Jonathan x Reader

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Ok don't kill me but I got an idea. If you don't like the idea of Jonathan taking pictures of you like he did with Nancy in season 1 just ignore this chapter. Keep in mind that in this you've already done "it" and you've been dating since freshman year of high school. Also you and Steve had been friends for years even before he was popular.


Nancy was one of my best friends but now since shes been with Steve she has just changed.

Steve walked up to me Nance and Barb and stole their notes. "Hey!" Barb whined. Tommy gave her a wet willy and stood off to the side. "Y'knoww I think you studied enough Nance." Steve said. I rolled my eyes. She was just anxious about the test. "Steve.." She said. "I'm telling you, y'know, you got this. Don't worry. Now on more important matters, my dad has left town on a conference and my moms gone with him cause.." He paused for a second. "She doesn't trust him." He finished. "Good call." Tommy smirked. Steve looked at him then back at Nancy.

"So are you in?" Steve asked. "In for what?" She asked confused. I sighed. "No parents. Big house." Carol hinted. "A party?" She shot a confused look at Steve. "Ding ding ding." Carol said.

"It's Tuesday?" She said even more confused. "It's Tuesday." Tommy mimicked looking at Steve. I leaned on a locker, waiting for this conversation to end. Steve hit him. "Come on. It'll be lowkey, it'll just be us. So are you in or out?" He waited. Nancy looked as if she was trying to decide and Carol started talking. "Oh God. Look." She said. We all turned to Jonathan hanging up a missing poster and I frowned. He had called me earlier explaining what happened.

"I don't think he speaks." She said. I rolled my eyes. 'He does just not to pricks like you guys.'

"I bet he killed his brother." Tommy, Carol, and Steve laughed at Steve's comment. My eyes shot open. "Maybe shut up about things you don't fucking know about." I snapped. Steve smirked and looked at me. "Why are you defending that loser?" He asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

Nancy walked over and I followed behind her. "Hey." She said hesitantly. "Uh- hey." He responded. "I just.. I wanted to say, y'know, um, I'm sorry about everything." She said pausing between words. He looked at her before looking at the group. She followed his gaze. "Everyone's thinking about you. It sucks." She said sounding sympathetic. "Yeah." He said nonchalantly. She paused. "I'm sure he's fine. He's a smart kid." She said trying to ease his thoughts. The bell rang and she smiled. "I have to go. Chemistry test." She told him. "Yea.." He smiled. "Good luck." She said before walking to the group. "Thanks." He mumbled.

I walked up to him and talked with him for a second. "No wonder she was defending him. They're friends." Tommy and Carol laughed. "Y/n! Make sure you come with me later!" Nancy called out. I nodded at her then turned to the other three, excluding Barb, and flicked them off before following Jonathan who was making his way out.

-Later at the party.

I was later than Nancy and Barb to the party but made it nonetheless. Steve let me in. I saw Carol giving me dirty looks and laughing with Tommy about whatever stupid shit he was saying.

Steve shotgunned a beer and him and Nancy talked. He got her to do it and she soon tried having Barb do it. When Barb cut her hand she had me do it instead. I successfully cut the hole and drank it faster than Steve. "Would you look at that. One of the losers can shotgun a beer." Tommy said. "Hey uh Tommy? I think I read something earlier talking about how." I started. He looked confused. "You should uh what's the word..." I 'pondered' for a moment. "Fuck off dipshit. You aren't as cool or funny as you think." I smiled at him. "Yea whatever bitch." He grumbled. He got up and threw Carol into the pool. He flipped in after her. "You asshole!" She said while they both laughed. "Whore." I mumbled. Steve and Nancy jumped in and with enough convincing I took my overshirt off and jumped in. I was wearing a white tank top underneath so it's not like they couldn't see my bra anyways.

- Next day at whatever time this happened.

I was walking with Nancy when we saw Steve with his friends and some other girl I didn't recognize. Jonathan tried walking to his car when Steve pushed him and snatched his bag. "Hey! No!" Jonathan said. He wasn't anxious that he took the photos that he took he was anxious they would get the wrong idea and think he was creepy.

Me and Nancy ran up to them. "What's going on?" I asked defensively. Carol handed me the pictures with the smirk. "That one was when you were outside changing into your hoodie." She laughed. Steve gave a whole speech about how Jonathan was a pervert and I almost broke out laughing. "We just have to take away his toy." He said. "No please not the camera." Jonathan pleaded moving forward. Tommy shoved him back. I handed Jonathan the photos. "Steve.." Nancy mumbled realizing I didn't care Jonathan took those photo's.

"Stop." Steve told Tommy.

"Remember when I said to shut up about things you don't know about? Now would be the time." I defended raising my voice. "N/n he literally took pictures of you and you're still defending him?" Steve laughed in disbelief.

Steve extended his hand with the camera. I was ready to catch it if he dropped it. My eyes were fixed on the camera. "Here." He faked a smile. Jonathan reached out and he dropped the camera. My eyes widened and I quickly caught it handing it to Jonathan. I glared up at Steve. I pushed him. "You can listen can't you? Didn't you hear what I said?" I asked him rhetorically. "N/n what the hell? He took bad pictures of you. Why are you defending this freak?" He asked defensively. "This 'freak' is my boyfriend dipshit." I did air quotes when I said freak. Steve's eyes widened. He laughed shocked. "There is no way you stooped that low." He mumbled.

"I didn't stoop low at all asshole! I'm not popular like you and unlike Nancy I don't waste my time on pieces of shit like you!" I yelled. He stared in shock. "N/n.." He mumbled. I turned towards Jonathan. "lets go." I mumbled. I was shocked by my own words and Jonathan saw that. I turned to Steve one last time. "That camera was a present from his brother. I helped Will pay for it and he gave it to Jonathan. This is seriously important to both of us jerk." I mumbled, tears building in my eyes before I walked off with Jonathan.

When we got in his car I broke down. I sobbed. He reached over and hugged me. I hugged him back tightly. Eventually I calmed down and we both just sat in silence. He drove us to his house and we went inside. Joyce looked so disheveled. I walked up and hugged her. She hugged me back tightly. "He'll come back Joyce. I know he will." I whispered and she nodded slowly. I let go and turned to Jonathan.

We walked into his room and he sat down. I sat next to him. "So." I laughed. "How'd you know about the party?" I asked. He sighed. "I didn't. I heard screaming from Carol but she sounded scared so I ran towards it and saw nothing was wrong. I stayed because I saw you and you looked happy." He mumbled. I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned his head onto mine. "I miss him." He sighed out. "I know you do. I miss him too. I can't wait till we find him." I agreed. He nodded his head. "Me too." He laughed out lowly with a few tears sliding down his face.

I laid back on his bed and he laid on top of me. I brushed my hands through his hair and eventually he fell asleep.


1411 words. I love this man so much 😩😩

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