Mom!Joyce x Reader

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Y/n stood in the bathroom conflicted. How long had her pants been red? Was it blood? If it was why ware they bleeding? A knock at the door tore them away from their thoughts. "Everything okay in there, sweetie?" Their mom asked. Should they tell her? It's better safe than sorry. "Can you come in here?" They asked anxiously. Their mom came in quickly and obviously concerned. "What's wrong?" She asked before seeing the bloodied pants in their child's hands. She visibly relaxed. "Oh I have the perfect things for this." She smiled at Y/n.

She started digging through the cabinet and pulled out feminine products. "I have options for you, alright? There's tampons and pads. I'll show you how to apply both." She told them before instructing them how to use both objects. She set the boxes back into the cabinet and left her kid alone to work out the slight issues. When Y/n was done they were kind of stuck in the bathroom. Both of their brothers were home so they couldn't just walk out to their room. Joyce came back in, after knocked and getting permission, with clothes for Y/n.

She quickly left again to get a few things. When Y/n left the bathroom in search of their mom they were grateful to find her digging through the medicine bin. She pulled out some midol and smiled at the new presence. "Take two of these. It will help ease the cramps." She instructed Y/n. They took two of the pills and swallowed them with some water. They noticed their mother left once again only to come back a few seconds later. "Here's a hearing pad just in case the midol doesn't work." She smiled while handing her child the item.

Though the teenager was internally freaking out, they were grateful that their mother could help them out. "Mom? How long is this supposed to last?" They asked. Joyce frowned at them. "Usually 5-7 days but everyone is different." She smiled at them. They sighed. This was gonna be a long week...

351 words. Thanks for the request @sadlyalive7834

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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