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8.2k! Omg! I just realized I missed 6.9k. Shit.

1 month later because time skips are fun :)

3rd Pov.

"Tanjiro! We have to go now!" Giyu was waiting at the door, tapping the handle of his sword. He and Tanjiro are, or are supposed to be heading out to a hashira meeting.

"I'm coming, I'm coming ." Tanjiro was hoping on one foot down the hall adjusting his shoe. He had on his uniform, but since he hasn't worn it in a while somethings were harder to put on. "I'm ready!" He stood up straight Infront of Giyu and smiled.

"Wait...you messed up the buttons." Giyu went up to him and started unbuttoning his shirt. Tanjiro blushed while Giyu focused on fixing his shirt. When he finished, he kissed Tanjiro on the forehead and turned around. "Let's go." They walked out the door and started their descent to the butterfly mansion.

They were going to meet there along with Shinobu, Rengoku, and Tengen. Shinobu asked Giyu to bring me to the butterfly mansion when he went to the market a few weeks ago. She didn't tell him why butg he just assumed it was about hashira things.

They both walked along a path and occasionally stopped to let Tanjiro rest. His stomach's gotten bigger and now it's a lot more noticeable. Though, the pregnancy side effects have been taking a toll on his body.

"Giyu can we get some dumplings and udon! There's a little shop right on over there! Pleeaaaassseeee!!!!" Tanjiro was tugging at Giyus arm, practically forcing him to fall over.

"We just had some rice balls earlier, if we stop again we might not make it by sundown."

"But I'm hungry..." He pouted and made puppy dog eyes.

"You just ate."

"The baby's hungry." He easily countered that.

"Seriously Tanjiro? You really want to eat more?" Giyu put a hand on his waist and gave Tanjiro the 'are you kidding me' look. Tanjiro nodded at him eagerly and smiled widely. "Well I suppose you can, as long as we make it quick."

"Yay! I'll go and order!" Tanjiro ran off happily while Giyu pondered whether or not to intervene. He decided to walka round a bit and look wlat what other shops there were.

"Can I have..." Tanjiro ordered but not without getting some disapproving looks from others around him.

"Disgraceful..." Tanjiro looked  over to where the voice came to see a woman looking at him with faint disgust.

"Did you say something miss?" He's fairly sure he heard what she said, but wanted to make sure he was sure about it.

"Nothing.... But are you pregnant, or just  fat?" He was shocked and offended by how blunt she made it sound.

"Excuse me? Have I done something to offend you?"

"You're a male omega aren't you. It's frankly disgusting to meet one of those...fags... and that sickening child of yours will be burdened with have you as a parent." She was given her food from the stand then she looked back at Tanjiro. "Stay away from me....it's shameful to be seen around one of you." She walked away, but Tanjiro was left angry, and just a little sad. He didn't like he and his child being disrespected like that.

"Sir, here's your food." The cook handed him his food, but before Tanjiro walked away, he tapped his shoulder. "Sorry about what she said, some people are just like that. Stay safe for the remainder of you stay around here though, a lot of omegas...are injured in this area."

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