Get The Group Together

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Giyu POV

' = thoughts in the moment only

Me and Tanjiro where sitting in the bath together when I remembered something from earlier. I had been chasing Shinobu a few houses down and then she stopped and told me why she showed up in the first place.


"WHY DID YOU JUST SHOW UP AT MY PLACE SHINOBU!?!" I was running after her when she stopped abruptly. 'Why the hell is she making me chase after her! I want to fu-'

"Look, I'm sorry I interrupted that moment, I still can't even believe you found someone who actually likes you, but nevermind that, there's something important I needed to tell you." 'This goddamn bitch....'

"Me and you have been paired for an important mission to Mount *************. Many lower ranks have been killed and we suspect that there is a 12 kizuki hiding there. There are also many lower rank demons suspected to be hiding there as well."

"Why are you coming here to tell me this? You could've just sent a crow." 'why didn't she? I mean come on I was just about to have fun with Tanjiro-'

"I know, but Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu are assigned to be there with us as well. Some sources told me you were going on a mission with Tanjiro so I decided to come to your mansion to tell you."

"Ok. I can tell Tanjiro about it later today." 'Yea.. After I finish what I started...'

"Ok. But make sure to tell him that all of us need to meet at Mount ************** In 3 days time. I already sent word out to Inosuke and Zenitsu."

When she said that, I looked at her annoyed that she didn't just send both me and Tanjiro a message but it's to late now. I mean come on! I could've been halfway through by now but she fucking ruined it!

"Well I'm going back to my mansion." I started walking away but then she grabbed my arm.

"Make sure your careful with him, he needs to be able to walk for the mission alright?"

"Yea I know I'm not stupid, unlike some people." I rolled my eyes and continued to walk away.

"Nice to see you too..." she mumbled.

End of Flashback

Tanjiro started fidgeting in the bath so I thought that I might as well tell him. I started playing with his ears when I started talking.

"Hey Tanjiro, there's a different mission we have to go to before the one we're on now. We have to go on a higher rank mission."

"Oh... ok. Are Zenitsu and Inosuke coming?"

"Yea, there's going to be me, Shinobu, Rengoku, you, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, and Murata attending this mission."

"...why are there 3 hashira going...?"

"It is suspected that there are 2 members from the 12 kizuki there and many lower rank demon surrounding the mountain."

"Oh....ok" Tanjiro looked down sadly and I knew why...

"Don't worry, everyone will be fine after. We have to leave at the end of tomorrow to be to the mountain in time."

"Ok that makes sense."

"Now...let's finish this bath and cuddle on the bed shall we?" Tanjiro ears perked up and happy pheromones where floating around the room.

"Yes we shall!"

A day later~ 3rd POV

Giyu and Tanjiro were getting ready to leave...

"Hey Giyu-san, who do you think we'll run into first, Inosuke or Zenitsu? There both coming from northern missions so theoretically we would be meeting them first."

"Yea that's a good point, probably Inosuke since he's faster and more aware of what's around him. Zenitsu might be able to hear us but he's probably going to be more focused on Nezuko."

"Knowing Zenitsu, my bet is placed on us meeting Inosuke first. You?"

"Same here."


"We should get going Tanjiro. If we leave too late then we might end up meeting some demons. That would be a pain."

"Yea, I'm ready so we can go whenever you want."

"Ok. We should take the path towards the river, it should get us close to the mountain in about 3 hours."


4 hours later

"How far are we from the nearest village to rest?"

"Mm I think we're about 20 minutes away... Maybe 15 east."

" you hear that noise?"

"Yea... I think it might be an animal or something like that."

"YAHOOO SLOW POCKS!" Inosuke jumped out of a tree up the path and ran to Tanjiro. "What took y'all so long? I thought you guys would be faster."

"We ran into a couple of people and they needed help carrying some stuff."

"Yea yea whatever. Zenitsu is up ahead with Nezuko."

"No I'm not I'm right here Inosuke." Zenitsu popped up outta nowhere right next to Inosuke.

"Where the hell did you come from? I thought you where hanging out with your girlfriend." Zenitsu blushed harshly slightly offended that he told Tanjiro.

"So your dating my sister! How have I not heard of this yet?!?"

"It's a very event thing... I promise I was going to tell you... Eventually..."

"Zenitsu!!! How dare you not tell me as soon as it happened."

"Oh don't act like you haven't told us that you and Tomioka are together! We all know and you never told us yourself!"

".....that's different...."


"He's a hashira and I'm a lower rank than he is so it might not be as normal or as acceptable as any other relationship." Tomioka looked at Tanjiro when he said, he knew that it was bothering Tanjiro in some way.

"Yes but still! We're your friends! And your sister for God sake!!"

"Oh she already knew."

"WHAAAATTT! NEZUKO WHY DIDNT YOU TELL MEEEEE!!!" Nezuko looks at him with a 'dude you know dam well why' look.


"Guys we have to get going... I think the village is up ahead..." Tomioka isn't as open with Tanjiro friends as he is with Tanjiro and that's why he hasn't been talking as much.

"Yea we should go!"

"Yea!!!" -From both Inosuke and Zenitsu.

Ok that is the end of this chapter! I hope you all liked it. It took me some time to think of how to put this together and this is what I ended up doing. In my story, I'm not writing the Mugen train so Rengoku doesn't die like that. I'll write my own battle scene and stuff soon. The next chapter should be out by the end of Thanksgiving week! I don't have anything to do  for the entire week so I'm going to write a few chapters of this and maybe my other book. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day!

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