...It's True!?

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Almost 10k! HOLY CRAP!
Longer chapter for y'all
(Sorry about any mistakes)

Giyu POV

When I woke up, it was just before sunrise. Tanjiro was still sleeping soundly while I slowly untangled myself from him. I started gathering our clothes and decided to get some snakes for the rest of the trip to the butterfly mansion. If we leave now, then we should get there before lunch, but I'll need to get him ready now...

I walked over to him and shook him a little.

"Tanjiro...wake up...we have to get ready now." He mumbled something but didn't move. "Get up sunflower....we have to go."

"Mehh.." Tanjiro moved away from me and snuggled more into the blankets. 'why is he so adorable?' I yanked the blankets off of him and he just wrapped his arms around his big belly in an attempt to keep warm. "Stop....it's cold..."

"Too bad you big baby." I started pulling Tanjiro's arm and yanked him to the edge of the bed. "We can't be later than we already are. Up, now." He pulled Tanjiro to his feet and made sure he didn't fall.

"I'm the one carrying your big baby..." Tanjiro stumbled out of my arms and lazily walked to where I put my clothes. "I wanna wear your clothes....they smell like you..." I smiled gently and nodded.

"Go ahead, I have others. "

"Mmm..." He grabbed my uniform and put them down on the bed. He started taking off shirt, but immediately had trouble, he seemed too tired. "...Giyu...h-help..." He kept trying to lift it over his head but it was stuck.

"Okay..." I walked over and lifted his, or should I say my shirt, over his head. He immediately picked up my demon slayer core shirt and started putting it on. He didn't button it up, but then started with the pants. He grabbed them and strained to bend down and put them on. He did it eventually though, and all of it was a couple sizes too big for him, it looked adorable.

"Want help buttoning up your shirt?" I asked, watching him struggle some more.

"Y-yeah...I'm really tired for some reason...."

"Probably the baby, it's no problem. I like dressing you..." I buttoned the shirt up and rubbed his belly when I was done. I heard a few light purrs from him and he leaned into my touch. I grabbed my kimono and wrapped it around him protectively. "You can nap a little while I get everything else ready to go, I'll wake you up soon."

"Mhm..." He crawled into the bed and cuddled into my kimono. I watched him get comfortable then decided to get everything ready. I cleaned the room and changed into my spare clothes.

As I sat down next to Tanjiro, the sky was a light peach blue color and I could see the outline of the sun in the partially cloudy sky. The sun was shining through a window onto Tanjiro's face, and he looked absolutely beautiful.

"Tanjiro, let's go, I got everything ready...come on.." He slowly sat up, his hair messy.

"N-now..?" He mumbled.

"Yes, we have to leave." I grabbed his hand and helped him out of bed. "I'll carry you, here get on my back." I bent down and I could feel him slowly getting on my back and wrapping his arms and legs around me. "Ready?"

"Ye..." He just clung onto me, and seemed to get comfortable. I grabbed the rest of our things and walked out. I knew it would be around 6-8 hours of walking, but I think with some maneuvering I can still carry him the entire time.

5 1/2 Hours Later

As I was walking up a hill, I felt Tanjiro move. He had changed where he was a couple times but settled on clinging onto me from the front instead, saying that it was more comfortable for his belly.

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