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"Do you think he can still burn anyone to crisp if he's mad?" Taehyun wondered out loud while sitting on the couch and watching the football match.

"Never thought about it. He's in a human body is he not?" Soobin said smacking his lips together.

"It would be headlines in a small town like ours by now... If he did that." Beomgyu said nodding his head as he came and plopped on the couch next to Taehyun.

"Hyun Ae, honestly, just sit down. You look like a scarecrow just standing by the window waiting for him." Kai sighed as he looked back at the girl who was watching the empty, dimly lit street. A street lamp blinked occasionally, the light not seeming strong enough to hold fort long enough.

Hyun Ae turned around and sighed with a worried expression encapsulated within her features. "Yes but you guys said he'd be back long back. He's not here yet. I'm worried."

Soobin sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I can't believe I'm the one who is going to say this but-" He muttered and looked up about to speak but Beomgyu beat him to it. "Fine then you don't have to. I'll say it for you." He said with a shrug, stealing a chip from Kai. "Hyun Ae this is not like you. You're being way too paranoid and he's going to be okay. If anything you should be worried he'd lose his temper and murder some Karen if she cuts him in line at a supermarket or something." He said rolling his eyes.

"Hey! I was going to talk to her!" Soobin exclaimed throwing a cushion at Beomgyu as the latter dodged it with a chuckle and stuck his tongue out - the cushion flying straight for the girl and almost delivering a perfect knockout punch to her had it not been for her quickly holding her arm up to shield her face.

"Well I!" Hyun Ae sighed frustratedly trying to find the correct words to express herself as she huffed and picked up the cushion lying on her feet. "I just! I just... Oh God you're right. I'm worrying too much right? He... He... Did fall for me once. And fell for me again. There's no reason whatsoever why I can't make him forgive me and fall for me again. I made a mistake but that's all it was." She groaned and crossed her arms walking over to sit down, just when the bell rang to the front door and the girl dashed faster than a bolt.

"What... Just... Happened?" Taehyun blinked in surprise.

Kai shook his head and sighed. "She made a big speech about not being worried and ran like it was her last train to utopia she was about to miss."

"Yeonjun is her utopia I guess." Soobin snickered.

The other three boys just unanimously scrunched their nose in disgust as they glared at him. "You did not just say that. Disgusting." They gagged.


As soon as Hyun Ae opened the door, she was met with a surprised Yeonjun, although that impression was quickly gone in a matter of seconds as it morphed into a expression of cockiness. "Why hello there Angel, I see you were waiting eagerly for my return." And those words were not all that made her blank out momentarily into a brain fart but it was when he entered and ruffled her hair, finally going inside with two bags in his hands.

She blinked rapidly, staring at the door wondering if that just happened until she turned around hearing a few laughs and surprised whistles.

"Hyun Ae come here!" Taehyun exclaimed beckoning her over with a broad smile on his face. "Look Yeonjun got us gifts—" he stopped in tracks and fixed his gaze on top of her head.

"What?" She said shifting a little uncomfortably and raised her hand to touch where he was staring. Where he caressed her hair.

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