Eddie x Reader(includes the f slur!!)

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I was best friends with Chrissy Cunningham, aka the head cheerleader, so I had some sort of popularity. When I told Chrissy that I started dating Eddie Munson she was adamant that I kept it a secret. She told me she didn't want me to ruin my reputation. Obviously I didn't want to ruin it either but it's not as important as being happy with someone. I talked with Eddie about it and he assured me it was fine. We kept our relationship a secret and continued on with our lives.

I was sitting at the basketball table, per Chrissy's request, when I heard Jason start talking shit about Eddie. "He's such a freak," he started. Everyone but Lucas laughed. "I'm sure he's a f@g too." He laughed with his friends and I was really close to punching him. "Say that one more Jason.." I said lowly. "I said he's a f@g." He laughed again. I stood up, grabbed him by his collar, and punched him square in the nose. "He's a what Jason? Let's see you say it in front of the whole school eh?" I yelled. Everyone was watching but I didn't care. "Gets your hands off of me L/n!" He yelled. I pushed him away and glared at him. "If I hear you ever say that about anyone ever again I swear I'll kill you. Do you understand?" I exclaimed. He said nothing. "Do you understand?" I asked again lowly. He rolled his eyes. "Do you want a broken nose? Say it you stuck up brat!" I yelled. "Whatever. I understand." He shook his head.

"And I can assure you he's not a f@g. Not with the way I had him last night." Truthfully we hadn't done anything the night before but it's always fun to disgust people. I winked with a smirk while Jason's face scrunched up in disgust. Chrissy was just shocked. I looked at her before walking to the door. "Eddie!" I called. He looked at me and I gestured for him to follow me. I walked outside the cafeteria and waited for him to walk outside. When he got there we made eye contact. "So what was with the scene?" He asked, slightly scared for his own life.

I personally never lashed out during school because of my anxiety. My parents were strict and only god knows what they would've done. I'll probably find out tonight honestly. I burst out laughed and Eddie stared at me confused. "Whoo!" I cheered. "That felt amazing!" I calmed down and looked at Eddie. He was already staring at me with that beautiful smile of his. "He called you the f slur so I asked him to repeat it. When he did I punched him. The rest of it was because he was being a dick and I have anger issues. (This is literally me. My anxiety overrules my anger issues any time I want to get in a fight-😭)

Eddie smiled and hugged me. "God your perfect." He laughed. I pulled away and smiled widely at him. "I've probably traumatized him with what I said to." I laughed. "Oh god.. what did you say?" He asked, clearly unsure of if he even wanted to know. "I told him 'I can assure you he's not a f@g. Not with the way I had him last night.' And he looked so disgusted." I doubled over in laughter. Eddie laughed with me. Eventually lunch was over and we made our way to our next class. Suddenly the class speaker went off. "Can Y/n L/n come to the office please." We all heard. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what this was about. I stood up and smirked at Eddie. He mouthed 'good luck' and we both laughed quietly.

When I made it to the office I saw Jason sitting in the principals office with a very purple nose. I smiled at the damage I did. "You shouldn't be smiling right now Ms. L/n. You are in big trouble." My smiled dropped and all of my confidence turned into shame. "Yea sorry Ms.." I mumbled. When I walked in I saw my parents who looked furious. I kept my head down and sat in the seat next to Jason. "Do you know why you're here Ms. L/n?" The principal asked. I nodded my head. "Great then I'll get straight to the point," he paused. "I want you to first, apologize to Mr. Carver. Then you will have to pay for his hospital expenses. I scoffed, anger slowly building up. "Why should I apologize? I did nothing wrong." I said, letting out a frustrated sigh.

My mom glared daggers at me but I ignored her. "Do you see his nose? It's broken." The principal said in an irritated tone. "But pleas enlighten me, what should Mr. Carver apologize for?" He asked. "Well first of all for being a dick. Second of all calling someone a f@g. Third of all being a bully. The list could go on and on for day. He's a terrible person and should be writing anyone who he's bullied an apology letter." I scoffed. The principal glared at me. "And who did Mr. Carver insult?" He asked. "Eddie Munson. Keep in mind Eddie was doing nothing to Jason but he started insulting Eddie. I had every right to defend my boyfriend and I would do it again. I will not be paying for his hospital expenses whether you like it or not. I don't stand for bullying and you should either." I said in a stern tone. I was basically scolding the principal at this point. "Mr. Carver is this true?" He asked. Jason shook his head no. "Oh for fucks sake!" I yelled. "Call Lucas Sinclair in here. Or or call Eddie in here to tell you about the bullying he goes through because of who you may ask. Take a guess! Yep that's it! Jason fucking Carver!" I was raising my voice. The principal shushed me and called both Lucas and Eddie to the office. Once they got there both boys noticed my mood.

Eddie stood behind me and leaned on my chair. Lucas stood awkwardly to the side. "Mr. Sinclair can you tell me what happened during lunch?" He asked. Lucas was obviously debating what to say. "Y/n punched Jason." He mumbled. "Do you know why she punched him?" He asked. Lucas stood silently for a moment. "Jason was insulting someone." Lucas knew that he was going to get in trouble with Jason but being on my bad side wasn't worth it. He'd known me longer then they knew Steve. I used to be best friends with Nancy so they saw me all the time as kids.

"Alright. Thank you now go back to class." The principal said. "Mr. Munson.." He glared at Eddie. "Has Mr. Carver been bullying you?" He asked. Eddie smiled. "Yea I guess calling me a freak and trying to humiliate me all the time counts as bullying." Eddie said happily. The principal sighed. "You're free to go Ms. L/n and Mr. Munson." He told us. I walked out with Eddie, my parents following close behind. "Y/n M/n L/n!" My mom exclaimed when we got out of the office. I looked at her. "Yes?" I asked. "What the hell!?" She asked. "Were you not listening to what I said earlier?" I asked rhetorically.

"You had no right to punch him over a stupid insult!" My mom exclaimed. "I'm sorry that he's been called my boyfriend names for at least a year and I finally snapped when he used a damn slur!" I yelled. My dad was glaring and my mom just looked shocked. "So now you're being an idiot for a boy!?" My dad asked. The audacity- "being an idiot..?" I repeated lowly. "Whatever just go home." I exclaimed before grabbing Eddie's hand and walking back to class. When we stepped in all eyes were on us. God this was gonna be a pain...
1349 words. If anyone wants a part two to anything just let me know. And please please request- I like writing things that you guys want 😭

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