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Years Later....

"Takeo! Get over here!" Tanjiro called towards his 7 year old son, who seemed to be wandering off into the forest.

"I'm not going far- Hey that's my stick!!!!!" Takeo yelled at his sister, who ran of giggling holding a 2 foot stick.

"Tsutako! Give your brother his stick back or you're not getting dessert young lady." 

"Awww come on daddy! He took my flowers first!" She ran into the house and Takeo tried to run after her but tripped and fell.

"I told you not to run around like that." Tanjiro stood up and walked over to him. He picked him up and saw that he was crying.

"I want my stick back!" He cried into Tanjiros shoulders and then looked back to see someone smiling at him. "Dada, sissy stole my stick!" Tanjiro looked back and saw Giyu holding Hatsuri.

"How's she doing?" Tanjiro asked and walked over to Giyu, who was carrying their 3 month old daughter. "Is she still not eating?"

"The good thing is that she ate something. The bad news is, she got it all over the counter." Giyu patted her back and she burped quietly.

"Oh. At least she isn't crying anymore." Tanjiro walked over placed Takeo down and gently grabbed Hatsuri from Giyu. 

"Takeo and Tsutako weren't that upset when they were this young. Guess we got lucky the first time." Giyu laughed and turned to Takeo, who was pouting in the direction his sister went. "Now what's this I heard about a stolen stick?" Takeo looked at his father and started crying again.

"She took my stick! She ran away with it!" He pointed to the house and Giyu picked him up. 

"Well we should go tell her not to do that, right?" Giyu rubbed Takeo's back while he cried, which calmed him down.

"Y-yeah..." Takeo sniffled. "Let's get my s-stick back!" 

"Let's go!" Giyu walked back into the house while making his son feel better. Tanjiro started packing his children's toys up and bringing back inside. "Hey Tanjiro." He looked back and saw Giyu standing by the door. "Your sister is here for lunch." He smiled and went back inside. Tanjiro, still holding Hatsuri, grabbed some of the toys and followed Giyu.

"Auntie Nezuko!!" Tanjiro walked in to see Tsutako hugging Nezuko. Zenitsu was standing next to her, talking to Giyu.

"Hey Nezuko, Zenitsu." Tanjiro walked up to and hugged them both. He stepped back and saw Toko hiding behind Zenitsu.

"Toko introduce yourself to them, come on." Zenitsu grabbed her hand and she walked forward a little.

"Hey Uncle Tanjiro, hey Uncle Giyu..." She mumbled. 

"Hey Toko." Tanjiro smiled at her and she was hesitant until she saw Takeo and Tsutako. She ran off with them giggling into the other room.

Giyu led them both to the living room and they all sat down together. "How've you guys been? How's Hatsuri?" Nezuko was looking at the sleeping baby in Tanjiros arms, who seemed to be slowly waking up.

"She's had some trouble eating lately, we think it's because she's going to start teething soon." They all looked at the half awake baby when she started cooing and making noises. "Here, you guys haven't seen her in a while." Tanjiro carefully handed his baby to his sister, who lovingly carried her. 

"She's adorable." Nezuko and Zenitsu looked at each other and she nodded at him. Zenitsu cleared his throat and we both looked at him.

"Me and Nezuko," He looked at her. "We're expecting another."

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing!" He got up and hugged his sister again. Giyu gave Zenitsu a short hug.

"Congratulations Zenitsu, now you get to be a father of two." They all sat together and talked for hours. 


"It was nice having you guys here today, next time we'll visit you." Tanjiro said goodbye to his sister and she left with Toko and Zenitsu. 

"We really should see them more often." Giyu hugged Tanjiro from behind and put his nose at the crook of his neck. "We should head to bed soon... I already put the kids to bed." Tanjiro leaned into his touch and soon stood up.

"Yeah, let's go to bed." They walked to their room down the hall and changed out of their clothes. Giyu got in bed with only a pair of pants and Tanjiro did the same. 

"Today was a nice day, hopefully tomorrow is too." Tanjiro cuddled up to Giyu.

"Yeah, maybe Hatsuri will be more willing eat tomorrow. Though that's very unlikely." Giyu chuckled slightly and he kissed Tanjiros forehead. 

"She'll only eat at the expense of that counter..." They both laughed at that. 

Tanjiro and Giyu laid in bed together in a peaceful silence, both content with their lives.

That's how they will continue for the years to come. 

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