A Pirate - Chapter 2

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Sure enough, by noon, I did assure myself it was going to be okay.

I also may or may not have taken a nap on the lookout tower...heh heh...

"Big brother!!!" Aryll yelled from behind me to wake me up. I got up and stretched but didn't pay attention to where she was.

I noticed she had gotten behind me again without me knowing somehow, but I'm still asleep.

"You're still half asleep, aren't you? Big brother, it's your birthday!" Aryll exclaimed, causing me to jump awake, "Grandma's been waiting for you inside all day, you'd better go and see what she wants!"

All of a sudden, I began to feel like a puppet: Like there were strings attached to my arms and legs. It quickly passed, but I climbed down the ladder and dropped down the last few steps.

Then I immediately ran to our house and saw Grandma on the second floor. I about jumped up the ladder to greet her.

"Link... I really can't believe you're already old enough to wear these clothes..." She held out a green tunic and white pants with a belt to me, "Don't be shy, try them on."

I put on the clothes and started to feel really warm. This was too thick and long for this weather, and I don't like it. I have a frown.

"Oh, come on, Link. Don't look so down! You're the age or the hero spoken of in the legends!" Grandma exclaimed, "... Why don't you go and show your sister how you look?"

I nodded with a dissatisfied groan and jumped from the second floor to the first.

"...Can't believe I'm doing this...ugh..." I muttered under my breath as I ran to the lookout where Aryll was.

I climbed my way up the ladder to meet her there.

"Wow, big brother! You look great! ...Though those clothes do look a little warm for this weather, don't you think?" Aryll asked, while I gave an embarrassed sigh.

...I don't want to be dressed like this, no way I'm doing anything in these. Absolutely not! Not in this dreadfully tight belt I'm not!

"Big brother, you seem a little bit dazed. Still feel okay?" Aryll interrupted my thoughts.

I nodded.

"Are you sure?" She asked once more, "Super super sure?"

"...yeah..." I mumbled so she couldn't hear.

"Wait, was that you?! Talking?! Hold on, say that again! Do it, big brother! Please!" Aryll tugged on my shirt.

I shook my head 'no' and pulled away. I wasn't letting her hear my voice. It sounded like a boy with a cold that was her age, that didn't only have a cold, but had allergies! It was so- ...Bad!

"Anyway, I need to give you your birthday present!" Aryll exclaimed happily, "But you can only have it for one day, get it? It's my most prized possession, so take good care of it!" She held out her telescope in her hands.


Woah...She must really like me to give me that.

"Well, what are you waiting for, Link, look through it! The postman looks kinda funny, don't you think?" Aryll pointed to the Rito Postman, "Take a look at him through it first!"

I peered through the small hole of the telescope and viewed the postman as he began to freak out. What was he doing?

"Ah! Link, look up there! Quick! Big brother, you have to look! In the sky, see?!" She yelled at me to look into the sky.

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