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The angel and devil were both a part of him, and they fought over and over again for her until Hell broke loose a curse inflicting it's damages on all.


I knocked on Soobin's door, a bit hesitant, wondering if he'd be awake or not. It was still too early, and anyone would be in a deep slumber, apart from those whose minds were a torment chamber of worries and doubts like mine. A soft "Come in," made my ears perk up.

"You're awake?" I ask softly as I walk in and push the door close. It's quite, but feels serene. The only brief sound is the padding of my feet as I make my way towards his bed before I take a seat at its edge and press my lips into a smile.

"Yeah, I'm not just a human, remember?" He chuckled and scooted closer, offering to cover my exposed legs with his blanket and took my hands in his, squeezing them gently. "You must be worried about Yeonjun, I figure?"

I nod. "I don't know what to do Soobin," I sigh. "I want him back... I miss him. Sana told me not to worry about it, that he'll come around because that's what happened to her. But I'm scared, what if Yeonjun is beyond that? I can't just wait around hoping for him to come back. I have to do something." I mumble.

Soobin smiles, his familiar dimples showing and patted my hands. "I'm up for anything you suggest. Honestly, I miss goofy Yeonjun too. While he is friendly with us, it's not all same."

I look up at him and pout. "I feel like I'm blanking..." I confess again and rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes to stop myself from feeling miserable, or cry, or just hold back whatever sadness was engulfing me whole and relax for just a moment.

Soobin hummed and there was that peaceful quite again. His hand gently stroked my hair and I wondered if he was thinking of something or just pitying me. He suddenly pushed me with a broad smile, holding my shoulders firmly. "I have an idea!" He grinned.

"What?" I almost gasp in excitement. It felt too good to be true, anything that possibly indicated that I'll have my Yeonjun back.

"See, it's already known now that we were all entities and those other three chumps were friends with Yeonjun. How about, they push him to embrace his true feelings and I push you to realise your own?" He smirked.

"My own?" I blinked feeling puzzled. "I already have my own memories and feelings." I say still not catching what he meant by it.

"Well no silly," he chuckled and flicked my forehead making me groan and glare at him. "Let's take a hiking trip, alright? We can start sharing stories which would prompt you and Yeonjun to open up and be more vulnerable to each other because we'll obviously be saying stories which involves you or you both. He has to concede!" He exclaimed.

"But he'll never agree to it!" I remark.

Soobin rolls his eyes. "He will for sure. We can easily convince him, and while he talks with Beomgyu, Kai and Taehyun, they'll keep talking about you and he'll be irritated but have to listen because they are best friends and then when he comes out for 'fresh air'," he air quotes. "We'd be in our tent, sharing stories of your past encounters with him. He has to melt." He says with a nod, as if affirming his sure shot plan and smiles proudly.

"Well... If you think it'll work..." I trail off but he quickly huffs and shushes me.

"It will!"


By the time, everyone was down for breakfast, the sun was up and shining and so much that no way it was morning still. As I looked up at the clock, my suspicions were confirmed. It was twenty minutes to twelve. Wow, we had an amazing sleep schedule. In my defence though, me and Soobin had fallen asleep while discussing our, or rather his, plan. Albeit, it woke me up with a cracking pain in my neck because that grand ass had flung his leg over my poor neck as I slept across with my legs almost dangling to the floor.

"You're no angel, you're a little devil." I groan at Soobin as I massage my neck while walking to the kitchen and almost cry dramatically.

"Oh shut up, you over dramatic doodly head." Soobin said rolling his eyes.

Our bickering is interrupted when we see breakfast is already laid on the table and Jimin comes with a plate of sunny side ups and a big smile. He sets the dishes and rubs his hands on the apron. "I took the liberty to make everyone's breakfasts. Eat up." He said cheerfully.

"Hyung... You didn't have to.." Soobin said with a bashful smile.

"No no, it's fine. With everything happening... It's the least we could do. Sana has fried the bacon and sausages and there's coffee," he said pointing towards the kettle. "I made the eggs." He said as he walked over to both of us and rubbed our hair. I couldn't help but stare at him a bit after what I heard from Sana. So they had their own hardships, we are not the only one. This means... We'll get through this too.

"Where's Sana?" Asked Kai has he grinned from the smell of the delicious breakfast.

"Oh, Yoongi hyung was fuming mad that Jungkook keeps having the excuse of not working because Sana and I aren't as well and Taehyung keeps slacking off so he asked us to be back immediately. She's gone already, and I'll go now." He said with a chuckle and shrugged.

"Hmmm work is a such a chore though." Taehyun giggled.

"Where's Yeonjun?" I blurted out, feeling a little guilty that it might seem insensitive that I'm only thinking about him but I couldn't help myself.

Everyone looked at me for a moment too long before Beomgyu answered. "Don't know... He was the one who woke us up. He was all ready and told us he won't be back till lunch."

I hummed as I settled into a frown wondering what he was up to now. Nonetheless, I nodded, a little absentmindedly before sighing loudly and breaking into a smile myself. I had to push my thoughts inflicting me constantly away for some time now.

"Breakfast looks delicious! Thank you so much! Let's eat!"


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