I missed you

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A week later...

Tanjiro POV.

I was walking around outside, watching a little creek flow behind Giyus house. He has a big garden behind his house that he has somebody tens too sometimes. It's really beautiful when it's clean, but right now there are vines everywhere.

"Hey Tanjiro, come inside, we have some guests." I looked behind me and saw Giyu standing at the door, smiling?

"What..? I thought you said we couldn't have guests for a while." I started walking through the path but then I caught a particular scent. "Wait....Wh-who are the guests?" I saw him smile and then he moved aside. There she was, a girl, who looked similar to me, with long dark hair, walking towards me.

"N-nezuko? Nezuko!" I ran up to her, tears threatening to fall.

"Big brother!" We both jumped into a hug and nearly fell over.

"I missed you so much Nezuko!" We both sobbed on each other's shoulders and stood in the same spot for a couple minutes.

"It's been so long Tanjiro...I've missed you...." Nezuko smiled lightly. "So much has happened, and I wished you were there to see it."

"So do I, Nezuko. Let's go inside now, I'm sure Giyu must've made something. Wait did he even know you were coming?" She laughed a little and looked at Giyu, who was leaning on the doorway.

"So you didn't tell him? I guess it was a surprise."

"Yep. Worked like a charm." He was nonchalant about it, but I could tell he probably planned this out for me. "I made some snacks ahead of time, they're in the dining room." I smiled and walked over to him.

"Thank you for setting this up Giyu.." I gave hime a quick hug then turned back to Nezuko. "Let's go and have some snacks, I'm kind of hungry."

"I am too." She followed me into the house and down the halls. "This place is pretty big..."

"I know right? I still get lost around here sometimes. Actually....where is the dining room?" I stopped and looked behind Nezuko. Giyu was following behind us, now, he was walking ahead of us and leading the way to the dining room. "Sorry Nezuko, I've never actually been in the dining room."

"It's no problem Tanjiro. By the way, are you perhaps pregnant?" My eyes widened and I looked over at Giyu.

"Did you tell her?" When he looked back at me, I could tell he was also somewhat surprised.

"No no no, it's just you've been rubbing your stomach, and your scent is really sweet."

"Oh I didn't even know I was doing that..." I looked down at my belly, it's a little bit more noticeable now. "Well, I'm almost 3 months along now. Only 4 more to go."

*An omega pregnancy is usually 6-7 months*

"Aww I'm gonna be an auntie soon!" She cheered happily.

"It's this door here." Giyu stopped and opened the door for me and Nezuko. I walked in, she followed and we both sat down next to each other at the table. He made my favorite rice balls!

"I call dibs on the rice balls!" I grabbed 3 while she laughed.

"You always did like those. I'll have the dumplings then." She grabbed a pair of chopsticks and went to have a dumpling. "These are delicious Tomioka-san!" It was my turn to laugh.

"Mhm he makes the best food!!!" We all sat down and talked about different things for a little while.

"How have things been with Zenitsu? I heard that you two are together." I saw her start blushing slightly.

"Y-yeah things are actually pretty good. I live with him and we hang out a lot..."

"Mhm...so how many times has he proposed?" I heard Giyu hold back a laugh.

"A couple times....but I told him I had to wait for your blessing, and to that we are really young."

"Good. He's gonna have to come to me and personally ask me to marry you. And I can't have any visitors for what, let's say five years. So he can't marry for another 5 years then. Right Giyu?" I'm not gonna let him marry my sister anytime soon!

"Well you can have visitors anytime now-" I cut him off quickly.

"Nope. 5 years."

"Hmm...If you say so...."

"Well everyone but Zenitsu can come see me anytime until then."

"Whatever you say Tanjiro. Have you guys thought about any baby names?"

"No not yet. Why?" I asked, I wonder what Giyu thinks about names anyway, we haven't really talked about anything like that at all.

"Just asking, but the name Nezuko should be in the mix."

"Oh so that's what this is about huh, we'll think about it."

Nezuko statues for another hour then said she has to go.

"Bye Tanjiro, I'll come visit soon!"

"I can't wait!" I hugged her before she walked out. Giyu was cleaning up and I was tired so I started heading to our bedroom.

"Where are you going sunflower?" Giyu closed the door to the kitchen and followed me down the hall.

"I'm going to bed, I don't feel like staying up."

"Tanjiro it's the middle of the day though, we should go on a walk, you need to get some sunlight."

"I was outside earlier, *yawn* come lay down with me..." I crawled into bed and found myself snuggled under the covers. I felt Giyu get in too and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I guess a little nap wouldn't hurt.."

"Mmm..." I felt myself drift off, comfortable next to my alpha after a long, but short day.


I hope you liked this chapter. I know it seemed a little rushed, but I couldn't really get Nezukos character right so I winged it. Sorry if it sucked. The next chapter will be out next Sunday hopefully! I'm writing this in the middle of the night so there might be some errors, please tell me if there are any and I'll fix them.

Have a nice day!

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