Jonathan x Reader

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I walked with Jonathan and Nancy while they talked about the Halloween party. God if no one knew me and Jonathan were dating they'd think Nancy and him were. We got to Nancy's locker and Steve scared Nancy. They started kissing and I followed Jonathan away. My jealousy was terrible right now. Nancy was one of my favorite people but I hate her when it feels like he doesn't care for me like he does her. I wanted to talk to Jonathan about it but he'd probably think I'm being stupid.

We got to class and sat down. The new kid, Billy Hargrove, walked in. I'll admit, he's hot, but he isn't my type. I looked to Jonathan and he was scribbling in his notebook. Billy sat in a seat, disrupting my view. He winked at me before turning to Tommy H. I looked down at my own journal, starting to work on my own scribbles. When the last bell rang I started walking to Jonathan. I felt someone grip my arm. I turned to Billy. "Yes?" I question. "What's your name?" He asked with a smirk. I stared at him, unamused. "Y/n. Now please let go of me." I demanded.

Jonathan watched us. Billy let go and I walked to Jonathan. "Can we go home now?" I asked. He nodded and walked out with me. "God I hate Billy." I groaned. Jonathan smiled.

1 month later. You and Billy are friends now.

"Are you seriously friends with him Y/n!?" Jonathan yelled. We were at my house and my parents weren't home. "Yes! What's so wrong with that!?" I yelled. "What's so wrong with that!?" He asked in disbelief. I stared at him expectantly. "He just wants to get in your pants Y/n!" He yelled. "Jonathan, you don't know the things I do.." I told him. "Then tell me Y/n! Just tell me.." He lowered his voice. "I can't! That's like telling someone how Lonnie treated you and Will! It's a personal thing that you can't just tell people!" I raised my voice. I just wanted him to understand that I don't like Billy in that way.

"That's not even close to similar.." Jonathan muttered. "How do you know!? I haven't even told you!" I yelled. He stared at me shocked. "If you can't trust me with things this won't work Y/n." He tried. "I tell you everything. I'm not telling you this because it isn't my business. If Billy wanted to go to you about it then it would be but he didn't so it's not." I exclaimed. He shook his head.

"Jonathan do you want to hear the screaming matches I heard the other night!? Do you want to see how bloodied up Billy was the other night!?" I asked rhetorically. He didn't say anything. "I need you to just trust me. I don't like Billy in that way. I'm taking care of him because no one else seems to care." I sighed. Jonathan didn't argue anymore. "Alright.." he mumbled. "Wait, what?" I asked confused. "Alright." He repeated. "I trust you." He explained. I smiled. "Thank you." I hugged him. He nodded his head. "I'm sorry. I should've trusted you in the first place." Jonathan sighed. "It's alright." I laughed lightly. The phone interrupted us. I picked it up. "Hello?" I answered. "Y/n? Hey, can I come over please.." I asked me. He sounded scared.

I turned to Jonathan. "Can he come over..?" I mouthed to him. He stood there confused. "Billy" I mouthed. His mouth formed an 'o' and he nodded his head. "Yea, of course." I answered. He didn't bother saying bye. I put the phone back. "He sounded scared." I told him. Jonathan sat on my couch and I paced around the house, cleaning a few things up. Eventually the doorbell rang and I went to open it. When I saw Billy I panicked. "Oh my god! What happened!?" I exclaimed. I moved aside, letting him in, and lead him to the bathroom. "I just want to let you know that my boyfriend is here. He was here when you called but I didn't want to send him home.." I mumbled, scared for his reaction. He just nodded his head.

I took a wet rag and started cleaning his wounds. Once I was finished I patched up anything he needed patched up and brought him to the living room. "Jonathan." I called. He looked at us and noticed Billy immediately. "Hey.." he said awkwardly. Billy waved. I walked over to Jonathan and sat next to him. Billy sat in a chair and we sat in silence. "So.." I started. "If you wanna leave the room to talk about it we can.." I finished. "I don't care as long as he doesn't tell anyone. If you're dating him I'm assuming he's not a backstabber." Billy said. I nodded.

"He won't." I assured him. "Max is in the car right now.. Dad was about to hit her so I stepped in. Dad got pissed and beat the shit out of me. Max is pretty shaken up. She doesn't want to leave the car." Billy explained. I stood up. "I'm gonna try and talk to her." I said.

I walked outside and over to Billy's car. I got in the drivers seat and looked at Max. She looked at me. Her eyes were glossy and she was shaking a bit. "Hey.." I mumbled. She reached over and hugged me. She started crying. I rubbed her back. "Everything will be fine. I'm here now Max.." I whispered. Eventually she calmed down and I got her inside. She sat in another chair while I sat by Jonathan again. "I can set up the guest bedroom. One of y'all can stay in my parents room." I explained. They were on a business trip and wouldn't be back for a few months so it would all be ok.

"Billy can have your parents room I'll take the guest room." Max suggested. I nodded my head. When everyone went to sleep I was wide awake. I heard sobs coming from the room over. My parents room. I got up and walked over. When I knocked on the door I heard Billy mumble a quiet "come in."

When I walked in he just stared at me. I didn't know what to say. I sat down next to him. "Just vent. Rant whatever you need to to me." I told him. I took a deep breath before starting on his vent.

"I just wonder. What if my mom took me with her? Why did she even leave me in the first place? She left me with my bastard father who only knows abuse. Hell I'm sure Max wasn't even expecting him to try and hit her. She knew what he did to me but what could she do? I just.. I don't want to be like him but I'm slowly turning into him because of this burning anger inside of me. I don't know how to put it out." He cried. I just listened


Tomorrow came and I was downstairs making breakfast for everyone. Billy came downstairs, already changed and ready for the day. I set the four plates down. "I made breakfast." I know he could see that but it didn't hurt to say it. He sat down and started eating. Soon enough the other two people came down and started eating. Jonathan cleaned up for me and Billy and Max went home. While he was washing the last few dishes I hugged him from behind. "Thank you." I mumbled. "No problem." He smiled. We spent the rest of the day watching movies.
1286 words

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