Another Loss for Link - Chapter 17

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A cannonball was launched next to us, and it soaked Tetra and I like we had just jumped in the water.

"Woah!" Tetra panicked, then fell over backwards into the water.

"Tetra!!" I yelled, leaning over the edge of Red.

"It's okay, I can swim!" Tetra shook the water from her face.

She climbed back up onto the boat and shook just a little bit of water off, then quickly set up the sail.

"Link, change the wind direction!" Red reminded.

"Oh yeah! That'd be useful right about now." Tetra said.

"I don't know if I can!" I whined, "It's a lotta pressure!"

"Oh, shut it!" Red yelled at me.

Tetra smiled at me, "I'd hug you, but I'm all wet."

"I can try and conduct, but I might screw it up..." I said.

"It's okay, just try!" Tetra exclaimed.

I took a deep breath and took the Wind Waker from my belt, then held it nervously in my shaky hands.

I pulled myself together and conducted:

^ < >

I changed the wind to the east so we could sail away from Gonzo and the others.

"Nice!" Tetra pulled up the sail with the wind, and we jumped to a start.

I attached the Wind Waker back onto my belt with a sigh of relief. I had held my breath as I conducted.

"Nice work, Link! You did it!" Tetra jumped into me, "We're not dead! Woohoo!"

"Not dead, that's for sure." I said.

"Tetra, did you grab that pearl?" Red asked.

"Of course I did! It's right... ...Here!" Tetra fished it out of her bag. It was a glowing green pearl with a symbol in the middle.

"Thank the gods you actually got it!" I exclaimed, "For a second there I thought you forgot!"

"Oh, I'm not that forgetful." Tetra said, letting her hair down again, "I also changed while I was there."

"I saw that." I said.

"What are you wearing?! TETRA! THAT'S INAPPROPRIATE!!" Red screamed at her.

"What are you talking about? It's fine!" Tetra exclaimed.

"If I can see your belly then it's not fine!" Red yelled, "Plus, those shorts are too short!"

Tetra rolled her eyes and set up the sail.

"Don't you ignore me!" Red yelled back again.

Tetra ignored Red again.


"What? Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you." Tetra smirked.


"Into what?"

"I have clothes." I said, "They're comfy! Here!" I handed my blue lobster shirt and orangey colored pants to Tetra.

"You're actually-" Tetra sighed, "Fine. I'll change. But if I see one of you two look at me, or peek at me like a pervert I will shoot you. Don't worry, I won't kill you, I'll just blast your arm off."

"I wasn't going to! What were you thinking?! I'm no pervert!" I yelled, turning around and covering my eyes.

"Hey, Link?" Tetra asked, so I turned around.

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