Steve x Reader

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I'm going to base this off of somewhere I go a lot. It's a family property. I'm going to try and give as much detail to explain some things as possible. If it doesn't make sense I'm sorry 😭 also we're going to pretend there were cell phones in the 80's💀
There is also going to be something that I'm currently feeling like in this so- ALSO these are your extra imaginary family members guys 😭😭😭😭😭

!!Mentions of eating disorder!!


I shook Steve awake at 9am. He looked at me annoyed. "What?" He sighed. "We've gotta get ready to go!" I exclaimed. He looked at his alarm clock and groaned. "UghhhhHhHhhhh." He whined. He got up slowly and stood, stretching his body. I went into the kitchen and started packing some fruits and drinks into the cooler. I went back into the room and packed anything I hadn't yet. I was awake about an hour before Steve getting ready.

Steve, after getting ready, packed the cooler and our bags into the trunk of his car. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded, smiling widely. I was going to see my cousins and aunt today. I was so excited to see them. It took us three hours to get there but when we finally got there and I saw that van I rushed inside. I saw two dogs that I didn't recognize but ignored it. I rushed over to my aunt and hugged her. She hugged back. "Hey Y/n!" She exclaimed. She was always hyper. "I went over to my cousins and hugged them both. "Hey guys!" I said happily. They smiled and said 'hi' back.

I went to say hello to my grandparents then my parents and sat down. Steve finally walked down and my excitement bubbled up again. I shot up from my seat with a huge grin. "Everyone, this is my boyfriend Steve!" I smiled. "Steve those are my cousins," I pointed to them. "Aaron, Jackie, and Lia." I pointed to each one. "My grandparents just call them granny and papa. Then you already know my parents." He greeted everyone then sat down next to me. I suddenly got a great idea. "Hey, granny, I'm gonna take Stevie on the 4 wheeler if that's fine?" I asked. She smiled and assured me it was alright. I practically dragged him out there and jumped onto the 4 wheeler. He got on quickly after me.

I pulled out of the barn it was in and started driving slow ish on the gravel road. There were trees to my left and a fence to my right. "You ready?" I yelled over the engine. "For what..?" He asked. I started speeding past the tall grass. "WOAH SLOW DOWN N/N!" Steve yelled. I laughed and went faster. When we were starting to get close to the open field I slowed down. I saw deer in the field. "Steve look!" I exclaimed at the deer. We watched them for a bit before speeding off again. Steve was hanging onto me for dear life. Eventually I drove us back to the house. It was just in time for lunch. We were out for an hour and got back at 1pm. I did want to eat so I sat on the couch. No one in my family knew about my eating disorder so this was perfectly normal to them. I always told them I would eat later. Steve sat at the table and I sat next to him. He scooted his plate over to me and looked at me expectantly. "I'm not hungry." I mumbled. "Just eat a little bit please?" He asked. I reluctantly ate a few pineapple pieces.

"If you get hungry please eat. I'll even get you a plate if you want." He told me. I nodded my head. "I'm really not hungry right now but I'll eat later okay? I pinky promise." I smiled and held out my pinky. Steve rolled his eyes and locked pinkies with me. "We should play Mexican Train!" My cousin, Lia, said. "No you're way too good at that game" Everyone complained. "We should play cards against humanity." I laughed. Eventually everyone agreed (except granny) and we dealed the cards. When we got through a few rounds I was already starting to win. "Oh come on." Steve whined. I laughed. My phone started ringing and Dustin's name appears on my screen. He was face timing me. I answered and set the phone up on a vase.

"Hey man!" I exclaimed. "Hey. What're you guys doing?" He asked. "Losing at cards against humanity." Steve groaned. "If you-" I stopped myself from finished that sentence. "No finish the sentence Y/n." Steve smirked. "So what's you need Dustin?" I asked, placing my card for the next round down. "I'm bored and Everyone's too busy to talk right now." Dustin complained. "Bet I can tell you what a couple of people are doing right now." I raised my eyebrows and chuckled lightly. Dustin and Steve scrunched their faces in disgust. "Well Dustin try face timing Will. I don't want to bother my family by being on the phone bud." I frowned at the screen. "Ok.." Dustin frowned. "I'm sorry man. I'll call you back later alright?" I suggested. He nodded his head and said goodbye. I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket. "Man I miss the kids already." I sighed. "The kids?" Jackie laughed. "They're not actually our kids." I laughed. "We're just always baby sitting them." I explained.

Eventually we finished playing. I won. I made a group face time call with the party. Everyone answered and I smiled. "Hey guys!" I exclaimed. "Hey." They all replied. Aaron walked behind us and flipped them all off. I laughed. "I'm gonna tell your mom." I rolled my eyes. He just laughed. "Whatever you say." He smiled. "Go get some sleep. We're going to the river tomorrow." I smiled. He said good night and left. "Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that your favorite people are coming home on Wednesday." I told them. "Ok." Mike said and hung up. I rolled my eyes. "He's such a jerk." I laughed. "I bet I know what him and El are doing right now."

Lucas got bored and hung up. Him and Max being on the same phone and eventually Dustin had to go too. "Is there anything you wanna talk about before we hang up?" I asked Will. "No. I think I'm okay." He smiled. "Ok. We'll make sure if you need to to call me." I told him. We said goodbye and I hung up. Steve shook his head. "You really do treat them like your kids." He laughed. "They can be the six little nuggets dream and then whenever I have kids we can have like 1 or 2 cause I'm sure as hell not giving birth 6 times." I laughed. Steve huffed. "I guesssss." He said with a small smile. I cuddled with him and we eventually fell asleep.


I put everything in the trunk and turned to Steve. I didn't want to leave yet. I wasn't going to see my Cousins for a while after this. "I don't wanna go." I whispered, holding back tears. "I feel so empty without them." I frowned. Steve hugged me. "It's ok. You'll see them again eventually. We can make plans for them to stay in Hawkins sometime and they can meet everyone." Steve smiled. I nodded then went to say goodbye to everyone. I hugged my cousins and aunt. Jackie, Aaron, and my aunt left. I said goodbye to Lia and my grandparents.

-time skip to next year, the Fourth of July-

I was setting up two guest bedrooms because Aaron and Jackie were coming to visit. I was ecstatic. When I heard the doorbell ring I rushed to open it. "Hey guys!" I exclaimed. They said hello and walked inside. Steve walked out of the room wearing basketball shorts and no shirt. I twirled my finger, signaling to go change, he rolled his eyes and went back to the room. I heard the doorbell ring again and I opened the door. There was Robin with popcorn and movies. I hugged her. "I totally forgot about tonight! Sorry!" I sighed. She laughed. "It's fine." Jackie and Aaron walked back out and saw Robin. "Who's she?" Aaron asked. "Me and Steve's best friend, Robin." I smiled. "You guys should meet everyone!" I suggested. They said sure and I messaged the group chat. "Alright let's go!" I exclaimed happily.

-at a hangout place-

The party, excluding Will and El, Nancy, and Eddie were all there. "Hey guys! These are my cousins. Aaron and Jackie." I smiled. They introduced themselves and we all sat down. I smiled at how easily my cousins got along with the party. Dustin loved Aaron. I'm sure they were best friends now. Jackie got along with everyone. She's very friendly so it makes sense. Aaron didn't seem to have any problems so that was good. Eventually their mom got them the next day. I laid back on my bed, exhausted. Steve laid next to me and I turned to face him. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." He kissed me and eventually we fell asleep.
1556 words

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