The Mission can and WILL Wait

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Tomioka and Tanjiro were lying in bed together when there was a knock on their door.

"Tanjiro! Tomioka! We've found the rest of the group in the village! All of us are going to a bakery a little ways down the road." Zenitsu woke up the boys who had had a nice night together.

Tomioka groaned as he knew that he would need to get up and start talking about the mission.

"Were coming Zenitsu, give us about half and hour and we will meet you there."

"Ok, don't forget that you will need to be prepared to see everyone."

"Yea.. See you there."

"See ya!" Tomioka heard Zenitsu steps fade down the hall and slightly shook Tanjiro awake.

"Wake up sunflower...We have to meet everyone at the bakery..."

"Uehhhhhh....just a few more minutes...." Tanjiro yawned and pushed his head into the pillow more.

Tanjiro and Tomioka had been up late due to someones... sex drive...

"We have to get ready...I'll give you extra cuddles after the mission if you get up now..." Tanjiro's ears perked up when he said that.

"Mmm...fine..." Tanjiro sat up and he and Tomioka kissed good morning. "How long do we have to get ready?"

"About 25 minutes..."

"Ok...I'll start getting ready I guess..."

"Yea me too."

They both went into the shower together and quickly cleaned themselves. Once they finished, they both got their core uniforms on and left their room.

"Where is the bakery they're at?" Tanjiro said while following Tomioka out of the inn.

"Just follow me. It should be close by, well at least that's what Zenitsu said." Tomioka walked down the road in front of the inn, unaware of which way they were supposed to go.

10 minutes Later~

"Giyu...I think it was the other way down the road..."

"Well fuck. Zenitsu didn't exactly give me instructions for this shit." Giyu stopped abruptly, cursing Zenitsu for not telling which way to go.

"Its okay, lets just go back the other way."

"Yea no shit."

20 minutes later~

"We passed the inn, but there's still no sign of any bakery. There are other inns and cafes but no bakery yet."

"Could you try to sniff em' out? Catch there scent in the air maybe?" Tomioka was looking around trying to see if there was anyone he could ask for directions to the nearest bakery, he had asked a few people but they all said that it was nearly an hour away.

"I could try... Gimme a sec." Tanjiro Lifted his head up and started sniffing around trying to pick up either Zenitsu's or Nezuko's scent since her demon scent stuck out to him. His ears suddenly perked up and Tomioka looked at him. " I got it! The breeze it moving it around but I got a clear trace. Follow me." Tanjiro walking in the path that would lead back to the inn, but then he took a turn to a small forest path that was covered in dirt and weeds, they walking on that path for about 2 minutes then they found a small cottage. "In there."

Tomioka opened the door to reveal Shinobu, Rengoku, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko's box, Kanao and Murata. They were all in different parts of the room but they were engaging in conversation that stopped when the door opened.

"Sorry we're late." Tomioka said as he grabbed Tanjiros hand and pulled him to a table where Inosuke and Zenitsu were. "I'm going to talk with Rengoku and Shinobu." He then walked leaving the trio in slight confusion.

"W-well hello guys...What have you talked about?"

"Well we waited for you and just went our own ways when we realized you guys were going to take more time. Zenitsu was next to Nezuko's box with his hand in the opening slowly petting Nezukos hair. If you were close enough, you could hear her purring.

(Nezuko is older in this story like Tanjiro is, so she's 17)

"Zenitsu. How about I get to spend some time with my sister. You have been with her for more than a few days so it should be fine right?"

"U-uh yea but won't you be busy with Tomioka?"

"I'll always put family first above all else. No matter what."

"And when he mates with you are you going to put him above her because technically you guys would be making a familiar bond for life." Inosuke jumped in slightly surprising Inosuke.

"It doesn't matter, Nezuko related to me by blood. Gi-... Tomioka in that scenario would have with it."

"Sure." Inosuke walked away with his swords and dragged Murata with him.

"Is he going to fight Murata?" Zenitsu looked at Tanjiro and they both jumped up when they heard Murata yell.


"FIGHT ME GOD DAMMIT!!!" Inosuke went charging to Murata when Tanjiro and Zenitsu both jumped in and restrained him. Tanjiro was in the front blocking Murata and Zenitsu was holding Inosuke back. Inosuke swung one of his swords accidentally cutting Tanjiros left arm in the process.

"Inosuke what the hell! We're supposed to into battle soon!!" Zenitsu was yelling at Inosuke while Tanjiro slowly swayed around, losing blood from his wound. He was unprepared for the hit because he was with his friends and he didn't have his guard up, his body wasn't ready for the immediate loss of blood.

"TANJIRO!!" Murata screamed causing the Hashiras to come out.

Tomioka lost his shit.

"What. The. Fuck. WHO THE FUCK DID THIS! WE HAVE A FUCKING MISSION TO GO TO LATER AND Y'ALL ALMOST CUT HIS FUCKING ARM OFF!?!" Tomioka was livid, releasing angry pheromones causing everyone around him to stop dead in there tracks. Their instincts where telling them to get the hell outta there but they couldn't move.

"Who did this....WHO DID THIS." Tomioka lifted up and brought him inside and laid him down on the floor mat. "I'll ask one more goddamn time. Who. Did. This."

Murata stepped up slowly, his legs shaking terribly. " w-was an accident..."

" said to fight someone didn't you...well here I am."

"I didn't mean to-" Inosuke knew that the fellow alpha was ready to kill for his omega. He knew that all too well.

"Shut the hell up and meet me outside. Shinobu, Rengoku, I ask that you please take care of Tanjiro for me."

"Yes...but go easy on him...we have a dangerous mission and-"

" The mission can, and WILL wait."
That's all for this chapter, I hope you liked it. I'm still thinking of ideas for the mission chapter, if anyone has any ideas, please comment to tell me!

I hope to get the next chapter out before next year. Hopefully I can update all of my other books too!
Have a nice day!

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