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"Start by taming the beast."

That is what I was told as if it were a mere chore like start by washing the dishes or wrangling the clothes out of the washing machine. To begin with, we had no idea where Yeonjun's evil other half was and what was he plotting next. It probably was something to do with attacking us, getting Yeonjun or harming us in some way but to do things differently we had to find him first. That's what we initially thought until Yeonjun said, "Unless... We let him find us. He wants me, he'll come after me—"

"—And wants to kill Hyun Ae too, hello??" Beomgyu sassed out getting an involuntary chuckle out of Kai who attracted all pairs of eyes on himself making him self conscious as he straightened up and crossed his arms. "Um sorry. Continue." He said putting two fingers on his lips to stop himself from talking or rather, laughing at the wrong time.

"Yes so, we just lure him in. Then I'll try to talk to him. He's my other part just like they told us, so he will at least listen to what I have to say right?" Yeonjun said as he looked at all of us one by one but no one spoke up, until he groaned and asked for our opinions.

"But don't you think that's risky? He's out for blood right now and he hates Hyun Ae. He blames her for everything, how are you going to tame that beast? He's too malicious and smart for that and he doesn't seem like one to settle for bargain at the moment." Soobin pointed out making Yeonjun hum.

"Can I speak?" I asked after a second.

"It's not a professional conference, just go ahead." Taehyun muttered. "Suggest something that can save our doomed asses."

I clear my throat and take a deep breath. I was slowly killing myself from within just by thinking of suggesting, what seemed to be, the riskiest idea for my life. Yet, I knew I had no other choice. I had to get it done and with the stakes so high... There was really no easy way to deal with this. "I'll directly confront him. Find out how to repair the damage."

I knew no one would be thrilled by it. And so when Beomgyu snorted a sarcastic laugh with a clap of his hands and said, "And in the process ask it to kill me and destroy my soul with his hi-fi oral laser stuff too!"

"Beomgyu!" I sighed. "I don't like this any more than you. Wait, let me correct it, in fact I hate this... But the faster we act, the better! Right?" I was almost pleading at this point. "We've gambled once. Let's gamble again."

The boys stared at me for what felt like ten uncomfortable minutes before Yeonjun replied breaking the silence. "Yes we've gambled, and do you remember where it got us? And you, you, Hyun Ae, are suggesting to gamble with your life. No." He simply said giving me the eyes which literally could be translated to, "And this is not up for discussion any longer."


"No buts."


"Say 'but' one more time and I swear to God I'll sit your butt down on a frying pan on high flame!" He glared.

"No wait, she doesn't have to die!" Came a third voice. We looked up to see the owner of it, and it was Jimin. He looked like he was in the midst of getting a brilliant idea. "I know! We give him something which will make him trust your intentions, that you're not against him but trying to make this things right!" He exclaimed.

"He's a villain, he won't go through a character development in a day." Said Hyuka and crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah? Last time I checked the Universe doesn't do 'heroes' and 'villains'. You speak like you know so much when all you know is bull—"

"Yoongi language." Namjoon cut in making the former roll his eyes, scoff and look away again going back to his preferred quietness.

Hyuka sighed and composed himself before speaking again. "Okay... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken like that before hearing you out." He said looking at Jimin sheepishly.

Jimin smiled and waved it off. "Don't worry about it! Anyway, what I was saying was... We know with his current wrath, giving him an olive branch would be as good as turning up dead... So we play him." He said and smirked a bit.

"Play him? How?" Yeonjun asked with his brows knitted together.

I make an 'o' shape with my lips as I get his meaning. "Wait! I get it! I think I do! I... I act like I have all the intentions of making things right!"

"Right! You go like a clever wolf in a vulnerable sheep's clothing. Make him believe you, trick him. And the best way to carry that out is... To actually make you feel that way." Sana grinned.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I ask as I examine the spark in her eyes. There was definitely something going on in that brain.

She looked over at her friends and looked back at me. "Magic! We alter your memories a little. If you believe what you tell him, then he'll believe you too. Technically, you'll trick him by not tricking him." She explained and moved her fingers like using an invisible wand.

"But what if we can't get her memories back?" Asked Yeonjun feeling a little concerned. To be honest, I was too. I had a feeling it was advanced magic if anything and what if something goes wrong and I lose my real memories forever. I could not afford that. No matter what.

"You doubt our abilities." Said Jungkook and chuckled.

I think for a moment and say, "Can I think for a moment about this?"

"We'll decide together—" Beomgyu started but then I looked at him and back at Sana. "Alone." I said.

My friends looked at me and gaped like a fish. They probably did not trust me on my instincts right now. After all, I was the who suggested that I walk right into Yang's lair.

"No problem... Think about it carefully. Namjoon will perform that memory alteration magic because he's the most skilled out of all of us. But remember Hyun-Ae, time is running out." Sana said with a kind yet troubled look on her face.

"How much time do we have?" I ask softly.

"Till Yang can get his claws on Yeonjun." Said Yoongi.

Great. So time here, was extremely subjective. For all we know, Yang has already properly schemed how to get Yeonjun back with him, kill me, torment me before that and get his revenge. Worse, he can unleash his wrath on the entire world for how he's suffered alone for so long.

I give a firm nod in understanding.


"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Sana asks softly as she sits beside me in the garden.

I shrug, still feeling a little nervous. "I really don't know... If what you guys say is all true... It'd be much helpful if I had all my memories."

She chuckled and keeps her warm hand on mine, squeezing it a little. It felt comforting. I had no idea, how cold and clammy my hands had gotten. "It's all your soul's memories Hyun-Ae. I have a hunch, you'll figure everything out when you need it the most."

"How... How are you so sure?" I ask as I stare into her eyes. They're warm, soft, comforting, everything that Yang's eyes were not.

"Because we're family." She said and winked my way.

I blinked unable to understand and I open my mouth, shutting it again, trying to understand what she meant by that.

"Don't worry, it's all in here. You're not my long lost sister if you're worried about that. But you'll get it when you get your true form and memories too, angel~" she cooed and brushed my hair back, standing up. "I'll be inside."

I watched her figure walking away from me as I finally made up mind. Before I could have a chance to question myself or second guess again, I ran up to her and held her hand. "I'm ready."

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