The Village

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I'm going to write their conversations differently because there are a lot of people talking at the same time. ' means action. Their thoughts are going to be after they are saying. Sorry if that's confusing.

3rd POV.

Tomioka, Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko are walking to the village that is only about a mile from where they are.

Tanjiro: "Guys, how about we play a game or something. Just to start some conversation." Yea I mean it's quiet and awkward. I mean they don't really talk with Giyu at all and they don't know how to act with a hashira.

Inosuke: "Wanna fight?!?"

Tanjiro: "Not what I meant Inosuke! And you know that!"

Zenitsu: "After you left for your mission with Tomioka, he tried to fight Murata but Murata ran away before Inosuke could find him!"

Tanjiro: "Inosuke!!! You shouldn't fight fellow demon slayers! It's against core rules! You could get us all in trouble too!"

Tomioka: They realize that since I'm being informed about this I have to report this...right?  "Oh did you all know that when Hashiras hear of people breaking core rules they have to report it? You knew right...?"

Inosuke: "Well you won't tell will you? I mean since you're dating Tanjiro..."

Tanjiro: "Inosuke that doesn't change anything! He still has to report you either way!"

Inosuke: 'scoff' "whatever."

Zenitsu: "Guys! We can see the village from here!"

Tomioka: Finally... "Let's hurry over to see if there is an inn we can stay at for the night. If we're lucky we might find Murata, Kanao, Shinobu or Rengoku there."

Tanjiro: "Why would we be lucky to find them there though. Aren't we all going to meet with them tomorrow at the mountain anyway?"

Tomioka: "Yes, but if we meet with all of them tonight then we can talk strategy and make a plan to attack and defend."

Tanjiro: "Ok!"

Zenitsu: "Geez we get it, you two are together, you don't have to show it off."

Tanjiro blushed hearing him say that about them.

Tanjiro: "Shut up Zenitsu!!" Tanjiro started chasing zenitsu into the village, Tomioka easily got to him and signaled Tanjiro to stop. "Hmph."

Tomioka: 'Whispers something in Tanjiros ear.' "If"

Tanjiro: "D-deal...."

Inosuke: "Hey love birds, Zenitsu waiting at an inn with Nezuko and Kanao"

Tanjiro: "When did he find Kanao?"

Inosuke: "When he was running from you he accidentally ran into her. Turns out she already has a room at that inn."

Tanjiro: "Oh that's convenient-"


Tanjiro: "We're coming, we're coming..."

Later when they had their rooms prepared... The pairs were Kanao and Nezuko in one room, Zenitsu and Inosuke in another, and Tanjiro and Tomioka together on their own.

In Tanjiros and Tomioka's room...

"Can we sleep in one bed together...?" Tanjiro asked in an innocent tone towards Tomioka.

"Of course sunflower...anything for you." Tomioka smiled at Tanjiro as they both started to get out of their uniforms.

"Ok!" Tanjiro sped up as he changed into clothes to sleep in. When he finished, he jumped on the bed and crawled up to Tomioka waiting for his Alpha to finish.

Tomioka was taking his shirt off as Tanjiro watched his Alpha reveal his bare chest. Being the omega Tanjiro is, he stared at him and purred at some point causing a slight glance from the Alpha.

"Tanjiro, should I put on a shirt for bed, or just shorts?"

"Maybe j-just sh-sh-shorts...." Tomioka smirked as he heard him say that.

"Good choice sweety~" Tomioka crawled up to Tanjiro and gently kissed him while agesting the sheets on the bed so that Tomioka was under them cuddling Tanjiro.

"Mm...what's with all the names...I wanna give you one..." Tanjiro fidgeted around in Tomioka's arms.

"You can call me whatever you'd like darling~"

"Stoop- the names I can think of for you are Giyu-san and... a-alpha..." Tomioka smirked and kissed Tanjiros neck softly.

"Well, I personally like the second one better, you know that already." Tanjiro looked up at his Alpha.
"You can always call me that when we're alone if you want. Whatever you call me around others is what you please."

"Ok alpha~"

"Oh now- you really think I won't do it here?" Tomioka pushed Tanjiro under him and pinned his arms over his head. "Don't worry, I won't let that stop me...."

"W-wait we have to g-go to t-the mountain and-"

"Shhhh..... I'll be gentle...."

"W-w-wha- AHHHHHHH!"

So this was random. It didn't take as long as the other chapters so the next one will probably take some time. Maybe 2 weeks or so. Thanks for reading and l hope you enjoyed it. If anyone has any ideas for another demon slayer ship please tell me, I've been thinking about another book to write and I could use some ideas.
Have a great day!

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