Steve x Hargrove!Reader

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God this was a terrible idea. I let Steve stay the night at the house. Billy hates his guts and my dad is a grade A piece of shit who hates my brother and I. I turned to face Steve who was already asleep. He looked so peaceful. God, I loved him. Eventually I fell asleep.

"Get off of my damn phone!" Dad yelled at me and Billy. We were on the phone with Mom after she left us. Dad wasn't happy about that. When I had enough confidence I said no. Wrong decision. Dad smacked me across the face. When Billy tried to push him off of me Dad started beating Billy. I hated this. I hated Dad. I hated Mom for leaving us. I missed Mom. I wanted to be cradled by her. I wanted Mom to come back and assure me we would all be alright. But that wasn't going to happen. She wasn't coming back and deep down I knew that. I wanted to be there for Billy but I couldn't even help myself. Once Dad left the room I sat in a corner, curled into a ball. It hurt to move. My entire body was bruised. Billy was bruised worse. He couldn't move. I crawled over to him slowly. He was passed out. "Billy?" I croaked. He didn't move. Tears formed in my eyes. "Billy!?" I called. There was blood all over the place and he wasn't waking up. "Billy please.." I pleaded. I shook him. I kept shaking him and nothing happened. "Billy!?" I cried. I couldn't live without my brother. What would I do!? "Billy, wake up! Billy!" I pleaded.

I shot up with a worried Steve next to me. He came to hold my hand but I quickly pulled away, not fully realizing who it was. I had tears streaming down my face. I let out a quiet sob. "I-I need to check on Billy.." I cried. Steve nodded slowly and I stood up. I walked out of the room and knocked on my brothers door. He opened it up, clearly pissed. When he saw my tears he pulled me into the room. "What happened?" He asked, protectively. "I-I.." I started choking up again. I let out a sob and hugged him. "That night that Dad beat you.. I had a nightmare that you actually died." I cried.

He rubbed my back gently. "Well I'm not dead so it's okay." He said. I laughed. "You're the worst at comforting people. "I'm gonna go back to s- my room." I said before standing up. "What were you going to say..?" He asked. "Nothing!" I said. "Y/n.. I swear to god. What were you going to say?" He asked. He got in my face. I gulped. "Nothing.." I said quietly. "Please drop it Billy." I asked. He shook his head. "No I know what you were going to say." He said. He stepped out of the room and made his way to mine. "Billy! Billy stop! Please!" I whisper shouted. Max walked out of her room. "What's going on?" She asked sleepily. I panicked. "Billy I'll call dad!" I cried out quietly. He turned to me. "Then what's he gonna do? Beat us both! Let's see which 's' name is in your room huh?" Billy said. He didn't yell but he was about to snap.

I pushed past him and blocked my door. "Billy come on! I never interfere when you sleep with girls! You can't be like that to me just because your my brother!" I said quietly. Max was so confused but she was too curious to know what's going on to go back to sleep. He moved me and opened the door. He saw Steve sitting on my bed. "Steve Harrington!?" He said in a normal tone. It was basically yelling with how we were talking before. I shushed him before walking in my room. "Fuck!" I said, throwing something off of my desk. "Go back to bed Billy. We can talk about this tomorrow so you can get your yelling out." I rolled my eyes. He looked mad. "So I can get my yelling out? I can yell right now because you know who's getting beat?" He asked rhetorically. "Both of us would asshat. God I just needed to make sure you were ok. Why can't you just let me get this one sliver of happiness," I paused. "Please Billy.." I asked.

He reluctantly went back to his room. Max stared. "Yes?" I asked. "What the hell just happened-?" She was still confused. "Nothing. Go to bed." I closed my door and laid in bed. "That was- eventful?" Steve suggested. "Yep. I hate my lifeeee." I laughed rubbing my eyes. Steve cuddled me. "Welp that's too bad. Just means I'm the light of your life." He laughed. I smiled. "I love you Harrington." I said. "I love you too Y/n." He replied. We fell asleep.
829 words.

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