What's going on?

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3rd POV

Inosuke was lying on the ground. Knocked out cold after 3 minutes.

"Tomioka! You'd said you were going to go easy on him!" Shinobu rushed to the scene while Zenitsu grasped the thought of trying to stand up for Inosuke. He knew that he would be beat as well.

"How's Tanjiro? Can he fight soon?" Tomioka completely ignored Inosuke and focused on his thoughts about Tanjiro.

"His arm needs at least a week to heal enough to fight. " Shinobu checked Inosuke's pulse quickly, he had a steady heart beat.

"How's Inosuke?" Zenitsu finally spoke. Slowly walking over to him.

"He's fine. Just knocked out." Zenitsu breathed a sigh of relief. He knew Inosuke could do reckless shit was on a different level. You don't fight a hashira, don't unless you have a death wish.

Tomioka had already walked inside to where Tanjiro was. Tanjiro was moved to a bed upstairs. He had an arm wrapped up a little bit of blood soaking into the white bandages. Tomioka sat on the bed and held his hand.

His Alpha instincts made an entrance and Tomioka went behind Tanjiro and held him while he slept, not wanting to leave the omegas side.


Tanjiro woke up to a pain in his arm, he looked over and saw bandages around it. His memory was foggy but he remembered Inosuke yelling at Murata...

He felt tight arms wrapped around his body and he could smell Giyu's scent.

"Alpha..?" He whispered, he was in pain, his arm was definitely cut but he couldn't remember what had cut it. Tanjiro felt Tomioka's arms move a little before he put his head on Tanjiro's shoulder.

"Hello sunflower, how do you feel?" He spoke into his ear, giving Tanjiro butterflies.

"My arm hurts... What happened?" Giyu licked the rim of his ear gently before biting down. "Nhghmm...." Tanjiro moaned at the sensation.

"Inosuke cut your arm with his sword while he was yelling at Zenitsu. Shinobu patched up your arm." Giyu continued to lick Tanjiro ear as his hand slid up Tanjiros shirt towards his nipples.

"What did you do?" Tanjiro asked he felt a pinch on his right nipple.

"I gave him a little beating~ Nothing much~" Tomioka moved around and got on top of him.

"What..! Why did you do th- AHHHH!" He started to lick Tanjiros nipple and pinch the other simultaneously.

"You like that don't you~" He bit down on the nipple causing Tanjiro to moan loudly. "Aww is someone sensitive? What about down here...." He moves his hand down to his pants and slipped his hand in. "Your already wet too..." He grabbed Tanjiro's dick and started pumping it.

"UHHAHHHHHH-" Tanjiro felt himself reaching his climax. But before he could cum, Tomioka stopped. "w-whad ystp...." Tanjiro was panting hard and slurring his words.

"Let's try something different shall we~" Giyu flipped Tanjiro over and started playing with his hole. He got down and Tanjiro shivered when he felt Giyu lick his entrance. "Don't be too loud sunflower~"

"AHUHHHH...A.EH...." Giyu started thrusting his tongue in Tanjiros entrance and Tanjiro pushed his head into the pillow.  Tomioka curled his tongue and Tanjiro cummed from the action.

"Oh you liked that didn't you~" Tomioka got on he knees and took his clothes off until he was in his boxers. Tanjiro could see his boner rather  quickly as Tomioka slowly took off his boxers and lined it with Tanjiros entrance.

He put the tip in and took in all of Tanjiros moans. He suddenly thrusted right into Tanjiro and stayed at a fast pace, leaving Tanjiro to moan on like a crazy person.

"Gi- Ahhhhh- y AHHHHHHH~"  Tanjiro cummed but Giyu kept going until he finished. He released inside of Tanjiro and waited a couple seconds. 

Giyu pulled out and watched as cum spilled out of Tanjiro while he moaned lightly causing his hole to twitch. Giyu kissed Tanjiro on his forehead and got off the bed then speed walked out the room, leaving Tanjiro alone.

"A-alpha...?" Tanjiro was lying there unsure of why Giyu had left so suddenly? Had he done something wrong? Soon Tanjiro heard screaming outside. What's going on?

Yep. Cliffhanger. Deal with I guess idk. I kept thinking about idea for this chapter but this is all I came up with. I've been somewhat focused on writing another story so yea. Any ideas for anything at all for this story? Please tell me. I really, really need ideas.

This is slightly rushed and not entirely thought out. I may end up changing it in the future but it will still have the same ending.

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