A Pain to Pay to the Past - Chapter 15

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"Link! It's your birthday today!" My mother exclaimed, "Aren't you excited? Or are you just too much of a sleepyhead to wake up? We made special breakfast for you!"

"Special? For me?" I asked, perking up sleepily.

"Yeah! Dad's in there finishing up right now!"

"What did you make, mom?"

"You'll just have to come and find out!"

I got up from my bed, hopping up and out of my blankets. I ran over, said 'hi' to Aryll, who was still fast asleep in her crib, then ran into the kitchen.

"Oh, birthday boy's up!" The father exclaimed, sounding excited, "We made you some pancakes and bacon! You're gonna love it!"

"You bet I will! I'm hungry!" I exclaimed, rubbing my belly.

"I'm sure you are, Link." My mother picked me up and sat me at the table.

"I can't believe you're already four years old! You're such a big boy! You could probably even help me protect the island!" My father smiled, thrusting his spatula jokingly.

"Your spear's too heavy, daddy!" I yelled with a smile, sitting down at the table, ready for breakfast.

"I bet you could pick up the whole entire thing, Link." My father set a pancake at my place.

"Oooh!" I exclaimed, "This looks yummy!"

"You got the biggest pancake, I knew you would want it!" My father said.

He sure knew me well. That's awesome! Biggest pancake!

"Do you think Aryll wants some pancakes, too?" I asked my mother, who was sitting right next to me.

"Oh- No, Link. Aryll's too little to eat pancakes."


"She doesn't have teeth yet. Her whole mouth is like where your teeth connect to your mouth. She can't eat regular food like you can."

At the thought, I mushed a piece of pancake onto the plate and through the syrup to get a syrupy, mushy, gross-looking paste.

"Can Aryll eat this?" I asked, getting one of our spoons and scooping the paste up.

"Yes, she can. Let's go give it to her!" My mother exclaimed.

We ran into the other room where Aryll was, wide awake.

I handed the spoon to my mother, I didn't want to hurt Aryll.

"Link made you some yummies, Aryll." My mother put the spoon into Aryll's mouth, and Aryll giggled happily, clapping her hands together.

"Captain!" Warrior Troi opened the door, swinging it open while he asked for my father.

"What is it, Troi?" My father asked.

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