The First Mission Together~

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Tanjiro POV-

My crow just told me that I'm going on my next mission with Giyu-san. Usually me and him pass little messages to each other threw our crows but this time we can actually speak to each other! I'm so exited to see him after so long! When I last saw him, he was on his way to a mission and we ran into each other. That day, I had a strange feeling in my stomach, almost like I was in heat. My heats only come around once every 2 months but for some reason, I really, REALLY, wanted to jump on him. He makes me feel safe and comfortable when he's near me. I wonder what's he's thinking about now....

Giyu POV-

Damn, why did it have to be Tanjiro... I'm to close to my rut to be around his's like sweet tree sap, or even syrup. Last time I almost lost it and I can't risk that happening again. Ever. Well the village we're supposed to meet at is still pretty far away, where should I spend the night....Maybe my place? No, maybe there's an inn or something close, my place is too far east...

No Ones POV :)

Both of them were on the way to the village when they ran into each other because they were going on the same path.

Tanjiro: "H-hey Giyu-san...", I said with a slight wave of a blush coming onto my face.


Tanjiro: "I've been good... Me, Zenitsu, and Inosuke have been going on missions together a lot more." How come we can pass messages but never talk in person like normal people? WHYYYYY!

Giyu: "Ok that's good..." Awkward... "So...where's Nezuko?"

Tanjiro: "Oh, she's with Zenitsu, they've been getting closer recently and I think Nezuko is starting to like him." (ZenNezu :> don't hate it or leave)

Giyu: "I see..."

Tanjiro: Its to quiet... "So, where are you gonna spend the night?" Random...

Giyu: "I was thinking maybe at my mansion, its not too far." A little east though...

Tanjiro: "Cool." should I ask to go with him... I kinda wanna see his mansion...

Giyu: Should I invite him over...? Maybe... "So, what about you?"

Tanjiro: "Hmm?"

Giyu: "Well its getting dark and we are still pretty far away from the village, so where are you gonna spend the night?" That might have been a little straight forward.

Tanjiro: "Oh I don't really know. Most of the time I just keep walking threw the night."

Giyu: "No no no this won't do..." (Anyone know what anime that's from? . ❛ ᴗ ❛. ) "Come with me to my place. I remember you told me you wanted to see what my mansion looked like a while ago."

Tanjiro: "Oh yea, but when did I tell you?" I'm actually surprised he remembered that...

Giyu: "A few months ago..."


Giyu POV.

What should I have for dinner? Maybe soba, or ramen...

"Hey Giyu-san!"

I look up to find Tanjiro right infront of me...How long has he been there..."Hi Tanjiro, what are you doing this far east?"

"Oh I'm on my way to ********* Village for a mission. What are you doing around here?"

Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell him..."Oh I'm on my way back from a mission, my mansion is a little ways up a head."

"Oh cool, the mansions around here are pretty big, yours must be just like them right?"

That's one way to put it. "Yea, except mine is a little more private."

"That makes sense, I wish I could see what it looks like..."

~End of Flashback~

Giyu: "...and that's when you told me about wanting to see it."

Tanjiro: "Its nice that you remember that, I only remembered the part about asking you where you were going...." I looked down, mainly because I was mad at myself for forgetting. Somethings touching my head...

Giyu: I pat Tanjiro's head, I end up smiling after seeing a small blush creepy over his face. He's just so cu- NOPE NOOOOOOOOOO NO NO NOOOOOOO. "Anyway.... we should get going before it gets to dark." When I walk past him, I noticed his tail... wagging? I stop dead in my tracks after seeing that. 'Damn...that's all it took...'

In this story when omegas wag their tails its usually a sign of pleasure or when their happy around their alphas, its rare to catch an omegas tail wagging when its not with their mate or alpha. But they sometimes do it out of instinct when their with someone they like. (Btw they have ears and tails if I didn't already mention that)

Tanjiro POV.-

The second I felt him patting my head I blushed knowing it would cause my tail to wag. I don't think he noticed till he walked past me. I mean he hasn't moved sense...we have just been standing in the same places for 2 minutes. I decide to break the silence, but when I turn around I see his eyes...they changed...

No Ones POV.

Giyu had seen Tanjiros tail wag, knowing what that meant he stopped and thought of many, many different things, but after a few minutes he hadn't realized that he had gone into his rut...In this case he might be able to somewhat control himself if he himself (as in normal Giyu) deemed it necessary.

*(small smut warning)*

Tanjiro felt how Giyu's scent had suddenly changed, it almost scared him seeing how Giyu looked at Tanjiro as if he was his prey. Before he could react, Giyu had pinned Tanjiro to a tree...with his knee between his legs...rubbing...All Tanjiro could do was react as the omega he is. He gave in almost immediately, submitting to the alphas scent and action. When the alpha heard the omegas quiet, held back moans, he started grinding harder, till the omega let out a true moan. Though it was extremely unexpected, when the alpha heard that, he snapped out of his rut. (which came early and will come again until the full 4 days of rut are over. same as heats, they may come then stop, but they will keep coming till the full week is over)

*(end of smut)*

Giyu POV.

As soon as I snapped out of it, I looked down to find...Tanjiro panting while my...knee....was placed between his....legs...I moved my leg back where it belonged but Tanjiro fell to the ground right after. I kneeled down to find his face extremely red along with him looking dazed... "T-Tanjiro are you okay!"


o/////o "W-WHAT" Tanjiro jumped on me, it look's like he fell right...asleep? No that's not right...

No ones POV.

Tanjiro had jumped on Giyu, but he did it to block an attack...he didn't fall asleep, he was knocked out by something from behind. Giyu had just realized it before they were both attacked again. "Demon show yourself." Giyu said coldly. Seconds later, the demon came out of hiding.

1123 words~

Cliffhanger for anyone who reads it. If anyone does. I'll try to write the next part soon! It might take a while maybe the same amount of time that it took for this one the be finished, which was about a month. Hopefully it will be less. I hope someone enjoyed reading this!

None of the photos are made by me. The Alpha and Omega fact parts are generally completely made up, so yea.



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