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"You think he's still going to be there?" Taehyun whispered as the they tiptoed towards the cave. The sun had just risen and a faint blush pink blended with the warm rays of the sun peeking though the threads of clouds. The roads were empty except the paper delivery boys pushing bundles of the daily news into letter boxes or sliding them through the front door and the occasional crinkling sound of from the milkman's vehicle.

"Yeah. He's most probably sleeping. We can ambush him." Replied Kai in the same hushed voice as his friend as the moved forward.

"Why are we up so early and why are we whispering? There's literally not a single person to overhear us." Soobin said in a slightly louder voice, his patience snapping like the coil holding the last button of a gym bro's shirt.

"Shhh!!" Taehyun and Kai shushed agressively. "Yang is not human. He can hear us from miles away if he wants to." Pointed out Kai.

"But that's not how it works—"


"Okay fine but why are we walking like we're navigating the Amazon waters from the Anaconda movie? Can we not walk like toddlers forced to play choo choo train?" Beomgyu pouted, an annoyed grunt leaving in the form of a sigh.

"That..." Kai trailed off, his eyes doing a 360° scan of his surrounding as he put some thought into his next answer and finally said, "is just for the special effect."

"I swear to God, once we're done with this making Yeonjun one with himself business, I'm taking you down." Glared Beomgyu only to earn a sheepish giggle from Kai.

Behind them were Hyun Ae and Yeonjun, partly enjoying the bickering yet partly nervous with what was to come. Only if they could just be normal and lead a happy, inflicted with daily complications but simple human life, it would've been perfect. And now the entire Universe was dishevelling into a nuisance and Divine beings were far from following the rules and principles because of the imabalance of Yin and Yang.

"What if he... He doesn't want to do the merge anymore?" Asked Hyun Ae worriedly, turning to Yeonjun. Her voice was soft enough so the boys ahead of them wouldn't hear her.

Yeonjun shook his head and rubbed the small of her back. "I'm not worried about that. What's important is, what he'd want to do after it. I still don't understand how my feelings would evolve considering I'd inherit his part of memories, emotions, pain and everything else. Would I be able to... Handle it?" He barely mumbled the last part.

She wanted to comfort him, she truly did, but merely sweet nothings were just hollow words now. It would serve no purpose, besides, they were so close to finding out the truth for themselves, it was hardly useful to overthink with new what-ifs and extreme situations. One thing was for certain, there was no going back from this. Even if worst came to worst, they had no choice but to face it and accept it. It was naive of her to not accept Yeonjun for who he was entirely and not even put a second thought into it, and it was his fault to not come clean to her, to explain to her the reality of his situation just because he was selfish with his desires and scared.


As they stood before the dark mouth of the cave, an eerie coolness settled in the air. It was like Yang already knew they'd come back right this moment and was waiting for them to show up. Hyun-Ae kept a hand on the rough edges of the cave and took a deep breath thinking back to the last time she came here. She was scared, unsure, but... Her cheeks heated up to think how Yang had pulled her closer, how he brushed against the nape of her neck and how it felt to be so close against him in the darkness of the murky waters.

"Careful there, Angel. I can feel your thoughts too you know." The familiar snicker snapped her focus back to her current situation, a guilt striking her for feeling the way she just did. It wasn't wrong... He too was a part of Yeonjun but... Not yet still.

The dark shadow of her Yeonjun snaked into sight with a devilish smirk gloating on his face.

"Yang." Yeonjun stepped forward, a dangerous look warning him from coming any closer to his girl as he shielded her figure from his evil identity.

"Hello again half me." Groaned Yang with a bored look on his face, forcing himself to not roll his eyes at his lighter self's shenanigans. "Relax lover boy, I'm not gonna harm her... Yet." He said with a sly chuckle and then straightened up again. "Besides, I do have the privilege to read her thoughts you know? And from what I felt," he paused, leaning in to look Yeonjun in the eyes. "She wants him you know." He whispered, only so loud to make his blood boil as he clenched his fist to prevent himself from absolutely gutting him out.

"I don't want you." Hyun-Ae quickly defended herself. It was only because he was a part of Yeonjun. He was intentionally twisting it all to get a kick out of it. To wrench Yeonjun because he was human now, and with one's humanness, came the seven feelings of sin, the one being provoked and played with here being his envy. "Stop trying to twist it all Yang."

Yang hummed and leaned against the rocky slab of the cave, presenting a better view of the dark interior of the cave, in case anyone with a night vision could spectate it. "Am I though?" He asked as if wondering to himself before shaking his head again and coming dangerously close to the girl so she could feel his hot breath tickling the bottom of her lips, a negligible distance teasing their lips. His lips dropped to her lips before drawing them back to her eyes.

"It's okay to love us both." He whispered making her blush hard, quite involuntarily but blush still as she took a couple steps back making him snicker like he just did something too funny to amuse himself. "What? That's what you're supposed to do, right?" He shrugged nonchalantly.

Yeonjun took a step towards Yang ready to actually choke and snap his neck to the best of his ability but Hyun-Ae was quick to clasp her fingers through his, giving his hand a warm squeeze and interlocking their fingers. He looked back at her but was answered with a pleading look. If eyes could speak, perhaps his were begging her to let go so he could take his chances and she were telling him to control himself because Yang was clearly trying to provoke them - play with their human feelings.

"Whatever. You four," he pointed a lazy finger at their friends standing a little behind them but not too far to be out of their earshot. "Assist your beloved girlfriend out with y'all. I need an audience with my other half. Alone." He said, resting his empty gaze on Yeonjun.

"Why? I can—"

Hyun-Ae was cut off mid sentence by one of the most demanding looks she had faced in her life. He was serious now and one thing was certain that he wouldn't bear any objections.

"It's okay... Go ahead. I'll be fine." Said Yeonjun leaving a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Are you sure?" Asked Soobin who eyed Yang suspiciously.

Yeonjun looked down at the waters and back up before nodding. "We don't have any other choice."


A/N: You guys are the sweetest readers ever. I'm blessed to have y'all (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)

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