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Yes I changed the name. Originally: "Ahh~"

3rd POV.

Giyu had whispered "Shall we continue~" into Tanjiro's ear.  Tanjiro felt Giyu's hand start to undress him. First, the haori, then the shirt came off, then the pants, and now Tanjiro was only left with his underwear. Giyu starts kissing Tanjiro passionately while playing around with his nipples. Slowly Giyu started to kiss down down Tanjiro's neck and his hand moved down to Tanjiro's last piece of clothing. Slowly, he went in, grabbing, then stroking Tanjiro's dick causing him to moan. 

"Mmmmm, your really wet Tanjiro~" Giyu said between kissing Tanjiro's nipples.

"Ahhhhhh~ AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh~AHHHH~" Tanjiro had cummed in Giyu hand. He felt embarrassed because it had only been a few minutes since Giyu had started. 

"Already~ Did it feel that good sunflower?"


"What? Do you not like it~"

"n-no its f-fine..." 

"Mmmm... How about we start fun now shall we~ hmm?"


Giyu flipped Tanjiro over and stuck 2 of his finger in and started scissoring him, deep. Tanjiro moans could be heard from all directions. He panting and screaming Giyu's names as Giyu stuck a third finger in. 

"Calm down sunflower~ we've barley started yet~!"

"S-Ahhhhhhhh-Orr-ahhh- yyyyyyyy!" Tanjiro felt so much pain and pleasure at the same time. He couldn't think straight and he couldn't control his voice. He wanted to hold back some of his moans but the pleasure was to  much for him. He had never felt anything like this. 

Giyu on the other hand, well he was hard, like very very hard. Watching his omega being finger fucked and becoming a mess after only a few minutes, he could only imagine what would happen when he fucked him with his dick!

"Well well well~ it's time!~" Giyu took his clothes of to reveal his hard ass dick beaming from his underwear. Tanjiro was left laying on the bed staring in shock at the size. When Giyu took his underwear off, Tanjiro was push down seconds later, pinned down by Giyu.

"You ready sunflower?" Tanjiro nodded at a rapid pace, showing his excitement. 

Giyu went in slowly, Tanjiro eyes started watering from the pain that slowly turned into pleasure as Giyu started moving. He thrusted into Tanjiro at a slow pace at first, but soon the speed went up as Tanjiro was overwhelmed by pleasure and nothing else. The only thing he could feel at that point was every time Giyu hit deep in his ass. 

Soon, after sometime, Giyu reached his limit and cummed in Tanjiro, causing Tanjiro to cum as well. Tanjiro screamed in pleasure as Giyu slowly moved out of him. 

"Ahh~" Tanjiro laughed down on the bed sinking into the covers.

"Oh sunflower, do you think we're done?" Giyu grabbed Tanjiro and thrusted into him fast, not letting up for a second. 


A few hours Later~

Giyu woke up to the feeling of Tanjiro moving around. Tanjiro slowly opened his eyes but then cuddled into Giyu more and fell asleep again. After some time Giyu decided to shower because both of them were wet and sticky

First, he tried to get out of Tanjiros grip but there was no getting away to shower without waking him up. He tried again but this time a little harder, then Tanjiro hugged him tighter and whispered "no..." Giyu was stuck were he was, 'cute..." he thought to himself as he got comfortable were he was. 

When Tanjiro woke up, he sat up and accidentally woke Giyu up again.  When Giyu opened his eyes he looked at Tanjiro and smiled "Good morning sleepy head~"

"W-what time is it?" 

"Probably around afternoon/evening now, you slept for awhile."

"O-ok...Can we take a b-bath..? I feel r-really sticky..." Giyu sat up and got close to Tanjiro.

"Yea so do I, there really is a lot of stuff around here isn't there?"

"y-yea..." Giyu got on top of Tanjiro and went down to his ear.

"How did it feel? Y'know being fucked endlessly till you passed out?" Tanjiro felt shivers go down his spine as Giyu whispered in his ear. He blushed furiously while Giyu smirked at his reaction.

"G-g-g-good..." Giyu kissed Tanjiro and it turned into a make out session in seconds. 

"How 'bout we continue this in the bath aye?"

"sure..." Giyu got up and started walking to the bath when he heard a thump. He looked behind him and saw that Tanjiro had fallen off the bed. He chuckled and walked over to him.

"Need some help sunflower?" Giyu was teasing Tanjiro as he lied on the ground in a ball.

"w-what does i-it look like?"

"Well it looks like your doing fine on your own."

" me please....."

"mmmm let me think about it...mmm...sure." He picked up Tanjiro bridal style and walked him to the bath. He set him down on a chair as he went to turn the water on.  As the bath was filling with warm water, Giyu picked up Tanjiro and set him in it. 

Once Tanjiro got fully submerged in water, Giyu shut it off an got in with him.  He pulled Tanjiro close and cuddled him. Soon, they were both holding each other feeling safe in each others arms.

But good things never last for long...

Lol thanks for 170 reads ♥

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