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11k OMG I can't believe it! Sorry this was late.

Tanjiro POV

It's been about 2 months since we visited the butterfly mansion. Since then, I've become closer with Tengen's wives and they've come over a couple times. We talked abut baby names, clothes, and some nursery themes.

"Giyu, are we heading north or south?" I asked as I followed him out of the house.

"North." We are heading to the doctors house. The doctor had mentioned that I need a checkup every few months and its time for this one, which is the last one before the baby is born. "Also, remember that ramen shop that Suma told us about?"

"Yeah, wait are we going there?!"

"Yep, we should pass there around midday for lunch anyway." I smiled and wrapped my arm around his.

"I'm defiantly getting dessert for lunch." He chuckled and we talked on the way. We have been preparing for our baby as best we could, and I decided some names that would be good, but I only want him to know after the baby's born as a surprise. He didn't like that I dint tell him, but he's just going to have to deal with it!

After a couple hours of walking, we arrived at a little village and we followed some sign to get to the ramen shop.

"It says to take a left here, then a right up ahead..." I followed him as we passed plenty of people, all talking and laughing with each other. "There." I looked to where he was pointing to, and saw a little ramen shop, with a long line of people also trying to get lunch here. "Are you fine with waiting Tanjiro?" He asked.

"Yeah, as long as they have fruit cake!" He smiled and we stood behind a family of 5, a mother, father, and 3 kids. They were all messing around and annoying their parents, but it was heartwarming to watch knowing that might be us someday.

"Don't stare too hard, they'll think your stalking them." I looked at him and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Why? Do I look like a pregnant omega trying to kidnap children?" He nodded with a smile, trying to tease me. "Meany..." I mumbled and looked away from him, instead looking at all of the Sakura trees around the area, adding a beautiful touch to the houses.

"Hey Tanjiro, does that look like who I think it does?" I looked over to where he was pointing and saw a head of pink hair next to head of black.

"Oh my, Misturi?!" She looked over and squealed. He kind of skipped over and Iguro followed shortly.

"Tanjiro!!" He jumped and hugged me. "I haven't seen you since the swordsmith village!"

"I know its been forever!" I saw Giyu and Iguro shake hands, and it was then I saw two little people next to him. "You have kids now!?"

"Yep! Kaede, Ikuyo, come out, Tanjiro won't bite!" They slowly walked out from behind Iguro and smiled. Ikuyo was a boy and Kaede was a girl. "We have 3 more girls at home." I looked at her shocked and laughed a little.

"You have five kids? Wow..."

"Yeah, and I see your expecting, how many? Do you know?" I put a hand on my belly and smiled.

"We're actually on our way to go get a checkup and see. We both expect only one, but we don't know for sure."

"Well I think your having 2, Iguro doesn't he look like he's not just pregnant with one?"

"Yeah...When Mitsuri was pregnant with one, she wasn't know..." He shrugged and I lowered my head slightly. I heard Giyu growl when I looked over, he was glaring daggers at Iguro.

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