Eddie x Reader

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I walked over to the Munson trailer early in the morning to see Mr. Munson outside smoking. " 'morning Mr. Munson," I mumbled tiredly. He laughed at me. "Morning kiddo. Came to see Eddie?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "He's in his room. I'll Make some breakfast for you two." He laughed. I nodded my head and walked inside. I walked to Eddie's room and opened the door. I closed it tiredly. He grumbled. "I'll be up soon." He groaned. I chuckled. "It's me dimwit." I laughed lightly. He squinted at me.

When he finally realized it was me he turned over and went back to sleep. I walked over to his bed, plopping down next to him. He rolled over to face me. I closed my eyes. "Morning." He grumbled. I hummed in response. "We have to get up..." I said but didn't move." "Mhmm." He responded. Wayne started banging on the door. "Alright, kids get up." He yelled. I groggily stood up and walked to Eddie's dresser. I ignored the other stuff in his dresser and stole one of his shirts. I took my shirt off and glanced at Eddie who was already staring. "Are you gonna keep staring or are you going to get dressed?" I asked him. He reluctantly got up. He started digging through the huge mess on his floor for his hellfire club shirt. I put his shirt on and bent down to toss him the shirt he was looking for.

"Eddie," I called. He hummed in response, still not fully awake. I tossed the shirt at him expecting him to catch it. He didn't. He bent over to pick it up. Once he took off his shirt I walked over and wrapped my arms around his stomach. His skin was warm under my arms. "You've gotta let go sweetheart. I need to get dressed." He said lowly. I let go and flopped onto his bed.

Once he was fully dressed he walked out of his room. I got up and went out after him. I sat next to him at the table. "I'm gonna head to sleep. Make sure you two get to school on time." Wayne called out before going to his room. Eddie and I finished eating and made our way to his van.

When we pulled into the school I saw Dustin. Eddie parked and I immediately got out, calling for Dustin. He turned to look at me and walked up to us. I hugged him. "Hey dude. Where's Mike and Lucas?" I asked. "Mike got here before me, and Lucas is hanging out with those stupid jocks." He explained. I rolled my eyes. "Hi, my name is Jason and I'm a stupid jock. I have a beautiful girlfriend who I don't deserve." I mocked Jason. Eddie and Dustin laughed and we went inside.

-time skip to lunch.

"But," Eddie stepped onto the table. "As long as you're into band, or science, or... parties," He paused and looked at the basketball team. He cupped his mouth. "Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets." He shouted. "You want something freak?" Jason asked. Eddie smiled and did devil horns while sticking his tongue out. He mumbled something. "Hey, Jason?" I called out, stepping onto the table with Eddie. He turned to me. "Speak louder, please? It's hard to hear stuck-up brats who don't deserve their girlfriend." I smiled at him. He looked like he was about to combust right there. "Yea?" He said, clearly pissed. "Well, at least she isn't dating some freak in a cult." He tried his best at an insult. "It's not a cult dumbass." I laughed and turned to Eddie. I kissed him(with tongue besties💀) while flipping him off, making sure Jason saw.

Eddie and I walked back to his seat. He sat down and I sat on his lap. "Y'all are disgusting." Dustin fake gagged and I laughed. "Hey, I did what I had to do to shut up a brat" I raised my hands in defense. The table laughed. I whispered something in Eddie's ear. He got excited and very eager to leave. I got off of his lap and he dragged me away quickly. (Iykyk?)

-time skip.

when Eddie and I got to his dnd match tonight I noticed Erica there instead of Lucas. "Did I miss a conversation?" I asked. "You were zoned out." Mike explained. Something hit me. "Mike?" I called. "Yes?" He asked. "When was the last time you talk to will?" I asked him. Will came out to me before anyone else so I made sure to help him keep in touch with Mike. Mike rolled his eyes. "I don't know. Like three months ago?" He told me. I stared at him blankly. "What?" He asked defensively. "I swear if you don't call him. You're his best friend and you send El letters all the time. Don't start ditching Will again Mike." He stared at me like I was crazy. "El's my girlfriend so it's different." He defended. "When you lose Will don't come crying to me asshole." I rolled my eyes and walked to Eddie who was already sitting down. The phone randomly started ringing while they were playing so I picked it up. 

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