Departure Once Again - Chapter 13

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The Ritos gave me a sling for my arm, and something that kept my adrenaline up so it didn't hurt too much.

I'm not 100% sure the sling'll work, but it's worth a shot.

"Link..." Tetra said, "It really is my fault...I'm sorry. I just don't know how to apologize for all of this."

"There's no need to!" I exclaimed.

Tetra sighed and looked to the floor, "You're so nice to me, Link...Why is that, exactly? I'm a horrible person, you shouldn't befriend me."

Because I love you, Tetra.

"Because you're also my best friend. You're the only friend I've ever had who actually cares for me." I said with a soft smile, "And I greatly appreciate that, Captain."

Tetra smiled when I called her 'Captain,' and I smiled back.

It's hard not to smile when she smiles. It's so pretty.

I mean, it's not like I'd say that or anything-

"Tetra, you should smile more. I like it when I make you smile!" I exclaimed, immediately denying my thoughts.

"Should I? You think?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, "I think your smile is pretty!"

"Thank you... I've never been truly complimented before. Thanks, Link."

"You've never...? You've never been complimented before?" I asked, "But don't girls normally receive tons of compliments?"

"It's not just gender-based. You'll find that out soon enough, bud."


I suddenly realized that the first person to give her a compliment was a guy that liked her—me—and it would be awkward if she realized that, too.

"Oh, hey, Link, I needed to thank you for something else, too." Tetra said, and I listened intently, "You know how I said when we first met that I had an addiction?"


"Well you stopped that, so I really appreciate it."



We both sat in silence over the next few minutes, but that's alright.

"You guys are leaving today, aren't you?" Medli asked, "I'll miss you guys."

"I'll miss you too, Medli." I said.

Tetra scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Bye, nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you, too, Tetra!" Medli exclaimed.

Tetra rolled her eyes again and crossed her arms as Medli left the room.

"Why are you so against me being with Medli? Are you jealous or something??" I asked.

"What?!" Tetra yelled, her cheeks turning red, "I would never be jealous over you! Plus, even if I was jealous, Medli probably wouldn't have the nerve to talk to me!"

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