Hot Springs

739 12 6

I finished on time
🎶For the First time in forever🎶
~(little bit of poorly written smut)~
You have been warned ;)


3rd POV

"How many passes sir?" The lady asked as she started writing.

"Just 2." The lady handed Giyu 2 towels and a key, then showed him the way to the rooms.

"The springs are down the hall to the left, have a nice stay here at the hot spring hotel." She bowed and walked back to the front.

"Are we spending the night here..?" Tanjiro mumbled into Giyu's neck. Tanjiro had stayed on Giyu's back the entire time, not wanting to get off just yet.

"Yeah, it's already pretty late. No reason to walk through the night." Giyu took a key he was given and opened their room. It was small, one bed a table and a bathroom. "Let's get ready to go to the springs." Giyu slowly started letting Tanjiro down on the bed. He crawled to the other side and silently (stalker like-) watched Giyu get ready.

Giyu took of his uniform shirt first, leaving Tanjiro to stare at his back. "Are you just going to stare? You have to change too."

"I know..." He grumbled in response before getting up. He was still wrapped up in Giyu's kimono comfortably, and wasn't in favor of taking it off. He started taking off his own clothes somewhat quickly. His belly was really noticeable without a shirt, and he didn't like it being so revealed. He took off his other clothes and then wrapped a towel around his waist, trying and failing to cover has belly.

"Are you going like that Tanjiro?" Giyu asked. Tanjiro looked at him and saw how he had his perfectly around his waist. His eyes traveled up Giyu body, to his abs then up his chest. "Look later, let's go." He grabbed Tanjiro hand, but before he opened the door, he turned around and took of Tanjiros towel.

"W-wait-!" Tanjiro attempted to cover his now semi hard member but Giyu didn't let him. Giyu tied the towel around his waist in a different way, covering his bulge perfectly.

"I'll take care of that later, but for now this will do." Giyu then opened the door and walked out. Tanjiro stood there for a minute, blushing in pure embarrassment. "Come on sunflower." Tanjiro snapped out of it and followed Giyu down the hallway.

They both walked out and to the men's spring, passing a couple women who eyed Giyu up and down, stopping in places Tanjiro didn't like.

"Oh this is looks amazing..." Tanjiro looked around at the rocks and how the water left steam everywhere.

"Let's go to the other side, there's already a couple people at the front." Giyu took Tanjiros hand again and guided him past the people. He got a couple looks from some alphas, who noticed he was obviously pregnant. Some looks weren't as welcomed as others. They walked towards the back, where no one was, and no one could see them back their either.

"You won't be able to be in the water for longer than a couple minutes, so you can sit at the edge while I'm in. "

"Oka..." Tanjiro watched Giyu take out his hair, and start walking in. He started getting slowly after, used to hot things due to his breathing. The water was up to Tanjiros chest, covering his belly. But it was only at Giyu's stomach.

"How is it?" Giyu questioned, while leaning on a rock.

"It feels really relaxing..." Tanjiro loved it, to say the least. He moved over next to Giyu and sunk in a little, liking the heat up to his neck.

"That's good." He gave a simple reply, but not without moving behind Tanjiro and lifting him up slightly. He slipped his hands to his belly and rubbed it gently. "How's the baby?"

"Comfy~'' Tanjiro purred in response. "A little bit to the left more...ahh~" Tanjiro loved it when his belly was rubbed, it always calmed him down.

"You shouldn't go making sounds like that in public Tanjiro~" He whispered in his ear seductively. "You don't know what could happen~" He teasingly moved a hand to Tanjiro's nipple and pinched it.

"Hah~" Tanjiro moaned quietly. Giyu abused one of his nipples carelessly, while also rubbing Tanjiro's belly to comfort him.

"You shouldn't stay in for much longer...." He stated before starting to kiss along Tanjiro's neck and shoulder. "Maybe we could go back to the room..." He bit down in the back of Tanjiro's neck, drawing some blood. He licked the spot, enjoying the metallic flavor.

"G-giyu~ yes~" As Giyu left hickeys and little bit marks as he traveled around Tanjiro neck.

"If you say so..." He moved abruptly. Surprising Tanjiro as he picked him up bridal style. Giyu stepped out of the water and like a hashira, passed all of the people without them noticing.

He entered the room, immediately going to the bed and putting Tanjiro down on it. Giyu got on top of him and kissed him deeply. Tanjiro let him explore his mouth, and as their tongues moved in sync, hands were being moved somewhere else.

No words were spoken as Giyu slowly traced down to Tanjiros manhood, teasing lower and lower. Tanjiro was forced to break the kiss with a pleasured moan. Giyu had moved his hand down to Tanjiros entrance, feeling it twitch under his touch.

"What do you want me to do now? I could keep going like this, or I could make this a little more interesting..."

"I-interesting..? How..?"

"Since you're pregnant, and we need to be careful with the baby now that we're closer to it's due date, let's do something...safer...but, just as erotic as sex." Tanjiro nodded slowly in response, confused, but looking forward to what would happen next.

"Okay, can you get on you thanks an knees.." Tanjiro did as told, turning over. "Stick your ass up some while keeping your legs together... Now let's see how you like this..." He moved his member between Tanjiros thighs and thrusted forward, getting a loud moan out of Tanjiro. Both of their dicks rubbed against each other for a moment in that process.

"Hmm? You like that?"

"Y-yeaaah-!" Giyu suddenly starting thrusting forward, using Tanjiros wetness from earlier as a lubricant. His hips slapped against Tanjiros thighs mercilessly, not fucking, but still pleasuring Tanjiro.

Tanjiro's moans where uneven, and he felt Goyug getting faster. Pre cum coming out of Tanjiros member was making Giyu's thrusts more smooth, and insanely fast.

"Ahh- I ahhmm c-cahhhmn Ahh!" Tanjiros orgasm came fast, and he screamed out with a look of pure ecstasy on his face. Giyu felt his climax approaching an sped up even more, if humanly possible.

Pre cum dripped out of his tip and all Tanjiro could wait, while he was still being pleased the entire time. Giyu grabbed Tanjiros member and started pumping it to the rhythm of his thrusts, pulling even more noises from Tanjiro.

His climax came and his cum spilled on bed, thick white loads of his semen spread, covering some of Tanjiro as well. Soon Tanjiro followed, being pushed over the edge with the speed of Giyu's hand. They both collapsed on the bed, even more wet than they were before.

"I think we're not going to make it by sundown... sleep well Tanjiro..." Giyu kisses him on the cheek as he drifts off into a peaceful slumber.


How was it? Good? I hope you think so. Well this chapter wasn't originally planned but I mean it kind of fits in I guess. Sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes, I'll try and fix them if I can catch them. I'm supposed to wake up in 3 hours, but I'm not even sleeping yet. Damn.

I'm going to the beach this week, so the next update will be sometime next weekend, have a nice day! <3

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