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This is what happened after our Magic shop friends saved us from that dragon. Honestly, I don't know if I should say this but maybe that situation where we were busy figuring out what that dragon is and why it was after us much better than what we were facing right right now.

Me, Taehyun and Soobin were in a room of Kai and Taehyun's shared house with our heads hung down and stealing glances at each other wanting the other to speak first or explain who they were while Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Kai were glaring spears and daggers at us with their interrogative questions shooting out of their mouths towards us. In fact, Yeonjun looked the scariest. As if he was a frustrated dad trying to figure out how he raised such crazy children like us and honestly... He kind of, isn't to be blamed. On the other hand, Kai and Beomgyu just looked confused trying to put it all together.

Oh where were they? They were in the living room living the time of their lives. Literally.


"Hey that's mine!" Jungkook snatched the packet of chips from Taehyung who had casually taken it from the pantry and started munching on it.

"Yah!! How!?" Taehyung fired back.

"B-because... It's my favourite colour." The muscular man pouted, crossing his arms making Taehyung snort.

"Oh yeah? Well too bad! Last time I checked yellow was certainly not your favourite!"


That's it. And they both started chasing each other.

"Omg! I haven't cooked with human utensils in a while! Ooh let's see... Hmmm... Yah! Let's make kimchi jiggae! In winters, it's the best!" Jin exclaimed with a happy smile while readying the pot.

"Yes! I love kimchi jiggae!" Jimin chirped like a kid.

"Let me help hyung." Namjoon said walking in the kitchen.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea-"

Welp. Yoongi was just cut off with Namjoon accidentally shattering the porcelain plate.

"OH MY! JOON THIS IS NOT YOUR HOUSE!" Hoseok screamed feeling panic rush in him.

"Ahh!! Ahhhhh!!! AHHHH!!!"

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING SANA!?" Yoongi snapped looking at the girl with her big eyes almost popping out and dramatically running backwards without even caring if she'd knock something over.

"T-That's a FLYING COCKROACH!" the girl yelled.


"Hobi you need not scream like a little girl too now!" Yoongi whined smacking his head.

"Jimin! Jimin!!" Sana exclaimed. "Take that out of here!" She said as both her and Hoseok hid behind the couch to hide from the flying cockroach.

"Huh? Oh there!" Jimin stood up with a slipper in hand to kill it because well, he was used to it. He had always driven out bugs when Sana and his Hobi hyung were loosing their shit over them.

"...Don't kill it!" Sana quickly added in stopping Jimin in his tracks as he was about to smack it dead.

"Then what do you want me to do?" He groaned.

"Just... Drive it out!"


Yeah... That was the chaos all of them were causing out there... While here, it felt like we're waiting for a judgement from heaven if we'll be accepted by its golden gates or not.

"We can explain..." I trailed off.

"So why aren't you? We are asking for an explanation for the past," Yeonjun looked at his wrist watch, "20 minutes!"

"That's because—" I stopped. Um, I don't know what to say.

To this Yeonjun raised an eyebrow.

"—because it's too complicated to explain. Would you believe us if we told you that y'all died while gambling? Or... Or how about, Soobin was your guardian angel? Or no! What about this? Those people you see right there are from a place called Magic Shop in the Universe. They aren't human and better than angels because guess what? You are alive because of them!" Taehyun finally bursted out, pouring in the truth out there as me and Soobin gaped at him like a fish.

To this, Beomgyu, Kai and Yeonjun together shook their heads. Of course they didn't believe a single word Taehyun just said.

(SiKe! Surprised y'all, didn't I? XDSorry, just wanted to have some fun *evil laugh*)

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(SiKe! Surprised y'all, didn't I? XD
Sorry, just wanted to have some fun *evil laugh*)

"You don't tell us that dumb made up kids story actually wanting us to believe it!" Kai remarked which made Beomgyu laugh. Sarcastically, might I add.

"Kids story? No, my question is, this is no time for these jokes! Then why are you stalling it this way?? There are literally eight people who fell from the sky and I creating a havoc in our living room!" He said.

I sighed, ruffling my hair and looked at him directly. "That's a good point you said there. Actually... Why is it not believable huh? If eight people can drop from the sky and protect us from a literal freaking dragon trying to kill us, what Taehyun just told y'all shouldn't be hard to believe either. Anything and everything is possible."

Soobin who was quite all the while groaned and stomped his foot drawing everyone's attention to him. "Can we do the smart thing for once?"

"And what's this smart thing you want us to do?" Beomgyu asked crossly.

"Ask them about this. They can show y'all, the truth. That's my promise." He said exasperatedly.

"Wait we could do that?" Taehyun asked looking confused. We all were.

"Why didn't you tell us before???" I questioned as well. This was a big waste of time.

"I just..." Soobin sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I was scared. They just came out of nowhere and Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Kai were interrogating us like cops and I didn't know what to say. Everything in my brain just disappeared somehow and it went blank." He said looking down with his knitted eyebrows.

"...it's okay. We all know this was the hardest for you." I tried to reassure him, holding his shoulders with a firm grip to let him know that we aren't annoyed.

"So let's go... I guess?" Kai trailed off with his hands stuffed in his pockets looking so unsure that I'm sure he thought that he was stuck in a complex dream.

"Yeah sure. We need to stop th from breaking anything else." Yeonjun muttered as we all chuckled a bit and finally opened the door to go to them.


A/n : So I am back, and my exams went well :) I had updated in my message board about updating not before today but some of y'all didn't check so kept texting me. It's okay though, I'm so happy you guys love my story and support me so much!

Hence, I have a special Christmas chapter waiting y'all too (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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