Home Run(Ness x Reader)

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(Y/N) P.O.V:

 I was at my apartment, taking a nap, when my phone rang on the bedside. I groaned and reached for it. It was my best friend calling, so I picked up and tried not to sound like I'd been asleep. "Hello?"

"(Y/N)! How've you been??" She sounded like she was in a good mood.

"I was sleeping..."

"Sleeping? It's so nice outside and you're inside sleeping??"

"I mean, there's nothing for me to do-"

She cut me off. "Well, I think I found something fun for us to do today! I bought two tickets to a baseball game. The Fourside Foppies will be playing. Wanna come with me?"

I didn't want to go anywhere, but I know she must have spent quite a bit to get these tickets. Besides, I might actually enjoy the game, and I haven't been at a baseball game in years.

"I guess I'll go."

"Yay! Thanks (Y/N)! I'll be at your place to pick you up in 45 minutes." She hung up.

I got out of bed and began getting ready to leave. I took a shower, put on a (white or black) hoodie and jeans with (favorite color) Converse, and waited for my best friend to show up.

She knocked on the door, and we both left the complex and got in her car. "You look nice! You're lucky it isn't too hot outside to wear a hoodie."

I shrugged, and she began driving to the Fourside Baseball Stadium.

When we got there, we both got out of the car and presented our tickets at the front. My best friend got sodas for us, and we sat in our seats.

It was kind of nice, but at the same time, I felt sort of sad coming here. Not that I don't like baseball, but it always reminded me of an old friend.

Back when I used to live in Onett, I was next-door neighbors with a kid named Ness. We became very good friends because of this, and Ness was always inviting me to come play games with him. His favorite thing to do was play baseball with me and some other kids. 

After a few years, I began to fall for him. He was a good kid in school, he mostly listened to his mother, he was a cute looking boy, and he was overall a kind and fun kid. Sadly, my dad ended up getting a job in Threed when I turned 14, so I had to move away from my crush. I'm 21 currently, and I still haven't seen him since.

I was snapped out of my daydream when my best friend nudged me, hard, on the shoulder purposely. "The game's gonna start in five minutes!"

I nodded and put my head on her shoulder.

Ness P.O.V:

I was with my teammates, getting ready for the game. We were listening to the coach when I saw a girl pass by. Huh, she kind of looks like someone I knew.

Back when I was in grade school, I used to be good friends with my next-door neighbor, a girl named (Y/N). She used to play baseball with me sometimes, and I think I caught feelings for her after a while. She was nice, shy, and I remember her being really cute.

I guess I zoned out for a while, because a teammate came up behind me and slapped me on the back. "You ready?"

I turned around and smiled. "I guess so."

He smiled back. "That's great! You bat first, like usual. Good luck."

I nodded. "Same to you."

I stepped out on the field, with the team behind me. The stadium cheered, and I took my place at home plate.

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