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Tanjiro speed walked into the woods, using his sword as a walking stick. He heard screams up ahead and the closer he got, he swore one was Shinobus. His sword hit a rock underneath him and he fell over, but right before he hit the ground, there was a shockwave, most likely a blood demon art that cut through the trees above Tanjiro.

He hit the ground, along with all the trees around him. He tried to get up but a bunch of tree branches fell on top of him. Luckily no trees were directly on top of him so he crawled out from under the branches and used one of the fallen trees to push himself up.

He looked around and saw fallen trees, some burning, others crunched up. He saw Rengoku' fire and immediately started to slowly limp in that direction. He noticed a dual colored fabric sticking out from under a tree and started to panic.

He looked and saw a piece of Tomioka's haori.

He let out a sigh of relief but immediately looked up when he heard something.

Tanjiro POV

I turned around and saw a demon coming straight for me.

"Master will be so proud when I get the boy.." The demon was a girl with black and grey hair, I could still hear the smell the Hashiras scent mixed was the another one but it's not from this demon.

"Aghhhhh!" I was shoved over harshly. I looked up and saw that the demon's head was cut off and I saw Giyu with some blood on him. "ALPHA!" I yelled and ran straight to him.

He gently hugged me and started to my hair. "Sunflower, I thought I told you to do stay."

"B-but you j-just left.... I was worried...." I gently sobbed into his chest.

"I'm sorry, I needed to help Shinobu and Rengoku. They're still fighting the demon and I need to go back."

I wined but Giyu kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, I'll be okay. Just please go back, listen to your alpha and I'll reward you later."

"F-fine..." I got up and started to walk back on the direction I came from. He suddenly picked me up and started running.

"Dammit he found us." There was a big gust of wind before I realized we were being chased. It was the demon the other Hashiras were fighting.

"TOMIOKA GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!!" Rengoku aimed at the demons head but missed and cut his arm off. It regenerated only seconds later. 

Giyu was sweating and I could smell the scent of slight distressed pheromones. As the demons' focus switched to Rengoku, I noticed that he sped up. Rengoku was moving, matching the demons speed, I couldn't see his figure clearly. 

"What's going on?" I asked as Giyu stopped in front on Zenitsu. 

"The demon is after you, he was most likely sent to kill you and Nezuko." I looked over at Zentisu who was carrying Nezuko's box.

"Can you watch over Nezuko Zenitsu? I'll watch over Tanjiro."

"Yes of course!"

"Good. Tanjiro, you need to mask your scent now that the demon knows your scent an omega, same with Nezuko too. Zenitsu, can you get some sort of leaves or flowers to cover their scent glands?"

"Yep. I'll be right back." Zenitsu ran into the cabin and came out about a minute later with some big leaves and 2 flowers. 

Giyu grabbed them and rubbed the flowers onto the leaves. He put some leaves on my neck, making sure that they wouldn't fall. Zenitsu put down Nezuko's box and Giyu gave him the leaves to do it.

I watched as Zenitsu opened her box but then Giyu pulled me away. 

"You need to keep out guard up, that demon will kill you the second he finds an opening. I'll try to protect you but be careful."

"Ok...." I looked around where we were and noticed that a familiar scent lingered in the air. Giyu suddenly grabbed his sword and before I could realize why, he blocked a attack from above us. I got my sword out and so did Zenitsu. The demon from before was here. What happened to Rengoku? I heard something behind us and saw Shinobu limping towards us with her arm bleeding.

"The demon got R-Rengoku!" Giyus eyes widened momentary but then the demon lunged for us. I managed to block that one using water breathing but then he went for Nezuko, who was standing up from her box. He was to fast and smashed her legs off. 

"NEZUKO!" Zenitsu screamed but was quickly cut off by the demons releasing a blood art.

"Death Rakes ~" The demon said as something sliced deep into the ground fast. We all managed to dodge. Nezuko lunged for him and she was shoved back, but some of her blood got on him and she set it off. "WHAT THE HELL YOU STUPID DEMON!" The demon moved around and Giyu took the chance to attack.

The demon deflected easily and through something at Giyu, Exploding in mid air on his right.

"Ack!" Giyu hit the ground and held is arm. I sent and attack for the demon and we began fighting. I managed to match his speed with Zenitsu's help dodging the attacks but the demon still got more hits in then we did. At some point Inosuke joined and caught up pretty quickly but there was a noticeable difference in our levels of strength. The three of us combined would still not be able to match his power. 

The demon started released a demon art and we were all shot backwards.

"Watch OUT!!" Someone yelled in the distance. It sounded like Shinobu but her voice high like she was screaming for dear life. 

"TANJIRO!!" Giyu screamed, or at least I think that's what I heard before everything went silent. My vision blurred out and a sudden wave of darkness washed over me as everything went numb.

That's all for this chapter. I hope it didn't suck that much. The next chapter will be released sometime around valentines day, maybe after. Any mistakes? Please tell me. 

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