Thirty third chapter - Hospital and London

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Soon our entire clan arrived. So Alex's parents, Denis and Christina with Eva and Sia with Erik. Little Anna happily ran around Stephan. Although many people would say that she is still small and does not really understand anything, this is not the case. She is a very receptive child and Christina told me that she was even too curious.

Christina and Denis used to have a bedroom, right where Anna now has a nursery. Denis moved their bedroom to the other side of the house. We all certainly understand that. In addition, he made sure that the walls in his villa were soundproofed. What to say? Denis is very pedantic and has why, Christina makes quite loud noises during sex. One night in the room next to theirs was enough. I must admit that I have never heard anything so fascinating.

The weekend went quite fast. Time always passes quickly when one is having a good time. I was surrounded by family and friends all weekend. My parents apologized, but they couldn't come. It didn't disappoint me.

It couldn't disappoint me when I didn't expect anything from them. We have always had our lives. I love my parents and they love me, but they have a life of their own and does what they want, without us meeting so often.

On Sunday night, I was sitting in Alex's office and we were discussing the contract, our cooperation. Denis and his father were disappointed that Alex wanted to start working with me, our publishing house. It wasn't as depressing as you imagined it would be. Alex and I used to pick them up and laugh at their reproachful looks.

Alex and I were drinking his wine in his office now. I sat huddled in a leather chair at his desk while he sat in a chair opposite, completely sprawled.

"I heard you talked to Garrett's brother?" Alex remarked.

I'll kill Denis! He's even worse than Christina! Everything sucks!

"Yes. Garrett had an accident and is lying in a coma. Graham asked me to come see him. I'm only doing this for Graham, "I drank from my red wine glass.

"Amber, don't lie to yourself or me."

"Okay, so I'm going there for myself. Alex, I don't want to have any remorse for not taking his hand the last time. I don't know if he will survive at all. "

"I understand. But I'll see you on Tuesday. "

"We will see each other.  But now I'm going. It takes me a few hours and I'm not packed yet. Thanks again for everything. "

"I'll take you to the airport and you'll be able to thank me for everything," he laughed.

I smiled back at him and finished my wine. With a nod, I went to my room, where I packed my suitcase. I've said goodbye to everyone and there are only the last two I have to say goodbye to. And it's to Stephan and his father.

While Alex took my bags to his car, I said goodbye to little Mendez. When I say goodbye, I mean looking at that little creature as it sleeps. I stroked his little head gently and then disappeared from his room.

In a few minutes I was sitting in Alex's car in silence. I was tired and Alex knew it, so he let me sit in the back seat and I stretched a little. I fell asleep at the sound of the engine and the faint music coming from the radio.

Alex's whisper woke me. I opened my eyes and saw his face above mine. He was beautiful. He already had a stubble for several days, as he did not have time to shave during our stay.

I got out of the car and was blinded by the airport lamps that were on the landing field, where my private plane was already waiting for me. Alex helped the staff take my suitcases and then stood in front of me. I looked into his eyes and wanted to turn back time. I wanted it to still be Friday. Not to have Garrett in my head, that gala evening and a million other things.

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