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Yeonjun glared at Yang as he tucked Hyun Ae closer to himself protectively. She had passed out but now she didn't have to be anymore brave. She was in safe hands now. She was in the hands of the person who'd sworn to protect her forever.

And interestingly, there was something different in his eyes. Recognition.

Yeonjun was staring at Yang, not for a second scared or backing down. They stared at each other like they were finally equals now. Yang didn't intimidate him and it did not matter what power he possessed. Yeonjun was not scared of him anymore.

"Ah," Yang smirked, "I knew you'd show up. How could you let the love of your pathetic immortal life die, right Yin?"

Yeonjun took a deep breath and cracked his neck as he stood tall. " I'm amused how low you could fall. It's truly unbelievable. And what is all this for?" He asked.

To this, Yang shrugged and ran a hand through his hair, ruffling the wet locks. "Oh you and I both know Yin. The balance of Universe is at a risk because of your carelessness. You're so weak, you know that? You are not supposed to fall for a lower order angel because their souls travel worlds and take births, and us? We're the principles of the Universe. We need to remain constant. How careless of you to just wag your tail and follow her into this world, leaving the balance of nature at risk! Do you know what you've done? Worlds can collide! And that's not all... Worlds can perish at the cost of your foolish negligence." He growled, his eyes burning red with rage. The veins in his neck popped, while the pulse on his forehead throbbed. If Yang's aura was visible, it would be dark but with a murderous crimson.

Yeonjun scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Let's not pretend that it's the only reason you're here. You know what? You're here because you're jealous of me! You're jealous that Hyun Ae chose me over you! And you know why? Because you're everything she's not! You're the part she'd despise. You're darkness." He sneered. "And that is why, you try to hurt her, try to rip her away from me and part us." He yelled back earning a scoff from Yang this time.

"Do you hear yourself Yin? You sound delusional!" He exclaimed and laughed. Cackled. It broke through the walls of the cave.

Yeonjun frowned and shook his head. "You know I'm right. Don't act like you never cared about her... Tell me, had she chosen you... Would you have let her go for however many years without knowing when she'll come back? Without knowing which would she'll travel to? Earth or Neptune or even outside of this galaxy? Answer me! You'd do the same what I did. I love her." He said firmly.

Yang looked like he had taken a blow as he clenched his jaws together and looked away. He didn't know what to say. After all... He knew in his heart of hearts that he couldn't deny Yin. The only upper hand right now was that he wasn't human unlike Yin right now. He had the ability to read minds not him. Instead what he did was, snicker and turn to him touching on a different topic. "You know why I attacked Hyun Ae despite reading her mind and seeing that she's saying the truth?" He paused for a moment but answered it himself. "Because I knew something was wrong. Her dear lover boy Yin would never leave her for anything let alone me. Her thoughts had to be doctored... Was it fun? Playing with her puppet human form? Who helped? You're human now... You can't do magic."

"Shut up!" Yeonjun helped glaring at him. "Don't you dare refer to Hyun Ae in that way you filthy demon!"

Yang indiscreetly rolled his eyes and waved off his hand dismissively. "Please Yin, don't make me laugh. You and me are one. Plus..." He turned around with a new found confidence, a smirk which was like a dangerous spark threatening to burn an entire house down. "You shouldn't be too happy that she chose you. After all... We're both one so... She only chose our good. What about the dark? Isn't love about embracing both?" His laugh was completely sinister to watch Yin lose his train of thoughts and bite his lip.

Yeonjun looked over at Hyun Ae's rested face and his gentle gaze caressed her features. "Stop trying to manipulate me Yang." He looked up with a bold look. "It's not going to work on me anymore."

Yang was supposed to coil back but he held up his hands and shrugged. "I get it now. I get it all. The reason you chased after her wasn't just out of love, was it? You were scared... Admit it. You were scared that she'd not love you to see you in your true form. To see you and me as one. So you chose her happiness over your identity. You let her believe that one half of you was the whole." He spat out.

"I'm done here." Yeonjun finally said and turned his back. "Let hell break loose... I'd still choose Hyun Ae over you, or this Universe. I'd do anything for my love." He whispered.

"Precisely why I'm here lover boy. I'm here to wreck it all..." Yang trailed off and slithered close to Yeonjun to the point he was breathing down his neck. "I'm here to wreck all your illusions including your weakness," he dropped his voice and his gaze went to Hyun Ae. "And take you back."

That was all there was to it. Their conversation was over and so was the day. By the time Yeonjun was back, the moon was high and the birds had taken shelter. There was no breeze, not a leaf moved. It was as if nature itself was holding its breath. He settled Hyun Ae on her bed after removing her shoes and pulled the covers over her.

"Jagiya... I'm so sorry you're having to go through this..." He trailed off softly as his hand gently caressed over her hair. His gaze was soft. He held her hand in his firmly and gave it a kiss. "But perhaps Yang wasn't wrong... Perhaps I was scared..."

He sighed and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "But I love you. Can you blame me?" He chuckled to himself while he sat on the floor by her head wandering.

There was a knock on the door and it slightly opened to reveal Sana with a steaming mug. She came in with a polite smile and handed it over to Yeonjun. "Here, some hot chocolate and with extra marshmallow." She said and sat beside him, staring affectionately at Hyun Ae. "Is she okay?"

Yeonjun took a sip from his cup and let the taste linger on his tongue as he relished it. "Yes," he said and then looked up, "will she get her memories back when she wakes up?"

Sana nodded. "Yes... Both her human and her soul's. Just like you." She said.

After Hyun Ae had gone, Sana and Namjoon had gone to Yeonjun and offered to perform the ritual of unlocking his soul's memories. Namjoon has conducted the same to Hyun Ae with an extra enchantment so it would be after her memory altercation. Even though it was against the laws of the Universe, today was different. It was full moon in Ophiuchus and since it was the 13th constellation, magic and witchcraft of any kind could pass through by the grace of the constellation's ruling Lord and Lady. And it was perfect for the climax they were about to enter... Now it was about time, they faced the truth they had been running away from.

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