What happened last night?

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Seconds later, the demon came out of hiding.

Demon: "Oh, I'm sorry, did I ruin a lovely moment?"-sarcastic- 

Giyu: Oh I'm gonna kill this bitch.... "Apologize. Now." As I hear the demon laugh, I go behind him and cut off his arms and legs. "When I say to do something you do it. Got it?"

Demon: Shit... "y-yes..."

Giyu: "Good. Now apologize for ruining a 'lovely moment'." I watch as the demon regenerates and quickly runs away. I let him go a few meters then cut his head of so clean my sword got no blood on it. As always ;)

As Giyu put his sword away, he thought about what to do about Tanjiro, at some point he thought about fucking him....that thought went away as quickly as it came. He decided to take Tanjiro to his mansion. He picked him up and carried him in down the moon lit path they where originally walking on. As they where walking, Tanjiro started talking in his sleep. He said small things that made Giyu a little...confused. He said things like "ahahaha not there...stop tickling me...hhahaa." Tanjiro soon said something that made Giyu stop in his steps... "A-a-alpha....g..go harder..a-alpha!"

Giyu POV. 

"A-a-alpha....g..go harder..a-alpha!"

I heard Tanjiro, the sweet omega, say those words... 'who where they to? Who was he calling alpha? Is he marked already? Does he have an alpha already? NO. NO HE CAN'T HE'S MY OMEGA AND ONLY MINE.' Pure anger ran threw me, well until....


Tanjiro kept shifting around in my arms as he said it...all I could do was sit there as red as the right side of my kimono. I soon got...hard...thinking about what Tanjiro was doing in his dream... I tried not to think about it as I continued walking, but it just kept popping up in my mind. By the time we approached my mansion, Tanjiro was sound asleep in my arms. I took him inside and placed him on my bed because my guest rooms weren't prepared for anyone yet. As I was starting to walk away, he grabbed my arm and pulled me onto him. He started cuddling me as if I was a big pillow. I tried to squeeze my way out but failed. I ended up falling asleep soon after ward.

Tanjiro POV.                                                                                                              

I started waking up just to find me cuddling Giyu like a pillow. I kind of jumped when I realized it and then fell out of the bed. Sense I was holding onto him...he fell right onto me. As he woke up, he started moving his legs to try and stand up but failed... his face was so close to mine... "S-s-sorry..."

"It fine...." I watched as he got up from on top of me and sat on the bed. "So, just for my curiosity, what did you dream about last night, Tanjiro~" I was confused at first, but remembering my dream, I felt my face heat up.

"O-oh....I-I- don't usually remember them...hehehe...." I lied hoping he would buy it.

"Mhm...Sure lets go with that...But just so you know, you talk in your sleep."

"W-WAIT! WHAT DID YOU HEAR!-" I was bright red at that moment, he smirked a stood up, pulling me up and onto his chest.

"Oh, just something along the lines 'G-giyu....harder...d-daddy~!', you  kept squirming around while you said too~" 

"I-I'm so s-sorry...." I covered my face out of embarrassment but he pulled them away. I shut my eyes then I was pushed onto to the bed.

"Oh, you do deserve to be punished~ Its rude to call me by my first name like that Tanjiro~" He got down close to my ear and whispered, "How about we make part of your dream a reality~"

"w-w-wh-" I felt his lips on mine. pushing through, his tongue went exploring my mouth. I wanted to push him away, but gave in as he pulled my arms away. He started grinding against me...hard....

'BANG' The door shot open.

"TOMIOKA-SAN! YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY MISSION WITH ME TO MOUNT-" Shinobu froze at the sight of us. I swear her mouth actually dropped to the ground. "A-a-a-am I i-interrupting s-s-some-th-thing...?"

"How the hell did you get into my place- It was fucking locked." Giyu looked angry as hell. 

"O-o-oh I might have b-broken the door?" She started running away

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Giyu jumped off of me and started chasing her. She was probably a mile away by the time he was off the bed. 

"What should I do now..?" I wispered to myself, staring at the dent in my pants...

So this took awhile to come out, sorry I didn't have any ideas before. The next chapter will be out either next week or in 2 weeks, I promise :)

I am aware of how... weird... some of the lines are, but that makes it all the more funny.

For me lol

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