You okay?

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3.7k reads already! Woohoo! In honor of the occasion, y'all get some smut~

Tomioka POV

"You were pregnant." I watched as his expression changed. His face showed doubt.

"" He teared up and suddenly yelled. "ITS NOT TRUE!" He ran out of the room, I heard a thump in the hallway and ran after him. I saw him lying on the ground, he seemed like he couldn't breathe.

"Tanjiro!" I ran over to him and lifted him up looking for something that could help. 'He needs to calm down right now dammit. His body won't be able to handle him like this!' I ran to the bathroom and set him down on the ground.

"Honey, you need to calm down." He was panting hard and seemed like he couldn't catch his breath. I got behind him and hugged him while rubbing a long his body trying to calm him down. "Shhh..." His body relaxed in my arms but his breathing was still uneven.

"A-alpha...." Tanjiro wined and curled up in my lap.

I sat on the bathroom floor with him, rubbing circles on Tanjiros back for a while. I don't know when he fell asleep but after what felt like an hour, I got up and picked him up. I carried him to the bed and placed him down.

I decided to make him a snack for when he wakes up and I left quietly, leaving the door slightly open. I got to the kitchen and remembered that Tanjiro likes kelp rice balls and then got the ingredients.



As I was putting the completed rice balls on a plate, I caught a particular scent, one I haven't gotten a whiff of in a while. I put the rice balls down and covered them to keep from bugs.

I followed the scent, walking to the room where Tanjiro was. I slowly opened the door and he wasn't on the bed. The scent was everywhere in there, and damn was it addicting. I tried to ignore the tingling sensation under my waist and quickly closed the door. I walked around and saw Tanjiro curled up in a ball, panting on the floor. His face was flushed and most of his clothes were off. He only had one of my shirts, which he was gripping onto for dear life.

"Tanjiro...?" I got down to his level and shook his shoulder. "Sunflower? You okay?" I was starting to get worried. He wasn't responding. All of a sudden, I was pushed onto the floor, Tanjiro was hovering over me, he seemed like he was dazed, almost in a trance. It finally hit me, he was in heat..!

Tanjiro started *attempting* to take off my clothes. He started feeling around my crotch, I grunted in response and he started grinding himself on me. That's it.

I growled and flipped him over then got on top of him. He put his hands around my neck and continued to rub himself on me hurriedly. I put two if my fingers in front of his face and commanded, "Suck." He did as was told and looked at me with lust filled eyes, he never broke eye contact as his tongue twirled around them, not missing a spot. As I pulled them out, he licked his lips and I kissed him. The kiss was messy, I roamed his mouth and he didn't fight for dominance.

"Ngh.....ahhhhhhh~" I slipped one of my hands in his boxers, and up to his entrance. I could feel it pulse at my touch, my cock twitched as I entered a finger and felt just how tight he was after all this time. I pushed in and out, watching his reactions when I slipped in a second finger. I tried stretching him but he was tight as hell.

"I can't even imagine what it's going to be like to fuck that tight hole of yours, omega~" I whispered in his ear, I started kissing down his neck, marking what's mine. I listened to his moans increase when my fingers passed over a small bundle of nerves in his ass. I started to abuse that spot until Tanjiro was trembling under me, moaning and screaming as he released onto the space below him.

I added a third finger and started pumping him quickly while he rode out his high. After a couple minutes I believed he was ready for my to enter. While I was taking my pants and boxers off, Tanjiro turned around and motioned for me to sit on the bed. I felt like I knew exactly was he was going to do, and my dick jerked with anticipation as he got between my legs.

He licked my shaft, not leaving an inch to go untouched. When he got up to my tip, he licked around it before slowly taking it in his mouth. He sucked, filling the room with lewd wet sounds. I grabbed a chunk of his hair and started moving his head. He moaned and the vibrations from his throat drove me out of my mind.

"J-just l-like ahhh...that..ahhh" He was bobbing his head over and over again, increasing the pace after hearing my moans. I noticed his own hand fingering himself as he pleasured me, it was hot as fuck. I felt myself reach my climax, something I haven't felt in months. I emptied my load in his mouth and he took it like a champ. He swallowed it all and pulled away from me, panting slightly. His eyes were tearing and his face more flushed than it was before. "Good boy~" I kissed him on his forehead and pulled him on the bed with me. "Now its your turn~"

I layed him down on all fours and moved my cock to his hole.

"A-alphaaaaaaahhhhh-!" Tanjiro moaned as I pushed in. I went slowly, but kept going deeper and deeper till I was all in. He was a fucking hot moaning mess in front of me, and he was all mine. I licked my lips and started nibling at his back when I moved. He arched his back perfectly when I sped up. "M- ahhh... ore..ahhhhh!" I did as requested and started pounding into his ass relentlessly.

I felt my climax coming and I grabbed his dick and started pumping him. "AHHH!~ T-To Mu- Ahhh- ch, AHHHHHH!~" Tanjiro cummed, and as his ass tightened around my cock, I released into him. As I emptied my load, he trembled and moaned slightly. I pulled out and started getting up. When I looked back at Tanjiro he was fast asleep on the bed.

I got up and went to find something to clean him with. When I came back, he was still in the same place as last, but he seemed cold. I walked over and started wiping the 'sticky stuff' away.

I finished and I placed him under the covers, he felt cold. He curled up in the blankets and and started snoring peacefully, almost like an angel.



Sorry this took longer than I had hoped, I've been sick for the past couple weeks and I haven't really been spending my time writing as much as reading. Sorry if this sucked, thanks for reading anyway.


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