I'm here...

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Tomioka POV (1 year after the incident)

I was pacing around the room, Zenitsu and Inosuke were sitting down near the door with Nezuko next to them. Lady Tamayo made a cure for Nezuko a couple months ago. Zenitsu and Nezuko have been spending a lot of time together, but Nezuko wanted to see her brother.

The doctor is in the other room, I sent for him as soon as I could. Tanjiro was moving. He moved over and his mouth opened slightly but his eyes stayed shut.

The door opened and we all looked over anxiously. "Doctor, what's the news?" He looked over to me then closed the door slowly.

"He shows signs of waking up soon, very soon. His wounds are all healed now and his body seems to be returning to normal. You need to be with him when he does, your his alpha and his omega will recognize the loss of his child. I will be going out west for a while so I will probably not be here when he wakes up." The doctor looked at Giyu, watching his expressions.

"Ok.. so I need to stay in that room till he wakes up?"

"Yes. And I recommend that no one else be around when he does."

"WHAT! We have waited so long for our friends and you want us to just leave home when he wake up?!?" Zenitsu jumped up and Inosuke followed.

"Why should we leave Tanjuro!" Inosuke jumped in, seemingly distressed as well.

"His body needs to be around his alpha he's been laying on the ground for a year now, he needs comfort and rest."

"But we can help!" They both shouted.

"Not for this you can't. It would be safe for you to wait until after his heat to see him."

"I can make sure that happens." I walked over to the doctor and he nodded and started to walk away.

"But-" I cut him off.

"No, listen to the doctor, it's for his own good. You'll be able to see him eventually. You too Nezuko." She was standing slightly behind Zenitsu, holding his arm.

"Zenitsu, let's go...."

"Wh..." He looked at her but stopped. "Fine... Inosuke come on..." they started walking out. "Take care of him Tomioka."

"I will." I turned around and entered the room with Tanjiro. His head was turning slightly towards me. I smiled and walked over to him. "Hey baby... I can't wait to talk to you again..." I kneeled down and grabbed his hand.

I felt his grip tighten ever so slightly and he mumbled something quietly.

"I'm here...I'm here." I layed down next to him and held him. "I'll always be here."

"G....Guya...apla...." He mumbled a little more clearly.

"Shhhh....." I sat him up a little bit and whispered in his ear.

"I'm here..."

Next one should be longer, and maybe a little hotter. Have a nice day!

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