Steve Harrington x Reader

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I was walking around town when I noticed Nancy and Jonathan running. I followed curiously and stopped at the movies. I read the sign and stared shocked. It said 'Nancy the slut Wheeler."

"Nance what the hell happened?" I asked. She turned around surprised. "I don't... know." She said but started going to the alleyway. Jonathan followed after here and I followed them. What can I say? I'm nosy.

I saw Steve. "Holy shit.." I mumbled. "Oh look there's the princess!" Some girl said. (I forgot her name ;-;) Nancy slapped Steve and I laughed immediately covering my mouth. "What the hell Steve?" She asked.


Steve was now shit talking Jonathan's family and he looked pissed. Jonathan turned around and punched Steve. He brought him to the ground and repeatedly punched him. I heard sirens. "Nancy! Pull him off!" I yelled. She looked distressed and didn't know what to do. I ran up and pulled him back. "Dude he's just trying to get you mad we gotta go!" I yelled. I lost my grip on him and he tried to go back but I yanked his arm and ran. "Nance lets go!" I screamed at her.

We bolted away and Steve's friends helped him. We stopped at a gas station and Jonathan was looking for something to punch or kick. "There's a tree over there dingo." I said irritated and Jonathan kicked the tree repeatedly. He looked like he was about to cry so I pushed Nancy towards him. "Go comfort your boyfriend." I told her. "He's not my boyfriend and he's your best friend!" She defended. 

I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. "You're the one getting flustered right now." I paused. "Take care of him for me I've gotta do something." I said seriously. She nodded and went up to him.


I saw Steve in a store parking lot with his friends. I walked up to him and pushed him. "What the hell Steve!?" I asked irritated. "What?" He asked confused. His friends laughed and I turned around. "Get the hell out of here before I shoot you both." I said. They looked amused. I started reaching in my pocket and they both left as quickly as possible.

I smirked and dropped my hand. I looked at Steve and my smirk dropped. "Get in the car." I ordered and walked to the passengers side. He stood confused. "Let's go!" I raised my voice. "Ok!" He sighed in defeat and got inside his car.

"Alright so what the hell happened for you to call Nancy a slut?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and stayed silent. "Well?" I asked in an irritated tone. "I went to talk to Nancy yesterday and I saw her with Jonathan. He was wrapping his jacket around her. I went back to my car and told my friends. They suggested that we do this so I let them do what they wanted.." He explained.

I sat shocked. Jonathan? That's actually not surprising. He has liked her for a while. "Well shit." I mumbled. "Are you sure nothing happened and he was just being.." I trailed off. "What comforting?" He asked sarcastically. "Yes! Maybe something, I don't know, happened. You don't know the full story." I said.

"You didn't see it Y/n! I did!" He raised his voice. "OK! Chill out dude. Go towards the gas station and don't ask questions or I swear to god I'm going to pop you got it?" I asked rhetorically.


Jonathan and Nancy were surprisingly still there. Steve pulled in by a pump and started to get gas. I got out of his car and walked towards them. "What the hell is he doing here Y/n?" Jonathan asked. "Why were you at Nancy's the other night?" I ignored his question. "What?" He asked shocked. "Steve went to talk to Nance and he saw you at her house." I explained.

Nancy's eyes widened and so did Jonathan's. Steve walked up to us. "Were you even there Jonathan?" I asked. He looked to the ground guiltily. "Answer me dude." I said. "Yes I was but we didn't do anything!" He defended. I looked at Nancy. "True?" I asked. "Yes." She said.

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