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Tonight was the Snowball. Billy's stepsister, Max, was going to hang out with friends. I was holding Billy's hand while walking and we walked by his stepmom doing Max's hair. Billy stopped and looked at her. They made eye contact. I knew about their rocky relationship and I knew why he acting like that. I broke down his walls and gained his trust. I nudged him. "Compliment her," I mumbled. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Come on." I elbowed his side. We walked closer and he paused. "You look really nice, Max." He mumbled quietly. She gave me a questioning look because she hadn't heard him. I elbowed him again. "You look really nice, Max." He complimented her louder. Her eyes widened. "Uh, thanks?" She stuttered out confused. "You look really pretty. I'm sure your boyfriend will love it." I smiled. "Thanks, Y/n!" She smiled sweetly. Billy cleared his throat and I laughed. "Tell me the details later," I exclaimed. "Not in my room!" Billy said irritated and Max and I laughed.

"Just try and fix your relationship with her. I'm sure she'll love to have a supportive brother by her side." I told him the second we got into his room. "I'm trying! I swear!" He raised his voice distressed. I walked up and kissed him. He sat down and ran his hands through his hair. "I don't know how to fix this." He muttered. I rubbed his back. "It's alright. I'll help you fix everything. "I assured him. "In the meantime though, let's get ready for our date and take Max to her dance. I smiled at him.

-In the car.

"Y/n does this look good?" Max asked quietly. I assumed she was scared to irritate Billy. I turned to face her. "You can talk louder Max." I smiled warmly at her. "And yes you look perfect. Right, Billy?" I asked. He choked, not knowing what to say. He looked at her through the mirror. "Yea, what she said." He agreed. Max's eyes widened and she looked at me. I smiled, turning back around.

-At the school.

"I'm gonna walk her in. I'll be right back." I told Billy, kissing him before getting out with Max. I walked with her into the school. "He's trying to fix your relationship." I blurted out. She looked at me shocked. "What?" She choked out. "Billy," I paused. "He's trying to fix your relationship. He feels terrible about everything." I explained. She turned to me and hugged me. "Thank you." She smiled. I smiled back. "No problem." I sighed. I saw her friends and saw them looking at us. "Alright go enjoy yourself. We'll pick you up later." I pushed her gently in her friend's direction and walked back out to Billy. I smiled at the car behind us, Steve. I waved and he waved back. I got in Billy's car and he drove off. "Was that Harrington?" Billy asked. I nodded my head.

"Yea he was dropping Dustin off." I smiled at the memory of Steve looking at Dustin. Steve was like his older brother and it was adorable.

-After the dance.

When we pulled into the school I saw the group outside with Steve, Jonathan, and Nancy. I got out of the car and Billy followed. "Hey guys!" I called out. Billy glued his eyes to the ground. I grabbed his hand and stopped when we reached them. I smiled at Max and Lucas. I hugged the three teenagers my age and faced the smaller kids. "Did you guys have fun?" I asked. They all nodded. "Well, we should get going. I've got something planned for Max tonight." I smiled at Max. She and Lucas hugged while Billy and I made our way back to the car. Max sped up to us. I grabbed her hand. "So... Details?' I asked, laughing. She smiled and Billy fake gagged. "Not in my car. You and Max can hang out and talk about it at home." He said, smiling at me and Max's giggles.

-At their houseee

Max and I rushed to her room while Billy laughed at us. "Ok, spill." I smiled at her. She had a huge grin on her face as I contently listened to her. "Oh and while we slow danced we kissed!" She exclaimed. I smiled widely. "Really!?" I asked happily. She nodded her head quickly. "What about your date? Was he good to you?" She bombarded me with questions. I smiled. "It was so amazing. He treated me like a princess." I beamed. She smiled. "I think you're his first actual girlfriend and not some hookup." She told me. "That's what happens when you get with a caring girl." I smiled at her. We talked for hours before I finally went to Billy's room.


790 words. sorry.

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