

I saw Y/n on the side of the road. Something compelled me to be nice I don't understand why but it was there. "Hey Max?" I called. She hummed in response. "Do you mind if I pick up that girl? She's one of my friends and no I'm not screwing her." I asked her. She looked shocked. "I don't care. Do you want me to climb in the back?" She responded. I nodded my head and pulled up to Y/n. "Need a ride?" I asked with a smirk.

- back to Y/n pov
I saw a girl give me a sympathetic smile. I went to the passenger's side and got in. "You didn't tell me you had a sister?" I said confused. "She's not my sister." He jaw tightened. I sat silent for a second. "Wait then why-" he cut me off. "Would you drop it?" He asked annoyed. I raised my arms in defense. "Ok sorry." I mumbled.

I turned around to face the girl in the back. "I'm Y/n." I introduced myself happily. "I'm Max." She smiled, clearly amused. Once we got to the school I quickly got out of his car, quickly thanking him for the ride. I saw Jonathan with Nancy and they were pretty close.

I walked over to them. "Hey Jonathan? Can we talk?" I asked quietly. "Yea? Of course." He walked with me somewhere more quiet and secluded. "What's up?" He asked worriedly. I looked away from him to prevent him seeing my eyes. "I um.." I paused, looking for the right words. "I think we should break up." I looked up at him. He seemed shocked but not hurt. "Where's this coming from?" He asked. I breathed in slowly. "I feel like it's obvious Jonathan.." I trailed off and looked at Nancy. He followed my gaze and looked back guiltily. "Y/n.. I'm so sorry." He mumbled. I smiled at him. "It's alright." I laughed nervously and hugged him one last time. "Bye Jonathan." I smiled at him before walking back to Billy's car.

He was smoking and leaning on his car. "Hey Billy?" I called quietly. He looked at me. "Hey princess." He smirked. "Can we skip today? We can just come back to pick up Max or something I just really need to leave." I rambled, looking up at him with tears in my eyes. He stood still for a moment before nodding his head. We got in his car and drove off.

He eventually pulled into an abandoned parking lot. (Just roll with it-) "Mind telling me why we're skipping?" He interrupted the silence. "I broke up with my boyfriend and he wasn't hurt. He was guilty I guess? He liked someone else so yea." I said. I laughed a bit. "Never thought that would happen."

"I'm sure the girl isn't better than you." He tried comforting me. "Nancy Wheeler? Worse than me?" I laughed. "She's pretty hard to beat but you for sure can." He said. We sat in silence for a while.

He leaned over to me. "If it makes you feel any better I'd pick you over her any day." He smirked when he saw the goosebumps on my skin. We made eye contact and he licked his lips, looking back and forth between my lips and my eyes.

I slowly leaned in and kissed him. His hands cupped my cheeks and mine wrapped around his neck. I slowly crawled my way into his lap and straddled him.

- After that cause I can't write smut 💀

The drivers chair was fully reclined back and I laid on top of him. "We totally just rushed into this." I laughed. He rubbed circles on my back. "But it's worth it. You're actually pretty good y'know that?" He said. I hid my face in his chest. "I don't understand why your boyfriend didn't like you anymore. You're genuinely an amazing person." He admitted. "Billy Hargrove can be cheesy?" I asked laughed. He rolled his eyes. "I'm being serious." He said. "Well you're a pretty amazing person too." I told him.
1241 words 😭

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