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"So... We meet again. Hyun Ae."

Yeonjun looked at me with those piercing cold eyes, his lips chapped as if frozen in time and a smirk which mirrored his, but was not quite like it. The way he walked, the way he sounded, the way he looked, they were all like my Yeonjun but he was different. He was not my Yeonjun. Who was he?

He took a step forward at me and I instinctively stepped back, stepping on a piece of debris that seemed to prickle me making me wince a little but it was nothing compared to the shocked gasp which left my lips when his eyes glowed violet and his smile stretched so wide, I could see the wrinkles across his cheeks. My heart leapt in fear and as if on queue, he extended his arm to grab me but halted in place when the chains around him glowed golden and tightened around his body making him groan in annoyance.

"Who... Are you? How do you know my n-name?" I asked in panic, my voice quivering in fear. However, the sight of those chains seemed to give me a sense of calm as it seemed like he couldn't touch me without the chains hurting him.

He shook his head, looking down at his feet and laughed as if I had said something funny. "Oh come on, that's just unfair now. How can you forget me?" He said, his voice growing darker. "YOU CAN'T FORGET ME!" He suddenly roared out loud as I flinched like a neuclear blow hit me hard. That roar was inhumane. He wasn't humane.

"I ought to kill you!" He spat and reached out his arm again. His fingers clasping into a fist, popping the black veins getting evident in his arms. Like... Venom flowed through his veins. That's when I noticed his nails. They were like black claws... Just like that dragon's.

A cold dread settled in the pit of my stomach and froze in my spot as a sense of recognition flashed in my eyes but it was soon knocked out of me when he grabbed hold of my throat, squeezing it without any mercy.

"Ah- s-stop! Yeon—" my eyes started bulging, the oxygen cutting out of my system and lungs burning in desperation. As my vision seemed to flicker into a black abyss, I heard a faint scream coming from him, and the chains around him squeezing around him as hard as he did to me. They glowed so bright, it blinded me until he let go of me in agony himself and we both fell in front of each other, on our knees, gasping for air, and our bodies swaying in weakness.

"Fuck him. Fuck Yin!" He coughed, while wiping his lips. "You are the problem. You need to go! You insolent—"

But he stopped in his tracks when Taehyun screamed at me saying Yeonjun was lying unconscious under all that rubble. The boys in two minds on who to help, but Beomgyu and Taehyun pulled him out as they were nearer.

I saw him distantly. My Yeonjun whose eyes were closed, face covered in grey soot and forehead bleeding. Bleeding.

"No... Help him..." He whispered trying to get on my feet but the boy in front of me let out a terrifying ear piercing screech of distaste and whipped his head at them before blowing out the same solar power ball of energy that the dragon used.

"NO!" I yelled, my tears not stopping. They were in his radar, they would die... A loud blast and then silence...

It took me a few seconds to fix my vision again only to see Jimin with huddling over Yeonjun and Jungkook, Sana and Namjoon standing in front of them with what looked like a shield glowing lilac, transforming into a powerful colour of magenta counter blowing his blast.

"Hyun Ae?" Soobin ran to me finally when the coast was clear and helped me sit up better. "We need to leave. Now." He said as he struggled to pick me up for my legs felt too weak. No... I couldn't even feel them.

"W-What's happening Soobin?" I asked him softly, a sense of terror surrounding me.

"I don't know... But this is not good. He's too strong.." he trailed off when Yoongi and Hoseok came running to us and I caught a glimpse of Jin escorting Kai with him to the other side.

"Get up! We need to leave." Yoongi said sternly, wiggling his fingers as my body was loosely binded by a green cool light like a rope. It felt so calm surrounded by it, I felt tranquil amidst all this chaos as I realised I was floating.

"They can't hold him for too long. Let's go." Hoseok said and grabbed Soobin's hand, making a run for it but a blinding light flashed and we were already getting teleported back to the safety of our home. We were in Yeonjun and Beomgyu's house.

"Yeonjun..." I whispered trying to get up but Hoseok pushed me back on the couch making me lay down.

"Don't worry. He should be the least of your worries honestly..." He mumbled and pressed two fingers on my head as a lullaby started playing in my head, intoxicating my brain into drifting off to a reluctant but much needed sleep.

I don't know how long I was passed out for, but it was far from a comfortable sleep as I kept dreaming of that splitting image of Yeonjun. He looked completely alike, but so different at the same time. As if he were his shadow.

Wait... What happened to Yeonjun?

"Yeonjun!?" I jolted awake and started looking around to look for him. I need to make sure that he's okay. I can't lose him.

Sana came in front of me and held me in her arms. "Shh it's okay... It's okay.." she said cradling me and sat beside me.

"No Yeonjun—"

"Shh, he's alright. He's sleeping in his room. You're safe, he's safe." She said softly, brushing my hair back and wiping off the cold beads of sweat formed in my forehead.

She then smiled when she saw that I had calmed down and cupped my cheek. "Want some tea? I'll enchant it to make you feel better, I promise..." She said and I opened my mouth to ask about what happened but she beat me to it. "We'll discuss what happened back there and who he is. But first... Tea." She said and left me, leaving me with a last squeeze on my hand.


A/n : Hello loves! I am very disappointed in myself for not living up to my own expectations. I wanted to update more frequently than before but of course I failed... I'd really like to express my appreciation for all of you for sticking with me. I've been through loads of crap and wasn't in a good mental head space... I hope you enjoy this chapter <3

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