A lot has happened.

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Thanks for 2.9k reads!!! Almost at 3k! 

Tomioka POV.

I was in the room with Tanjiro, cleaning up a little when I heard my name. I whipped my head around and saw Tanjiro crawling over to me slowly, his eyes half open.

"Tanjiro! You're awake!" He smiled and I hugged him.

"Giyu, h-how long was I o-out?" I paused and looked at him, he had a strange look in his eyes, like he was worried but angry.

"...About a year darling...." He teared up and started sobbing quietly. "Shhhh.... I know.... But you're fine now and you're awake." I pulled him into my chest as he sobbed.

After a couple of minutes he quieted down and I could tell he was asleep due to his breathing changes. I picked him up and carried him to our bed. As I started walking away, he pulled my shirt. I took the hint and laid in bed with him, gently rubbing circles along his back.

2 hours later Tanjiro POV.

I felt myself wake up as I heard the door open and the scent of food hit my nose. I sat up and rubbed my eyes just to open then and see Giyu holding a bowl. 

"Hey Darling, I brought you some Lunch." He pulled a table next to the bed and put the bowls on with a cup of water. It was Udon. "I just made it so its a little hot."

"Okay!" I grabbed a pair of chop stick's and started eating. He sat down next to me and felt his stare. "What is it?"

"There's some things you should know, a lot has happened in the past year." I whipped my head over to his.

"Is Nezuko alright!?!?!?!"

"Yes she is fine, a little better than fine actually." I gave him a questioning look.

"What do you mean?"

"Well the Demon we fought was an upper rank, and Lady Tamayo came and collected some of her blood."

"You know Lady Tamayo?"

"She told us who she was and how she knew you when she appeared. She also told us that she was close to making an antidote for Nezuko."

"....Wait...IS NEZUKO HUMAN?!" 

"Yes she is, but you need to calm down. You'll be able to see her in a couple of weeks."

"Why can't I see her now? I'm awake and I can kind of walk now."

"Its not that simple, your body still needs time to adjust and your heat will need to stabilize too."

"Oh. So I won't be able to see anyone else for the next few weeks?" I moved closer to him a little and waited for a response.

"I'm sorry... You have to let your body adjust." He raised a hand to my head and he pet me gently.

"Ok..." I sighed and continued eating the Udon. 

"There's also something else I need to tell you too..." He stopped petting me and he seemed a little distressed.

"Hmm..?" I looked up, I saw his eyes watering slightly. "Giyu, what is it? What happened?"

"When you first went into the coma, you...." He looked at me with a sympathetic look.

"You were pregnant."

Sorry this took so long and it's short. I've been busy this month and I had some personal stuff to deal with. I'll try to get the next chapter out before the end of the month this time.

The valentines thing will be published when I finish this story! This is coming to an end soon and I might do a sequel if people really like this one but I may not idk yet. 

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