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Tanjiro POV.

It's been a week since I woke up and Giyu said that I could see Nezuko soon. I haven't seen her yet and I'm excited to see her human! Apparently her and Zenitsu are serious, and I missed a lot about their relationship.

I walked out of the bedroom and followed Giyu's scent around the mansion until I found him. His scent is so addicting, and it's easy to pick up on. I saw him sitting on the ground organizing some herbs.

"Watcha doing?" I sat down next to him and nuzzled into his arm. He wrapped his arm around me and leaned his head on mine.

"Just organizing some stuff for dinner. Is there anything you want?"


The first thing that popped in my mind was something unexpected, but I couldn't say I didn't want it. I felt my face heat up and embarrassment took me.over.

"..No!" I covered my face and tried to think of something else. Why did I have to say that, like that?

"....Are you okay sunflower?" I felt his hand move my chin up and he looked at me. "Do you have a fever?"

"N-no..." He put a hand on my forehead and my mind kept wondering what things I wanted. His eyes widened for a moment but he smirked after.

"I can smell your aroused pheromones, omega~" He pushed me down on the ground and pinned my hands. "What do you want? Hmm?"

"You~" I purred, but couldn't help it. I felt so... Horny...

His smirk got even bigger (if possible) and he started kissing my neck. He lifted up my shirt and pulled it up all the way off. I giggled when he started  moving his hand down my chest.

"That tickles Giyuuuu~~~~" he laughed slightly then his hand went further down. I felt my stomach grumble and I perked up.

I started tugging at his clothes and he sat up. "What is it?" I want something else now... But what is it....?

"Cinnamon bread! I want cinnamon bread." I looked up at him, my eyes staring into his

"..." He looked at me, then at my stomach. "Huh? Your stomach grumble convinced you to side against me?"

"Aww, you're horny now aren't you~" He glares at me then starts getting up. "Can you make me some cinnamon bread? Please?" I made a pouty face and he sighed.

"Fine. But I'll remember this." He helped me up and I went back to the room while he did his thing.

If I'm being honest, I can only make rice balls, but they never turn out like his do.

I sat on the bed, wondering if there was something I could do while I wait. Then I got that feeling again. "Now I'm horny? But he's busy now..." I mumbled.

'I could do something.... Maybe... Eh why not try. No. Nevermind I don't even know how.... But I could attempt to do the stuff he does, can't I? Yeah. I can at least try. But what if I do it wrong or-'

"Okay, it's done." He walked in with a tray of... bread? What happened to lunch, what about breakfast? Is this breakfast? Wait I asked him to make it- right!

"Oh! That was really fast." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him questionably.

"It took me 3 hours... Did you expect it to take longer?"

"Th-three hours?!?  Hasn't it only been like 5 minutes?!" I looked at him in pure shock.

"No... Do you have a fever?" He put his hand to my forehead and his eyes widened. "You're burning up!"

"Oh... Really...?" I did feel a little warm but not that much... I think. I feel really weird now that he mentions it.

"I'm calling the doctor, lay down and rest." He started walking back but I started getting u

"Wait! Giyu there's no neah-" I started feeling dizzy all of a sudden and I started falling back.

"Tanjiro!" I couldn't tell what was happening but I could only hear Giyu's voice. He was... yelling? I don't remember now.... What's going on?

Tomioka POV.

"TANJIRO!! TANJIRO WAKE UP!" He fell limp in my arms with a burning fever. I laid him down on the bed and he groaned, in what seemed like pain. I ran out and hurried to summon the doctor.

I attached a letter to my crow and sent it off. I went back inside and focused my attention on Tanjiro. When I got back to the room he was rolling around, sweating and panting.

"Shhh... Shhh... I'm here..." I layed down next to him and started petting him. He calmed down but  was still sweating.

2 hours later

The doctors on his way and Tanjiro seems a little calmer now, he stopped sweating as much but he still has a fever.

I heard loud, fast knocking at the door and quickly sped to it.  When I opened I saw a familiar man, one who had come many times before. I moved aside and he walked, immediately knowing where to go.

"Has his fever gone down?" I followed him down the hall.

"No. But he stopped panting and sweating."

"That's a good sign. From what I've heard so far, seems like his body is fighting an inner infection. His body is still healing, it would make sense." He walked into the room and headed toward Tanjiro.

I watched as he examined Tanjiro and after a few minutes and some blood samples he walked back and took some notes.

"It seems as though his body is getting used to being active. He needs to rest and take some health herbs that should help his body adjust. He can't be stressed though either, and it seems as though you two have been busy. His heats affect, am I right?"


"You were fast. I didn't think he'd get pregnant again so fast." My eyes widened as he pushed up his glasses. He started getting up and headed to the door. "Make sure he relaxes and he can't be put under anymore stress, he might lose the baby and his body's condition will only worsen."

"Okay." The doctor walked out and closed the door behind him.

I lay back down next to Tanjiro and cuddled him while he slept.

"Get better soon, sunflower."


This should've been finished in April but I'm sadly lazy and didn't wanna write it. I'm going to try my best to finish the next one before the end of the month.

Have a nice day!
(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)

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