23. Day Off(?)

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EVELYN WALKED DOWN THE STAIRS MUMBLING NONSENSE AS SHE CAME TO THE DOOR. It was her day off, she hopes she thought she could convince the telemarketers to leave by acting like she wasn't home but they were persistent which annoyed her.

But that soon changed when she opened the door and was greeted by two familiar faces.

"Max? El? Is something wrong?" Evelyn asked.

"You don't always have to assume that, mom." Max replied sarcastically.

"Well I'm sorry for caring about your well-being." Evelyn joked. "What's up?"

"Mike lie." El explained. "Dump his ass."

"And we're going to the Mall." Max finished. "To have some girl fun."

"You come with us," El added.

"Uh yeah sure, just let me get out of my pajamas first." Evelyn groaned.

"C'mon you look fine right now, I don't wanna miss the bus!"

"I appreciate the compliment Max but I cannot go outside in this." Evelyn complained.

"Sure you can, right El?" Max asked.

"Sure." El said.

"The answers no and that's final, I'm getting changed." Evelyn started to walk up the stairs.

"You just wanna look good for Ryan!" Max exclaimed from downstairs.

"Shut up Max!" Evelyn screamed.

Max only snickered in reply, El joining her in the laughter.

Evelyn looked at her closet and decided on wearing Ryan's sweater and a pair of mom jeans and some vans before going back downstairs, car keys in her hair.

"Alright, I'm ready- oh my god." Evelyn deadpanned.

"What?" Max said, her mouth full of cereal.

"Max cmon, you could have at least put it in a bowl like a normal person." Evelyn rolled her eyes.

"I am a normal person," Max replied sarcastically.

"Sure you are," Evelyn huffed

"Hey what do you have the keys for?" Max asked

"You said we're going to the mall, I can drive there." Evelyn asked as if it was obvious.

"Uh no you're not, we're taking the bus." Max replied.

"The bus? Wow, the one time I wanna show off my car, you wanna take the bus!" Evelyn exclaimed.

"Aw is Evelyn gonna cry and let her mascara run down her cheeks." Max mocked.

"Whatever, let's go," Evelyn rolled her eyes.

The ride to the mall was short, El looked out the window as she saw all the houses and trees while Evelyn and Max for once, weren't having their annual 'sibling' banter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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