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Like that, but Tanjiro's pregnant, laying down, and not looking at him. I needed to use the picture somehow.

3rd POV 14:00

"Are you sure Tanjiro? Your 100% positive?"

"Yes, I am! I swear they're contractions!"

"...Okay so- you should go lay in the bathtub- I'll go get the docto- wait no I'll bring you to the- no no we can wa-"

"Shut up! Your panicking isn't helping mine!"

"Well I don't know what to do! I'll just get you some herbs! Lay in the bathtub!" Giyu ran out to his garden and started picking some herbs he'd been growing. He was internally freaking the fuck out, unsure of what should be done. Tanjiro wasn't due for another 2 weeks, but the doctor said it was a possibility due to his male pregnancy.

Giyu walked back inside and headed to the bathtub. He arrived to see Tanjiro holding a blanket in the bathroom.

"What are you doing..?"

"The doctor said it would take some time didn't he? And my water hasn't broke yet..."

"I sent a crow out to the doctor, he should be on his way with nurses. It'll take time, so we'll have to wait."

" until then, I just...sit?"

"Yeah. Are you hungry? I can make some rice balls, dumplings, udon-"

"Giyu- You're rambling..... strawberry mochi and ramen is fine.... Now can I get comfortab...erhhh.." Tanjiro hunched over his stomach and his face scrunched up in pain.

"Tanjiro!? What is it, a contraction?" Tanjiro nodded and groaned when he sat back up.

"Maybe the babies don't want me to be comfortable after all...." He covered himself with the blanket and laid back.

"Just relax, if your water breaks, call me ok?" Giyu walked out to the kitchen and started to prepare what Tanjiro requested.

Somewhere else...

"Doctor! Doctor! You have a letter!" A nurse came rushing in. "It's from Sir Tomioka!" Doctor Reki was in the middle of bandaging a teens broken arm when she came rushing in.

"Sir Tomioka? Give it to me." He opened it and his eyes widened. "He's in labor!? Kushi go find the nurses, now! Bring them to the carriage immediately!" He got up and briefly apologized before heading out.

They all entered the carriage and left, hoping they could make it to the delivery before things got to serious.


"Giyu.....It hurtssssss...." Tanjiro groaned in the bathtub. His contractions had gotten longer and closer together.

"Don't worry...The doctor's on his way, he'll give you pain medication..." Giyu was at a loss, he didn't know how to help Tanjiro with this. Tanjiro was in pain, he was giving birth to their children and he couldn't do anything to help.

A loud knock was heard and Giyu immediately bolted to the door and opened it. Infront of him stood the doctor and a couple women.

"Sorry we came as fast as we could. How far apart are the contractions?" The doctor walked in, knowing where to go.

"About 12 minutes apart, they got worse a couple minutes ago." Giyu followed him and the nurses while keeping out of the way.

"Ok, We'll get set up. Those babies are pushing their way in this world sooner rather than later." They took out what seemed like medical supplies and put gloves on. "He's got a couple hours before he needs to start pushing, this is going to take some time and patience..."

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