Shall we continue~

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've just been busy with school and shit.

Tanjiro POV.

I open my eyes slowly, not knowing where I am. How did I get here? Last night is a little fuzzy... This place smells like Giyu.... I got out of bed and walked to the door, when I opened it, I saw that it was a big hallway, most likely meaning I'm in a mansion.

"Where am I?" I start to walk around because I don't know where I am. I think I've been walking in circles... Why is it so warm in here? Its been a few minutes and there's no sign of Giyu or Shinobu.

 I'm getting a little worried, am I walking in circles? It feels like I am. I want to get out of here! No I need to calm down... I'll bathe! I'm still wearing what I was wearing last night so I decide I should take a bath and change. Though it sudden relization hits me that I don't know where to go.

'How can I take a bath if I don't even know where the bath is?' I thought as I walked around a gigantic mansion. Like I mean this place was huge, bigger than Shinobus I think, but empty. As I was walking, I tripped on something and fell right on top of a stone chair or something. I hit my head right on it. I felt tears well up in my eyes because not only did I fall on a stone stool chair thing, BUT I ALSO PUT A HUGE CRACK IN IT!  There was a huge crack in it that I caused with my head and I started bawling and then curled up in a ball. Why am I so emotional right now?

I heard foot steppes coming towards me at a fast pace from down the hall. When I looked up, I saw Giyu coming towards me with slightly worry on his face. When he got to me, he picked me up and literally ran to his room. He took many turns, left and right all over the place. Once we got to his room, he threw me on the bed and when I looked up at him with my tear stained face, I saw that his eyes changed... That was when I realized that his scent had changed as well as mine. Had I gone into heat while I was wandering threw this place? Suddenly he got on top of me and pinned my arms down with his hand then grabbed my chin with the other.

"Tanjiro~ Come and look at your Alpha~" I looked up at his eyes after he said that.

"Y-yes..." It's like I was lost in a trance.

"Yes what~?" It's like he was staring into my soul.

"Yes Alpha~" How could I resist.

"Good boy~" He got down close to  my ear and whispered seductively, "Shall we continue~"

I know this is short as hell but I mean the next chapter is going to be a Smut chapter~

If you don't like that stuff, then you know, skip the next chapter- :) 

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