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The one on the right is the boy, the left is the girl.

Tanjiro POV.

I slowly opened my eyes and it took me a couple seconds to remember what had happened. 

"Giyu!" I tried sitting up but it hurt, a lot. I heard fast footsteps coming towards the door and saw Nezuko. "Where's Giyu? Where are the babies?" She smiled and stepped aside, Giyu was behind her holding both the the twins. He walked up to me, careful with the twins.

"Sunflower, want to properly meet our children?" I nodded my head and held my arms out to him. "Be careful..." He slowly handed me the boy, then the girl.

"They're so cute....." I felt tears swell up in my eyes, blurring my vision partially. "I can't believe it..." I couldn't stop my quiet sobs of happiness.

"You did a great job Tanjiro..." Giyu sat next to me on the bed I was on and moved the hair from the girls face. "Should we let the others in?" I looked over at the door and saw Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, and Aoi, standing behind Nezuko. I nodded at them and they walked in smiling.

"I'm an auntie!" Nezuko squealed happily. Zenitsu was next to her, 

"Well, then Zenitsu, wouldn't that make you their uncle?" His face visibly brightened, and a blush was spread across my dear sisters cheeks. 

"Yes!" He cheered and put an arm around Nezuko.

"Isn't it time we announced the names Tanjiro?" He out an arm around me and pulled me close.

"Yes, I suppose it is time..." I leaned into his chest and breathed in his scent.

"You guys already have their names?" Nezuko asked excitedly. 

"Yes...We drafted some a couple weeks ago...Ready?" I looked over at Giyu and he nodded. "I held up the girl slightly and smiled. "We named our girl, Tsutako Kie Kamado-Tomioka. We named her after his sister, and my mother..." 

"Mom..." A tear fell fell down Nezukos cheek and I held my hand out to her, which she grabbed. I looked over at Giyu and he started.

"We named our little boy Takeo Haruto Kamado-Tomioka, apparently he looks exactly like one of Tanjiros  siblings, so we decided to name him after Takeo. Haruto means sun, sunlight or clear water, and we thought that could fit him perfectly."

"That's amazing!" Nezuko hugged me and cried quietly. "He really does look like Takeo...."

"I know..." She was there when Takeo and our other siblings passed, it must be hard to think about. She got up and wiped her tears. "Well, how long am I supposed to be in bed for?" Everyone looked at each other, as if they knew something I didn't. "What is it?"

"Sunflower, the doctor said that you'll have to stay in bed until your healed..." He started petting me slowly. "Which could take a couple months..." 

"What!? Months? So I won't be able to get up at all!? But then I won't be able to help with Tsutako and Takeo!" He started releasing soothing pheromones while tears formed in my eyes.

"Don't worry, you'll be on your feet in no time!" Zenitsu tried to cheer me up but it didn't really help. At all. I heard a faint cry and saw Tsutako crying on the bed. I picked her up and cradled her in arms. She slowly stopped crying and fell asleep, like her brother. When I looked up again, everyone had left.

"Sunflower, it'll be okay. You'll get to spend as much with them as you want..." He held me close to him and I relaxed. 

"I know... But I'm going to miss out..."

"No, you'll be spending all your time with them now, and you can change their diapers anytime...."

"Aww that's not really helping..." 

"But its true-"

"Whatever." I looked down at my baby girl and smiled. "It's going to be fun nonetheless."





Giyu Pov.  Months Later...

"Yeah who's a good boy, you- yes you-" I heard Tanjiro talk and make weird noises towards Takeo, followed by little baby laughs.

"What are you doing over there?" I said playfully, bringing over a plate of spring rolls and baby food. "Time to eat."

Tanjiro placed Takeo on a little baby seat and walked over to where Tsutako was sleeping then picked her up. He opened her eyes a little then closed them shortly after.

"What did you out inside?" Tanjiro asked after sitting down.

"Some vegetables and a little pork. A little experiment if you will."

"Yeah okay. Everything you make is delicious, even the babies have to agree wit me on that." He grabbed a spring roll and took a bite out of it. "Mumme-" He said with a full mouth.

"Just eat it." I grabbed one and ate it slowly compared to how fast Tanjiro was devouring his.

A few minutes passed and we hard a  faint cry.

"Aww Teo..." Tanjiro got up and walked over to him. I watched my beautiful omega carry our son and watch daughter and the same time. "I think he's hungry." He looked up at me and I knew what he wanted.

"I'm coming." I got up and brought a little plate of baby food to him. "Now let's feed this little guy." I got a spoon full of baby food and put it to his mouth. "Open wiiiiide~" 

"ablahabassss-" Takeo made cute baby noises and I stuffed his mouth with the food. Some of it drooled out of his mouth. I kept putting it back into his mouth until he ate all of it. 

"He's so adorable~" Tanjiro cooed and made funny faces at him, dragging a laugh out of Takeo.

"Wahhhhh!" I looked over and saw Tsutako pouting and whining with tears in her eyes. 

"You're leaving her out aren't you Sunflower?" He glared at me playfully and I chuckled. I grabbed another spoonful of baby food and put it at her mouth. "Come on Tako~"

"Meh." She turned her head an refused, making more noises. 

"Aww I don't think she wants too." Tanjiro walked up to her and grabbed the spoon from my hand. "My turn!" He put the spoon to her mouth and started making talking to her.

"Come on, cutie.....yes you, yes come on baby, eat it sweety~" He kept talking to her and I picked up Takeo, he was looking around all cutely, 

I watched Tanjiro lift up Tsutako and sing praises at her, making her laugh.

"Oh Tanjiro..." He looked over at me and smiled.


"How did we get to where we are?"




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